State Constitutions
Constitutions made by the states which made laws more specific
Articles of Conferderation
Ratified in 1781, 1st constitution providing framework for national government limited central authority by denying government taxation
The Federalist Number
James Madison thought competing factions would neutralize each other
Land Ordinance of 1785
grid patttern used to settle land, minimum purchase of $640 for one square mile
Northwest Ordinance of 1787
Legislation that formulated plans for government's northwest territory; defined procedure for territories and prevented slavery North of Ohio River
Shay's Rebellion
led by Daniel Shay, armed in surrection of farmers in Western Mass
Virginia Plan
offered by James Madison and virginian delegation, new government with strong executive office, 2 houses of Congress and promotional representation
New Jersey Plan
Called for strong national government with 1 house of Congress and equal reps for all states
Opposed the Constitution, distrusted any government removed from direct control of the people, suspected the new constitution favored the rich and powerful
Bill of Rights
1-10 ammendments to the US Constitution adopted in1791 to preserve the rights of individuals
Judiciary Act of 1789
Created a national court system with 3 circuit courts and 13 district courts, and supreme court; supreme court would settle differences between state and federal laws
Report on Manufacturers
1791; sought federal encouragements for maufacturing protective tariffs and industrial bounties
Jay's Treaty
Controcersial treaty with Britain negotiated by chief justice, John Jay in 1794, to settle grievances tavert war. British agreed to surrender forts on U.S. territory, treaty failed to realize key diplomatic goals and provoked a storm of protest in America
Whiskey Rebellion
1794, West pennsylvania, Farmers resisting payment of federal tax on whiskey
XYZ Affair
American peace commissioners sent to France by John Adams, were insulted by their French counterparts dubbed XYZ in American Newspapers, heightened war with France
Navel war between the French and the United States
Alien and Sedition Acts
Purpose to silence, Republicans first civil liberties; takes away freedom of speech
Virginia and Kentucky Resolution
Said states have final sau in determining constitutionality of Federal States
Election of 1800
Hamiltons high federalists led campaign to replace Adams with Pickney; transfer from Republicans to Federalists
Bank of the United States
National bank proposed by Alexander Hamilton in 1791; served as central depositary for the United States government and had the authoricity to issue currency
Indian leader of Shawnee, defeated in war of 1812
Albert Gaallatin
Treasury, was a swiss born financer who understood the complexities of the Federal budget under Jefferson
Louisiana Purchase
U.S. acquisition of the Louisiana territory from France in 1803 for $15 million. Purchase secured American control of the Mississippi River and doubled the size of overload expedition to pacific coast
Lewis and Clark Expedition
Meriwhether Lewis and William Clark commissioned by Jefferson the exploration of the far west brought back alot of scientific data about the country and its resources.
Barbary States
North African Atates of Tanger, Algien, Tripoli, and Tunis were pirates who preyed on commercial shipping
Marbury v. Madison
Supreme Court; 1st asserted the power of Judicial review by acclaining the judiciary act of 1789 unconstitutional.
John Randolph
House of Representatives, thought Jefferson had betrayed the Republican party; despised commercial capitalism
Aaron Burr
Killed hamilton in a duel, vice-president to Jefferson- Republican
"War Hawks"
congressional leaders who called for war against Britain to defend the national honor and force Britain to respect Americans maritine rights
Treaty of Ghent
ended the war of 1812;
Treaty of Ghent
ended war of 1812; all old boundaries between U.S. and British in N.A. were restored; didn't solve anything.
Adams-Onis Treaty
Signed by secretary of state, John Q. Adams and Spanish minister Luis de Onis.
Claims Associations
Formed by Squattes; formed petition to be able to buy land
Preemption Rights
purchase of the Indians by the government
National Road
Between cumberland and vandalia IL.; crushed by stones and bridges
Erie Canal
Most spectacular engineering achievement of the young republic Economic success, reduced erst of moving goods from Buffalo to Albany
Cotton Gin
invented by Eli Whitney, 1793; seperates the seeds from the fibers of short-staple cotton enabled a slave to clean 50 times more cotton as by hand
Putting-Out System
provided raw materials to people in their homes
American System
a national economic strategy championed by Kentucky senator Henry Clay; American System stressed high tariffs and interned improvements
Era of a Good Feeling
James Monroe during the pastisan conflict abuted and bold federal initiatives
McCulloh v. Maryland
implied powers doctrine states; states cannot tax or regulate Federal agencies
political culture of white man citizens in 1820's should be drawn from the celebrated "self made men" and rejected the idea that leaders intelectual. move participation of white males in election process
Corrupt Bargain
Clay diverted his votes to Adams and he got Secretary of State
Spoils System
Rotation of Office, holder when a new press came into power
independent subtreasury
Van Buren's solutionto law Fed. funds was to establish apublic depository
Indian Removal
Georgia bought land in the Cherokee borders, Cherokee were pushed out of South into West
Trail of Tears
1838-1839; Cherokee were forced out to the West
Nullification Crisis
Right of any state to declare a federal law
The Bank War
Andrew Jackson, used his president power to fight and destroy 2nd national bank
The Whigs
Political faction that dominated Parliament
Specie Circular
Order that required purchasers of public land to pay in gold and silver rather than paper money