Unit 2 Psychology

  1. peripheral nervous system
    nerves branching out from spinal cord
  2. neurons
    long, thin cells of nerve tissue along which messages travel to/from the brain
  3. neurotransmitters
    chemicals released by neurons which determine the rate at which neurons fire
  4. pituitary gland
    center of control of the endocrine system that secretes a large number of hormones
  5. somatic nervous system
    part of PNS; controls voluntary movement of skeletal muscles
  6. autonomic nervous system
    part of the PNS; controls internal bio. functions
  7. EEG/electroencephalograph
    machine used to record the electrical activity of large portions of the brain
  8. CAT/computerized axial tomography
    imaging technique used to study the brain to pinpoint injuries and brain deterioration
  9. PET/positron emission tomography
    imaging technique used to see which brain areas are being activated while performing tasks
  10. MRI/magnetic resonance imaging
    imaging technique used to study brain structure and activity
  11. midbrain
    small part above pons; integrates sensory info. & relays it upward
  12. forebrain
    part of brain that covers brain's central core
  13. hindbrain
    part of brain at rear base of skull; involved in basic processes of life
  14. hormones
    chem. substances that carry messages through the body in the blood
  15. thyroid gland
    produces thyroxine; controls metabolic rate
  16. adrenal gland
    release epinephrine & norepinephrine; heartbeat & breathing increase & heightens emotions; prepares for fight/flight
  17. sex glands
    affect physical & sexual development
  18. heredity
    genetic transmission of characteristics from parents to offspring
  19. REM sleep
    stage of sleep with rapid eye movement, high brain activity, deep relaxation of muscles, and dreaming
  20. circadian rhythm
    the rhythm of activity and inactivity lasting approx. 1 day
  21. biofeedback
    process of learning to control bodily states with the help of machines monitoring the states to be controlled
  22. meditiation
    the focusing of one's mind and produce relaxation
  23. hypnosis
    a state of consciousness resulting from a narrowed focus of attention and characterized by heightened suggestibility
  24. psychactive drugs
    chemicals that affect the nervous system and result in altered consciouness
  25. absolute threshold
    the weakest amount of a stimulus that a person can detect half the time
  26. Weber's law
    the principle that for any chagne in a stimulus to be detected, a constant proportion of that stimulus must be added or subtracted
  27. signal detection
    the study of people's tendencies to make correct jusgements in detecting the prescence of stimuli
  28. sensation
    what occurs when a stimulus activates a receptor
  29. perception
    the organization of sensory information into meaningful experiences
  30. kinesthesis
    the sense of movement and body position
  31. Gestalt
    the experience that comes from organizing bits and pieces of info. into meaningful wholes
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Unit 2 Psychology
Unit 2 Psychology Vocab