Perceived susceptibility
belief about the chances or risk of getting a certain disease (HBM)
Perceived severity
belief about how serious a disease or condition is (HBM)
Perceived benefits
belief about how efficacious the advised action to reduce disease impact is (HBM)
Perceived barriers
belief about the costs (psychologically and tangible) of the proposed action (HBM)
Cues to action
strategies to promote action, activate "readiness" (HBM)
Behavioral beliefs
beliefs about the specific outcomes of a behavior (measured by differential scale, “My using a condom the next time I have sex will help protect me from STDs : likely-->unlikely) TRA/TPB
Evaluation of behavioral outcomes
value attached to a behavioral outcome (Protecting myself from getting STDs is: good-->bad) TRA/TPB
Normative beliefs
belief about whether referent ppl approve or disapprove of a behavior (“My friends/partner think I: should→shouldn’t use condoms the next time I have sex”) TRA/TPB
Motivation to comply
an individual’s motivation to do what a referent thinks they should do (“How much do you want to do what your partner thinks you should do? Not much at all→Very”) TRA/TPB
Control belief
perceived likelihood of occurrence of each facilitating or constraining condition (“How likely is it that you can persuade your partner to use condoms the next time you have sex? Likely→unlikely”) TRA/TPB
Perceived power
perceived effect of each condition, making it easier or harder (“How easy or difficult will it be to persuade your partner to use condoms the next time you have sex? Easy→difficult”) TRA/TPB
Consciousness raising
increasing awareness about causes, consequences and cures for a particular problem behavior (education, feedback, media campaigns) SOC
Dramatic Relief
produces increased emotional experience/response, followed by a reduced affect if appropriate action is taken (personal testimonies, media campaigns, grieving) SOC
cognitive and affective assessments of one’s self-image with and without a particular unhealthy habit (value clarification, imagery, role models) SOC
Environmental reevaluation
cognitive and affective assessments of how the presence/absence of a habit affects one’s social environment (“look how alcoholism affects the family”, family interventions) SOC
the belief that one can change and the recurring commitment to act on that belief (ie willpower, new year’s resolutions) SOC
Social liberation
increasing social opportunities to avoid bad habits, especially when deprived/oppressed (empowerment, policies, ie “take back the night”) SOC
Counter conditioning
learning healthier behaviors to substitute for problem behaviors (NRT, healthier eating, positive self-take) SOC
Stimulus control
removes cues for unhealthy habits, adds prompts for healthier alternatives (self-help/support groups, avoidance ie not going to a bar) SOC
Contingency/Reinforcement management
providing consequences for taking steps in a direction (usually rewards/incentives, group recognition ie weight watchers) SOC
Helping relationships
combine caring, trust, openness, acceptance and support for healthy behavior change (rapport building, health coaching/workout partner, ie dissertation support group) SOC
Decisional balance
pros/cons of changing (gains/costs for self and others) SOC
Self efficacy
confidence that one can engage in the healthy behavior across challenging situations (“are you confident you can go to the party and not relapse?”) SOC
temptation to engage in the unhealthy behavior across challenging situations (“how strong is the temptation to drink at the party?”) SOC
no intention to take action in the next 6 months
intends to take action in the next 6 months, weighing benefits/costs of behavior
intends to take action in the next 30 days, and has taken some steps in this direction
changed overt behavior for less than 6 months
maintaining new behavior over time (6+ months)
No temptation to relapse and 100% confidence
Reciprocal determinism
environmental factors influence individuals and groups, and visa-versa SCT
Outcome expectations
beliefs about the likelihood and value of the consequences of behavioral choices (ie changing expectations about the pleasure associated with condoms) SCT
Collective efficacy
beliefs about the ability of a group to perform concerted actions to bring desired outcomes (organizing environmental changes) SCT
Observational learning
learning new behaviors via exposure to displays of them, particularly peer modeling SCT
Incentive motivation
the use/misuse of rewards/punishments to modify behavior (laws, taxes, and their good/bad consequences) SCT
providing tools, resources, environmental changes to make new behaviors easier to perform (tangible tools like condoms, skill building) SCT
controlling oneself through self-monitoring, goal-setting, feedback, reward, enlistment of social support (telephone counseling) SCT
Moral disengagement
ways of thinking about harmful behaviors/those who are harmed in a way that makes inflicting suffering acceptable by disengaging from self-regulatory moral standards SCT
North Karelia Project – mass media campaigns as a reality tv show with peer modeling, environmental change by subsidizing farmers to switch to berries from dairy SCT
American Cancer Society Telephone Counseling for TC – service to help smokers quit through guided self-regulation (self monitoring, goal-setting, feedback, etc) SCT
A set of concepts, constructs, and variables that explain or predict the relationship between events or things. Concise, cohesive
A way of thinking about a problem, not focusing on the relationships but on the way of approaching the problem
Conceptual model
A diagram of proposed causal relationships among variables, related to a specific model, and simplified to include the important variables.
Enhancing existing network linkages
training of network members in skills to provide support, train focal individual in mobilizing/maintaining social networks
Developing new social network linkages
linking to mentors, self-help groups, buddy system, ppl who have undergone similar situations
Enhance networks through indigenous natural helpers/community health workers
identify CHWs, training in health topics for these individuals, promotores
Enhancing networks through community capacity building and problem solving
facilitating community problem identification and problem-solving (ie “Tenderloin Senior Outreach”), increases community role in fixing problems, lets members turn to each other
Social support
functional content of relationships that involve 4 kinds of supportive actions: emotional support, instrumental support, informational support, appraisal support
Social network
web of relational linkages between people that may provide support or other functions
Social capital
feature of social organization that facilitates cooperation and coordination for mutual benefit