Adler EGO
Adler feld EGO was creative not reactive
bringing ideas to fruition was the purpose of mankind
Adler Oedipus complex
male child does not attempt to posses the mother, but strives to attain superiority over his father
Adler Narcissim vs social interest
Contratry to frued, Adler felt narccism went against human tendency and was a deficency.
though that humans should develope a healthy social interest in the wellbeing of others
Adlers Motivation toward goals or staifying drives
did not think people were motivated by silencing the discomfort of biological needs, but rather a motivation to acheive their goals
Adler Unity vs Fragmentation
though personality tended toward becoming a whole unit. Unlike frued wo had them being fragmented opposing parts
adler dreams
attempt to solve problems of the concious world
Adler - Organ Inferiority
Felt that physicals inferiorities drove people to overcompensate and use these new skills as careers, ect.
Adler - Drive
Drives are several components that all work together to make the person function.
Drives can be transfored to the opposite- drive to eat become annorexia
Displacement - love for father transfers to love for another authority
Inward redirection- Drive to see becomes drive to be looked at
displacement onto a strong drive - blocking sex drive increases drive to look at sex
Adler- Masculine protests
drive for men and women to strive for superiority
peoples organ inferiorites translate fellings of being less than others.
adler neurotic personalities
person becomes obseessed with protecting ones self, compensation for feelings of inferioriy
adler - safegaurding strarigies
- excuses or rationalizing
- - reasons to escape lifes demands
- aggressive startegies
- - depreication
- -accusation
- -self accusation (guilt)
- distanceing strategies
- -moving backward
- -standing still
- -hesitation
- -constructing obsticles
adlers life tasks
- Occupational - feeling of inferiority can only be quelled by meaningful work
- Societal - make the world a better place
- Love - continue mankind
all tasks are interelated and neccessary to solving the problem of life
adler - personality types
Ruling Dominant - assertive, agressive, manipulate and master life. minmal social interest and little empathy. May become antisocial
Getting-Leaning Type - freeloaders, little social interets and low activity levels
Avoidant - acheive mastery by avoiding defeat. Low social interest and even lower activity levels
Socially Useful - high activity, high social interest and empathy
Ader Birth order
Oldest child - prepares itself for being alone because 2nd child took all attention. facinated with the past. or may become the helper by immitating mom/dad
Second born - strives to out achieve the first born, unless the first is so advanced that they give up.
youngest child - pampered throughout life, strives to achieve, causes the second most problems as a child. can be very ambition
only child - pampered by mom. rival of the father. can develop charm to make others like them
Freud - Dreams
disguised wish fulfillment
- Two systems:
- Unconcious - wishes emerge
- preconcious censorship - prevent wishes from freely intering the concious
Freud: ID, EGO Superego
ID - striving to bring the satifaction of instinctual needs
EGO - analyze the environment and learn to bringa bout changes that are benificial to survival, gain control over the expression of instincts
Superego - the conscience of the mind. grows stronger with every denial of instinct. works conciously and unconciously.
Freuds stages of developement
Birth - global feelings of flooding, distress, helplessness
oral stage - yr 1 fear of loss of the love object (mother)
Anal stage - 2-3yr Fear of loss of the object's love
Phallic phase - 4-6yrs castration fear and anxiety over injury
Post-oedipal though adulthood - Fear of superego censure: negative self judements
Frueds personalitie
Oral - prone to use of repression and denial
Anna - Child therapy technique
- prepratory phase - child comes to respect the superior skills of an adult.
- stage one -mirror childs moods
- stage two - make yourself useful to child
- stage three - demonstrate that analysis has practical advanges ( confessing bad deed to parents, minimiszing punishment)
Anna Metaphysical Assessment
fromal organization of data from patients into a coheisive profile.
Anna - Developmental Lines
- 1. Dependency to emotional self reliance
- 2. suckling to rational eating
- 3. wetting/soiling to blatter/bowel control
- 4. Irresponsible to responsible body management
- 5. body to toy and from play to work
- 6. egocentricity to companionship
Anna - observation
realized that children are effected by current environmental factor and added observational information into the data collected when treating a child patient.
Erickson - Ego integrity
Theory that the ego is essintial to personality and is developed through a series of crisisies that lead to an indivduals ability (or lack of ) to love and work. (which is the ideal state)
Erickson, ego crisis
- trust/mistruct - infancy
- Autonomy/shame,doubt - early childhood
- Initiative/guilt - childhood (play age)
- Industy/inferiority - (school age)
- Identity/ role confusion - (adolescence)
- Intimacy/isolation - young adult
- Generativity/stagnation - Mature adult
- Ego integrity/despair - Old age