complete fracture
a fractuure which both cortices of bone have been disrupted.
incomplete fracture
- a fracture that involves only one cortex of bone
- commone in kids
greenstick fracture
- incomplete fracture of the long bones of extremities
- seen only in kids
- bone bows out so you know theres a fracture but you can't see it
torus fracture
- incomplete fracture of the long bones of extremitiesseen only in kids
- bulge (looks like a roman pillar) it's typticaly only in one spot
- because of that you have to look at all views
- primary location is distal radius
closed fracture
- "simple"
- factures is covered by intact skin
emulsion fracture
muscle rips off the bone
open fracture
- "compound"
- is not covered by intact skin
- there is communication between the fracture and the outside enviornment
- it is suscepticble to infection (toes and fingers)
comminute fracture
fracture that has more than 2 fracture fragments
transvers fracture
- in long bones
- suggestive of pathology
oblique fractre
common in long bones
vertical fracture
more common in small bones
- suggests a rotatiional mechanism of injury
- if see clean fratures in multiple views
displacement of fracutre fragments
avulsed, impacted and distracted
aculsed fracture
- a ligamentous of tendinous insertion site
- the frament is pulled away fromt he parent bone
- forces produce a compression of bone
- impaction of trabeculae on each other
- look for a white zone of condensation
fracture framents areheld apart by interposed soft tissues or muscle pull
how are the 2 fracture ends doing? do the need to be pinned or are they alligned?
typically let kids be even if bad apposition bc the bones will still grow back together
stress fracture
- fatigue fracture
- insufficiency fracture
they creep up on you ie. from running
fatigue fracture
- a fracture produced by abnormal stress of NORMAL bone
- athletes
insufficiency fracture
a fracture produced by normal stress on ABNORMAL bone ie. osteoporosis
burst fracture
comminuted fracure of a vertebral body produced by an axial load on a neutral spine
fracture fragments displace anteriorly and posteriorly
associated with injury to the spinal cord
T1 vs T2 mri
- T1- fat bright
- T2 - H2O bright
for fractures get a ster image b/c fracture will light up
stability vs instability
- assessed with spinal injuries
- potential for injury to the spinal cord
- many different differing opinions
- if unstable you'll probably need to refer out
three columns of the spine
- anterior: ALL and ant 2/3 of vert body and disc
- middle: PLL and post 1/3 body and disc
- posterior: post arch and ligaments (pedicle, TPs, laminae, articular facets, SPs)
rule with 3 columns and stability
injuries involving one column are likely to be stable
injuries involving 2 or 3 are likely to be unstable and will likely result in neurologic injury
flexed neck with flexion injury causes
- dens
- SP
- bilat facet dislocation
flexed neck with compression injury causes
wedge teardrop
neutral neck with compression injury causes
extended neck with compression injury causes
- SP
- hyperextention fracture/dislocation
extended neck with extension injury causes
extended neck with distraction injury causes
rotacted neck with flexion injury causes
unilat facet dislocation
roated neck with commpression injury causes
rotated neck with extension injury causes
laterally flexed neck with comprassion injury causes
- lat wedge body fracture
- facet
lat flexed neck with lat flexion injury causes
- lat wedge body fracture
- facet
checklist for spinal instability
- ant elements destroyed - 2 pts
- post elements destroyed - 2 pts
- a/p translation > 3.5 mm- 2 pts
- flex/ext >11 degreees between levels - 2 pts
- cord damage - 2 pts
- root damage - 1 pt
- abnormal disc narrowing - 1 pt
- dangerous loading anticipated - 1 pt
rules with checklist for stability
5+ pts = unstable
flex and ext views are used for a lot of them
designed by white
the big ones are the A/P translation and flex/ext >11 degrees
a/p translation > 3.5 mm
- use georges line
- if > 3.5 dr. major considers in unstable no matter what
- adding up flex and ext views need to be <3.5
retropharyngeal soft tissure
6@2 - check at c2 shouldnt exceed 6mm
retrotraheal interspace
- 22@6
- at C6 shouldn't exceed 22 in adult
- and 14 in kids
precervical fat stripe
- parallels the ant longitudinal lig to C6
- can be displaced by edema and hemorrhage
loss of lordosis in cervical spine
- secondary to muscle spasm
- hard b/c don't know what pat looked like before
acute kyphotic angulation
indicates ligametous disruption (nucal and interspinal lig)
will be seen with facet subluxations and disloc
- muscle spasm
- antlant-axial rotary fixations
- nilateral facet dislocation
widened interspinous space
at each level the interspinous distance should not exceed 1.5 times the levels aboce and below
measure from base of the SP not tip
rotation of vert bodies
will see double contour of the post vert bodies
increased atlanto-dental interspace
- upper limits of normal
- 3mm for adults
- 5mm for kids
if increased= may gape with flex/ext injuries
anterior atlanto-axial subluxations
less common than dens fractures due to strength of transverse lig
produced by head injury
differentially diagnose from v-shaped ADI wich is noral variant
evaluate spinolaminar junction line ( lower limit of normal for central canal at C1 is 16)
central canal diameter
Targs = 80% of vert body diameter
- A-P dameter
- C-16
- C2-14
- C3-13
- C4-12
atlanto-axial roatary fixatoin
unknown etiolgoy- may be due to laxity of capsular structures, alar and transverse lig
may occur following upper respiratory tract infection or trauma
patient presents with torticollis (unlike normal tort the mm spasm is onthe long SCM side)
rot views with opten mouth and CT scans
treatemtn: traction or maybe surgery
R lat mass larger means L rot
Post arch fracture of C1
- MC fracture of C1 but still not common
- MOI is axial compression and hyperextenssion
- Fracture occus through sulsuc for vertebral artery
- opten associated with SP fracture in the lower cervical spine
jefferson fracture
- burst fracture of C1
- MOI is axial compression
- Best visualized on the APOM view-appears as offset of the lateral masses of C1-C2
- over 8 mm of offset indicated tearing of the transverse lig
- *if C1 lat mass more lat then C2
- don't confuse with "pseudo-jefferson's fract" in kids
- arounf 4 yrs old atlas grows faster than axis -prod offset of lat masses on the APOM view
- axis catches up around 10
odontoid fracture
- MOI: ant frct/disloc = hyperflex
- post fract/disloc = hyperext
- lat displacement = lat flex\
- S&S may be mild
- oblique views may help
- diff diag: physiologic post tilt of dens, mach bands, ossiculum terminaale (type 1), os odontoideum (type 2), normal synchondrosis in kids
classification for dens fractures
- Type 1= fract of the apex of dens, rare, stable, oblique
- Type 2= fract throughthebase of dens, MC, unstable
- Type 3= fract extends into body (cancellous bone) of C2, unstable
get MRI w/ all of them
os odontoideum
- considered by many to represent an old, ununited frature of the odontoid process
- must be assessed for stability
- if see not from an acute fracture
- could be congenital?
hangman's frature
- bilat fract through lat pars interarticularis
- *traumatic spondyolisthesis of C1 & C2
- MOI is hyperextension
- often seen as a result of car accident when head hits windshield
- can be through pedicles as well
- can even go through body of C1 and C2
SP fracture
- Rare at C2
- ununited SP apphysis may mimic a fracture
- if secondary growth ceneter it would be inline with main pies of bone
- if old fracture- displaced from line of main piece of bone
vertebral body fracture
- MOI = hyper flexion
- appear as fracture of ant vert body margin
- often confused with normal cariants or DDD
- post cert body height has t be pretty unchacned for compression fracture
- if it is decreased means burst fracture
fracture fake outs
- intercalary bone
- developmental platyspondylyl
- normal cert body apophysis
- comminuted fracture of the vert body
- MOI axial compression on neutral spine
- risk of neuro deficit from post projected framents
- post and and aspect body involved
- unstable b'/c damage to 2 columns
what color is bone on a CT
compression fracture
only ant vert body affected and smooshed
post arch fractures
- MC loc for fractures in cervical spine
- account for 50%of cerv spine fract
art pillar fractures
- most at C5-C6
- hyperextension
focal pain over an art pillar
CT would allow for definitive and get CT if pat arent responding to conservative care or who show neuro deficit