1. A system of resources and personnel necessary to provide immediate care to ill and injured patients?
    Emergency medical services system
  2. Most of the growth and technical development prehospital emergency care emerged from what?
  3. What is the leading cause of trauma deaths?
    Motor vehicle crashes
  4. The intersection of hospital and prehospital care?
    Emergency Department
  5. Trained individuals who provides initial life-sustaining care (AED/CPR) with minimal equipment
    Emergency medical responder
  6. The accountability of field care by a physician through the use of radio or telephone communications.
    Online medical direction
  7. Responsible for prioritizing calls, communicating with EMS providers, and giving phone instructions to bystanders
  8. Usually the first medical person to see the patient
  9. Active participation of physicians overseeing medical care in the EMS System
    Medical Direction
  10. The Cival War is noted for the first use in the United States of what?
    Mobile Surgical Units
  11. The Korean War saw the first use of what?
    Helicopters to provide rapid transport of casualities
  12. Michael Reese Hospital in Chicago is credited with the first use of what?
    Motorized ambulances
  13. Trauma is the leading cause of death in the age group of?
    1 to 45
  14. The National Academy of Sciences published a landmark study called "Accidental Death and Disability: the Neglected Disease of Modern Society" in:
  15. This component of the EMSS provides stabilizing measures to prehospital patients before transfer to the operating room or critical care unit.
    Emergency Department
  16. This person is often the first to help the patient
    Lay rescuer
  17. Hospital designation and part of EMSS that uses capabilities in different areas of care such as trauma, burns, neonatology, and replantation
    Specialty referral center
  18. Part of EMSS bring to scene the first medical personnel that patients are likely to encounter. May use either basic or advanced life skills to support and stabilize a critical patient
    Emergency medical responders
  19. Primary roles of the EMT in most systems
    Patient assessment, patient care, and transfer of patient to hospital staff
  20. "Acting requisite to the body of knowledge which defines the service and abilities of the professional...according to the oath of the profession. Historically first applied to religious vows..."
  21. Person who interprets the EKG, performs invasive airway skills, and has a more broadly based knowledge of pharmacology best describes who?
  22. Provides a system on internal and external reviews and provides immunity from liability for the EMT
    Quality Improvement programs.
  23. Running reviews, audits, and gathering feedback from patients and hospital staff are components of:
    The quality improvement process
  24. Online medical directions means:
    Speaking directly with a physician for advice, by telephone or radio from the patient's side
  25. Offline medical direction is:
    Standing orders and written protocols
  26. The first link in the American Heart Association's "chain of survival" is:
  27. Six methods the EMT may use as part of his or her role in quality improvement:
    • 1. review hospital documentation to ensure accuracy
    • 2. review ambulance runs to determine the type and quality of care
    • 3. gathering feedback from patients and hospital personnel
    • 4. providing continuing education
    • 5. preventative maintenance on equipment and vehicles
    • 6. maintaining personal skills
  28. Leader for hospital and prehospital pesonnel
  29. What is Triage?
    Sorting according to medical need
  30. What is assessment?
    A systematic collection and analysis of information obtained through examination
  31. Extrication
    Process by which entrapped patients are rescued
  32. System of reviews and audits of all aspects of an EMS system
    Quality Improvement
  33. HEPA Mask
    Type of mask worn when treating a patient with suspected TB
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