Gov Test 2

  1. Three Adjectives that President Taft used to label the supporters of Theodore Roosevelt:
    • 1)Political emotionalists
    • 2)Destructive Radicals
    • 3)Neurotics
  2. The Argentinian President who in the decade of the 1990's followed the dictates and recommendations of the IMF International Monetary Fund:
    Carlso Menem
  3. Give two examples of campaign strategies recommended by Beckel and Thomas to end polarization:
    • 1)Give credit to your opponent where credit is due and
    • 2)Last year both candidates should have held 10 taown hall type debates in front of every day Americans.
  4. 1)The individual rights and freedoms that government is obliged to protect, normally by not interfering in the exercise of these rights and freedoms are called:
    Civil liberties.
  5. Procedural safeguards that government officials are obligated to follow prior to restricting rights to life liberty and property are:
    Due process
  6. The process in the 14th Amendment where the protections of the Bill of Rights were extended to the states is known as:
    Selective Incorporation
  7. The attempt by government officials to prevent speech prior to its utterance or publication is known as is known as:
    Prior restraint
  8. A free speech standard which took as its starting point a presumption that government restrictions on speech were reasonable and constitutional, thus leaving the burden of proof to those who objected to the restriction is called:
    Standard of presumed reasonableness.
  9. The idea endorsed by the Supreme Court, that the First Amendment predominates over the other amendments, and that within the amendment free speech predominates over the other protections of rights which means that restrictions on it should be done narrowly and reluctantly, and therefore speech should prevail when in conflict with other rights is known as:
    Preferred position
  10. Guarantees of equal opportunities, privileges and treatments under the law that allow individuals to participate fully and equally in American society are called
    Civil rights
  11. Clause in the 14th Amendment stating that states were not to deny any person equal treatment under the law is called the:
    Equal protection clause
  12. 13)The Supreme Court case in 1896 that ushered a long period of racial segregation in our country until the 1950’s was called:
    C. Plessy v. Ferguson.
  13. Racial segregation that occurs because it is written into law, policy or government procedures is called:
    D. de jure segregation.
  14. Racial segregation not resulting from law, policy or procedures but from patterns of behavior that have the effect of segregating the races is called:
    D. de facto segregation.
  15. 19)A government program consisting of efforts to reach and attract applicants for jobs, college admissions, and business contracts from traditionally underrepresented groups such as African Americans or Hispanics is called:
    D. Affirmative action.
  16. Strategy of breaking law nonviolently in order to protest a law one considers unjust is called:
    A. Civil disobedience.
  17. The Amendment considered by the states and passed by 35 states that fell in 1982 three states short of ratification and that would have written Women into the Constitution was called the:
    A. Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)
  18. Individuals who represent a state’s voters in the selection of a political party’s presidential candidates are called:
    A. Delegates
  19. A small meeting at which registered political party members select delegates to attend the nominating convention and select the presidential nominee is known as a:
    A. Caucus
  20. Elections in which voters choose the candidate that will represent their political party in the general election are called:
    A. Primaries
  21. A rule by which a candidate wins office by getting more votes than his or her opponent even if that candidate does not receive an absolute majority of the votes is known as a:
    B. Plurality rule.
  22. The group that officially elects the President and meets every four years is called the:
    B. Electoral College.
  23. Issues on which virtually everyone agrees are known as:
    C. Valence issues.
  24. The race to raise the most money and achieve frontrunner status before the primaries begin is known as the:
    B. Invisible primary
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Gov Test 2