2 forms of Vitamin A and where they come from
- retinol FAs- animal foods
- Beta-carotene- plants
What are retinol-FAs and beta-carotene converted to?
3 types of Retinoids
- Retinol
- Retinal
- Retinoic acid
Precursors to Vitamin A
How is Vit A important in vision?
- Maintainance of cornea
- Component of rhodopsin which is an eye protein that converts light impulses to nerve impulses & is important for color vision
General functions of Vit A (6)
- Vision
- Cell Differentiation
- Growth & Bone Dvlpmt
- Immunity
- Antioxidant
- Regulation of Gene Expression
What role does vit A play in cell differentiation?
It can turn on or off certain genes (esp epithelial skin cells), which affects what type of cell an immature cell will become
Vit A affects the activity of cells that form and break down bone
How does vit A affect immunity?
Maintains health of epithelial tissue
What type of Vit A precursor is antioxidant?
Food sources of vit A
- Retinoids: liver, fish oils, eggs, fortified milk & cereal
- Carotenoids: dark green, orange/deep yellow veg, some fruits
RDA vit A
Adults 19-30:
M= ___ ug RAE/dy
F= ___ug RAE/dy
RDA Retinoids vs Precursor vit A
1 ug retinol = ___ RAE (retinol activity equivilants)
___ ug beta-carotene = 1 ug retinol = 1 RAE
Symptoms ___ deficiency:
Reduced immunity
Perm blind (xerophthalmia)
Keratinization (hardening) of tissues
Growth retardation
Vit A
Symptoms Vit A excess are only when ___ are consumed in excess
Permanent liver, bone, eye damage, maybe birth defects all may result from:
Excess retinoid intake
UL of retinol
3000 mcg/day (2x DV)
Apricots, spinach, sweet potatoes, mango are all rich in ____
Vit A
Active form vs inactive forms of vit D (names)
- Active form: 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol
- -or 1,25 (OH)2 D3 or calcitriol (stored in kidney)
- Inactive: 25-hydroxycholecalciferol (stored in liver)
What is precursor to vit D?
In order for Vit D to be activated, there are ____ steps in the kidneys and liver
Vit D increases ___ & ___ absorption of calcium, and increases reabsorption of calcium from ___ to ___
- intestinal, kidney
- bone to blood
Both vit __ and vit __ can participate in cell differentiation
A, D
Food sources of ___ include eggs, liver, fatty fish, butter, fortified milk & cereals
Vit D
Adult AI values of Vit D
19-50 yrs: ___ ug/dy
51-70 yrs: ___ ug/dy
71+ yrs: ___ ug/dy
Vit D Deficiency
Reduced bone ____
____ which causes stunted growth, skeletal abnormalities
____ which causes increased fracture risk "soft bones"
- mineralization
- Rickets
- Osteomalacia
Vit D Excess
___ : calcium deposits in ____ (3)
- Hypercalcemia
- heart, kidneys, blood vessels
UL of Vit D supplementation
50 mcg/day
Vit E forms (2) & most active form
- Tocopherols
- -alpha-tocopherol most active form
- Trienols
Vit E protects ___ (3), as well as lipids, and is ___ (prevents DNA mutations)
- cell membranes, lungs, blood cells
- antioxidant
Food sources Vit E (7)
plant oils, whole grains, nuts & seeds, avocado, spinach, broccoli
Vits __ are stable when cooked
A, D, K
Vits __ are not vulnerable to heat and oxidation
Vit E RDA for adults 19+
15 mg/dy
Vit E deficiency can cause:
___ nerve ___
hemolytic ___ in preterm infants
- peripheral nerve degeneration
- anemia
Vit E is relatively non-toxic, however can interfere w/___
vit K
Forms of Vit K
Animals & bacteria:
- phylloquinones
- menaquinones
- menadione
Vit K is important in blood clotting & ____
bone protein synthesis
Why is vit K important for bones?
Bone protein synthesis by activating osteocalcin
Food sources vit K (4)
- liver
- green veggies
- milk, eggs
AI Vit K
M: ___ ug/dy
F: ___ ug/dy
Vit K deficiency causes: (2)
- impaired clotting
- imparied bone formation
Rare to have toxic levels of ___ unless supplementing w/high doses
Vit K
__ is produced by intestinal bacteria but not in sufficient amts
Vit K
How can levels of vit K be negatively affected?
- Antibiotic therapy
- Excess A or E
- Anti-coagulant meds
__ injections are given to newborns
Vit K