OB unit 1 exam

  1. multipara
    2 mor more pregnancies >20 weeks
  2. lining of uterus
  3. antepartum
    period of pregnancy from conception to onset of labor
  4. intrapartum
    labor through delivery of placenta
  5. post partum
    6 weeks (8 if c-section) after childbirth / or until reproductive organs return to pre-pregancy state
  6. amenorrhea
    absence of menstration
  7. embryo
    3rd - 8 wek after conception
  8. fetus
    9th (12th) week to birth
  9. Gestational age
    prenatal age of developing baby calculated from first day of last menstrual period
  10. teratogen
    • chemical / physical agent which interferes with critical embryonic / fetal development
    • high temps / radiation / drugs / alcohol / cocaine / smoking / mercury / live firus vaccines
  11. zygote
    cell formed by union of ovum and sperm
  12. abortion
    spontanious or elective before 20th week gestation
  13. braxton hicks contractions
    irregular usually mild contractions throughout pregnancy taht become stronger in last trimester
  14. chadwick's sign
    bluish purple discoloration of cervix, vagina, and labia during pregnancy
  15. colostrum
    breast fluid secreted during pregnacy and the 1st week after birth
  16. diastasis recti
    seperationof longitudinal muscles of abdomen during pregnancy
  17. goodell's sign
    softening of cervix during pregnancy
  18. gravida
    number of pregnancies regardless of duration or outcome
  19. chloasma / melasma
    "mask of pregnancy" brownish igment of face during pregnancy
  20. Para
    number of pregnancies that have progressed to 20 weeks or more regardless of outcome (number of pregnancies not fetuses)
  21. Postterm birth
    after 42 weeks
  22. preterm birth
    after 20th week and before the start of 38th
  23. quickening
    first movement of fetus in uterus felt by mother
  24. stria gravidarum
    irregular pink/purple streaks on abd/breats/thighs resulting in tears from connective tissue
  25. trimester
    13 weeks
  26. Pica
    ingestion of nonnutritive substances (laundry starch, clay, ice) may be sign of anemia
  27. amniocentesis
    sample of amniotic fluid

    • 1st tri - chromosomal abnormalities
    • 3rd - lung maturity (surfactnant levels)
  28. AFP
    16-18 weeks

    • elevated - neural tube defects
    • low- downs syndrome
  29. Chorionic villi samping
    8-12 weeks genetic diagnosis
  30. Non-stress tess
    Reactive response good (increase of 15bpm for 15 seconds)

    Non-reactive Non-stress is Not good (3 negatives in a row to interpret results)
  31. Biophysical profile
    • fetal heart rate variability
    • fetal breathin movements
    • gross body movements
    • muscle tone
    • amniotic fluid volume
  32. contraction stress test
    evaluate fetal status while under stress from contraction
  33. Weight gain during pregnancy
    • Normal weight (19.8-26) -total 25-35 lbs 3.5 lbs 1st trimester, 1lb/week 2nd&3rd
    • Underweight (<19.8) -total 28-40 lbs 5 lbs 1st trimester, 1.1lb/week 2nd&3rd
    • Overweight(26-29) -total 15-25 lbs 2 lbs 1st trimester, .7lb/week 2nd&3rd
  34. Protein
    • 60g in pregnancy
    • Happy (hamburger)
    • To (tuna)
    • Consume (chicken)
    • My (milk)
    • Calories (cottage cheese)
    • Sanely (soy beans)
  35. Iron
    • 30mg in pregnancy
    • organ meats, red meats, green leafy vegetables, bran, sunflower seeds, legumes
  36. Folic Acid

    • take before becoming pregnant decrease risk for neuro tube defect
    • beans, OJ, green leafy vegetables, fortified foods (cereals/breads)
  37. Calcium
    • 1300mg <18 y/o
    • 1000 >18 y/o

    dairy products, dried fruits, salmon & sardines w/ bones, broccolli, dark green leafy vegetables, peanuts, almonds, refried beans
  38. Foods to avoid during pregnancy
    • alcohol
    • caffine
    • artificial sweeteners
    • cholesterol
  39. Calorie increase in pregnancy
    • no increase 1st trimester
    • 300-400/day 2nd & 3rd trimester
  40. Presumptive signs of pregnancy
    • amenorrrhea, breast sensitivity,
    • uterine changes, fatigue, frequency, pigmentary changes, N&V, striae, constipation, weight gain, leukorrhea, quickening
  41. linea nigra
    dark line midline on stomach, fades after pregnancy
  42. probable sings of pregnancy
    lab test; ballottement; braxton hick's contractions; goodell's sign; hegar's sign; chadwick's sign
  43. positive sings of pregnancy
    • fetal heart tones
    • untrasound
    • fetal movement felt by a primary care practitioner
  44. ballottement
    sudden tap on the cervix during vaginal examination may cause the fetus to rise in the amniotic fluid and then rebound to its original position
  45. hegar's sign
    compressibility of lower uterus - reflects softening of isthmus of cervix
  46. natural family planning
    • calendar
    • standard days
    • basal body temperature
    • cervical mucus
    • symptothermal
    • abstinence
  47. Implantation
    • 7-10 days after fertilization
    • trophoblast (exposed cell walls of blastocyysts) secretees enzyme which allows blastocysts to enter endometrium

    may cause slight spotting
  48. Morulla
    2 d/o 16 cells
  49. organogenesis
    • 2-8 weeks
    • critical time in development (CNS, heart, extremities, eyes, palate, external genitalia)
    • 3rd week resp/digestive tract 1 tract; 4th week septum begins
  50. 12 weeks
    • fetal heart tones auscaltated
    • lower body develops
    • kidenys produce urine
    • uterus rises above pelvic rim
    • risk for uti increases
  51. 16 weeks
    • looks more human
    • meconium in bowel; anus opens
    • heart well developed
    • testes ready for descent / vagina opens
    • fetal movement detectd by mom (16-20 weeks)
    • colostrum may be expressed (small amounts)
    • placenta is clearly defined
  52. 20 weeks
    • vernix
    • lanugo
    • sleeps, sucks, kicks
    • fundus reaches level of umbilicus
    • areola darken, colostrum
    • postural hypotension
    • pregnancy becomes "real"
    • leg cramps (hypocalcemia)
    • nasal stuffiness (saline spray no OTCs)
    • varicose veins
    • constipation
  53. 24 weeks
    • skin red & wrinkled
    • blood formation increases in bone marrow & decreases in liver
    • can hear
    • uterus rises above umbilicus
    • diastolic b/p gradually increases 24-32 weeks (returns to prepreg levels by term) / systolic remains same as pre-preg
    • glucose testing between 24-28 weeks
    • 1h (if failed then 3 hour)
  54. 28 weeks
    • can breathe, swallow, regulate temperature
    • surfactant forms
    • eyelids open
    • greates period of weight gain
    • fundus halfway betwen umbilicus/xyphoid
    • fetal outline is palpable
  55. 32 weeks
    • brown fat deposit develop
    • store iron, calcium, phosphorus
    • fundus at xiphoid
    • breasts are full/tender
    • urinary frequency returns
    • swollen ankles
    • dyspnea
    • sleep disturbances
  56. 36-40 weeks
    • occupies entire uterus
    • maternal antibodies transfered to fetus
    • lightening
    • backaches increase
    • braxton hicks intensifies
  57. Placenta
    • Dirty Duncan - mother side (cotyledons) red rough surface (blood expulsion when presented first)
    • shiny schultze - fetus side smooth & shiny (small gush of blood precedes placenta if presented first)
  58. Umbilical cord
    • 20-22" long 1" round
    • 2 arteries (deoxygenated to placenta)
    • 1 vein (o2 to vetus)
    • warton's jelly - prevents compression of blood vessels
  59. Amniotic fluid
    • protects fetus in uterus
    • 1000-1500ml at birth
    • clear - yellow ish
    • no smell
  60. Prenatal visit schedule
    • q4 weeks conception -28 weeks
    • q2 weeks 28-36 weeks
    • every week 36-delivery
  61. Naegles rule
    • first day of LMP
    • - 3 months
    • + 7 days
  62. GTPAL
    • Gravida
    • Term births
    • Preterm births
    • Abortions (loss before age of viability count to gravida not para)
    • Living children
  63. Danger signs of pregnancy
    • visual disturbances
    • headaches
    • edema
    • rapid weight gain
    • pain
    • S&S of infection
    • vaginal bleeding
    • persistant vomiting
    • muscular irritability / convulsions
    • decreased fetal movement
  64. CABS
    • C - chills & fever / cerebral disturbances
    • A - abdominal pain
    • B - blurred vision / blood pressure / bleeding
    • S - swelling / sudden escape of fluids
  65. Fundal Height
    • indicator of fetal growth
    • 18-30 weeeks fundal height = aprox gestational age in weeks
    • may be indicator of high risk factors (UIGR, hydoramnios, multiple gestation)
  66. Fetal cardiovascular system
    • ductus venosus - half blood bypasses liver & enters inferior vena cava
    • ductus arteriosus- blood from L ventricle into aorta
    • foramen ovale - R atrium into L atrium
  67. TORCH
    • T - Toxoplasmosis (cat feces / undercooked meat)
    • O - Other viruses (5th disease / chickenpox / lyme disease / HIV / Hep B / Group B strep)
    • R - Rubella
    • C - Cytomegalvirus
    • H - Herpes (& other STDs)
  68. Prenatal Lab tests
    • Blood type / RH factor
    • CBCD
    • VDRL ( syphylis)
    • Rubella titer
    • Hep B
    • HIV
    • AFP
    • GTT (glucose tolerance test)
    • Strep B
    • Cultures: gonorrhea/ chlamydia/ group b strep)
Card Set
OB unit 1 exam
nutrition, fetal development, maternal changes