5 Functions Of The Skeletal System
- 1.Supports and gives shape to body
- 2.Protects internal organs
- 3.Helps make movement possible
- 4.Stores Calcium
- 5.Hemopriesis
3 Types Of Joints
- 1.Synarthroses-sutures of skull
- 2.Amphiarthroses-symphysis pubis
- 3.Diarthroses-ball and socket
Bone & Functions
- A.articulating Cartilage-cushions and protects joints from erosion
- B.spongy bone-houses the bone marrow
- C.epiphyseal plate-causes growth in length through mitosis
- D.red bone marrow-produces blood cells
- E.compact bone-gives strength to bone
- F.medullary cavity-houses the yellow bone marrow
- G.endosteum-lines the medulary cavity, causes growth in width
- H.yellow bone marrow-non-blood forming marrow
- I.periosteum-membrane that covers the bone, causes growth in width
- J.epiphysis-end of the bone
- K.diaphysis-shaft of the bone
Multiple Choice
- amphiarthroses-slightly movable joint
- appendicular skeleton-upper and lower extremities
- articular cartilage-covers epiphyses as cushion
- articulation-joint movement
- axial skeleton-skull, spine, thorax, and compact bone
- canaliculi-microscopic canals within the compact bone
- chondrocytes-cartilage cells
- compact bone-hard bone
- diaphysis-shaft portion of a bone
- diarthroses-free moving joint
- epiphyseal fracture-break in the end of the bone
- epiphyses-end of a bone
- Haversian system-network of vascular & nervous tissue
- hemoposiesis-blood cell formation
- kyphosis-arch back
- lacunae-space in hard bone full of osteocytes
- lamella-concentric rings of bone tissue
- lordosis-sway back
- medullary cavity-cavity of the diaphysis
- osteocytes-mature bone cell
- pectoral girdle-shoulder
- pelvic girdle-hip
- periosteum-membrane that covers bone
- red bone marrow-makes blood cells
- scoliosis-abnormal migration of the spine
- sinus-cavity
- trabeculae-bony portion of spongy bone
- thorax-chest region
- yellow bone marrow-inductive bone marrow of the diaphysis
the esiphyseal plate makes growth in the bone with mitosis. The chondrocytes of the plate divide and become bone.
stress on the periosteum causes the adjacent osteolasts to secrete astoid which causes new bone tissue to be formed on the exterior of the bone.
- Complete-fracture extends all the way through the bone
- Incomplete-partially
- Compound-broken through skin
- Simple-broken not through skin
- Comminuted-splintered w/ small fragment
- Greenstick-one side broken, other side bent
- Impacted-one bone inside the other
Frontal,parietal,temperal,occipital,zygomatic,maxilla,mandible,cervical vertebrae,thorasic vertebrae,lumbar vertebrae,sacrum,coccyx,clavical,scapula,humerus,radius,ulna,carpals,metacarpals,phalanges,sternum,intercostal ribs,costal ribs,ilium,ischium,femer,tibia,fibula,talus,calcaneus,tarsals,metatarsals,phalanges