relatively uncontrollable sequence of negative emotional thoughts that are concerned with future threats.
Panic attack
Sudden overwhelming experience of terror, very intense and has sudden onset.
fear that is out of proportion to threats from the environment.
Persistent,irrational fears associated with specific object or situation.
experts who classify mental disorders who differentiate between the number of conditions and each has its own set of causes.
experts who classify mental disorders and say that each set of symptoms is a condition without any special subdivisions.
Specific phobia
marked persistent fear that is excessive and unreasonablly cued by presence of specific object of situation.
Fear of marketplace- or fear of public places and avoid many different places and situations.
excessive anxiety and worry, worrying must last for more days than not and lasts for at least 6 months.
Panic Disorder
person experiences recurrent, unexpected panic disorders and one attack is followed by period where person has concern about having attacks.
Preparedness model
notion that organisms are biologically prepared to learn certain types of associations.
Traumatic Stress
Event that involves threatned death or serious injury to self or others and creates intense feelings of fear, helplessness, or horror.
Acute Stress
- Occurs within 4 weeks after
- exposure to traumatic stress and is defined by dissociative symptoms,
- reexperiencing event, avoidance of reminders, and anxiety.
Acute Stress Disorder
ASD includes dissociative symptoms and lasts no longer than 4 weeks.
PTSD-must continue longer or have delayed onset
2 factor theory
- 1st factor- classical conditioning creates fear when terror or trauma is paired with cues
- 2nd factor- operant conditioning maintains avoidance by reducing fear.
Explicit memory
conscious recollection of past event
Implicit memory
memory of prior event w/no conscious recollection
Dissociative identity disorder
2 or more personalities coexist w/in 1 person-very rare disorder.
less dramatic where people feel detached from themselves, feel like floatingabove body watching yourself.
Dissociative fugue
sudden and unexpected travel away from home, and inability to recall details about past
Dissociative amnesia
sudden inability to recall extensive and important personal info.
Conversion Disorder
psychological conflicts converted into physical symptoms, “hystericalblindness or paralysis” are examples of conversion.
Somatization Disorder
multiple complaints about body in absence of impairments, mustcomplain of at least 8 physical symptoms, and must have onset prior to 30 yrs.
Sever fear or belief that 1 is suffering from physical illness, worries mustlast for min of 6 months.
preoccupation with pain, complaints seem excessive.
Body Dysmorphic Disorder
preoccupation with some imagined defect in appearance, typically face.
- A challenging event that requires physiological,
- cognitive, or behavioral adaptation.
General Adaptation Syndrome- 3 stages
1- Alarm stage- involves the mobilization of the body in reaction to stress.
- 2- Resistance stage- a period of time during which the body is physiologically activated and
- prepared to respond to threat.
3-Exhaustion stage-final stage and it occurs if the body’s resources are depleted by chronic stress
Problem focused coping
involves attempts to change a stressor.
Emotion focused coping
an attempt to alter internal stress.
experienced in the face of real danger