
  1. What happens when ceramic switch on the Bird 7 is on the right?
  2. Used during patient care activites likely to make splashed/sprays of blood, body fluids, secretions or excretions
    Mask and goggles or faceshield
  3. What happens when ceramic switch on the Bird 7 in on the left?
  4. Complete destruction of all forms of microbial life
  5. Similiar to ASSS. Used for equipment that is attracted to gas sources less than 200 psig.
    Diameter Index Safety System (DISS)
  6. FiO2 range of simple O2 mask
  7. What catergory and processing for devices touching only intact skin or don't contact patient like, face mask, BP cuffs, ventilators
    Category: Non Critical

    Processing: Detergent washing, Low/Intermediate - level disinfection
  8. What 2 lights does pulse ox use
    LED Infrared
  9. What isolation precatuion for Particulate respirator and negative pressure isolation room?
    Airborne Infection Isolation
  10. What are advantages and disadvantages of Dry Heat?
    Advantages: inexpesive, simple; non-toxic

    Disadvatages: Damages heat sensitive equipment
  11. What are advatages and disadvantages of incineration?
    Advantages: Surest method; simple

    Disadvantages: Limited use; may result in air pollution
  12. What are advantages and disadvatages of autoclave (pressurized steam)?
    Advantages: inexpensive, fast; non-toxic, prewrapping of items

    Disadvantages: Damage heat or moisture sensitive equipment
  13. What are advantages and disadvantages of Ethylene Oxide?
    Advantages: effective; prewrapping of items

    Disadvantages: Time consuming; expensive; toxic residues most be removed by
  14. Low Flow humidifier liter flow
    4-10 L/Min
  15. Liter Flow simple O2 Mask
    5-12 L/Min
  16. Inactivation of most pathogenic organisms except spores
    Disinfection (general term)
  17. What are applicable equipment for autoclave (pressurized steam)?
    Metal instruments; linens
  18. Inactivation of all vegitative bacteria, most viruses, most fungi and mycobacterium tuberculosis, without destruction of bacterial spores
    Intermediate-level disinfection
  19. Inactivation of all micro organisms except bacterial spores (with enough exposure times, spores can be destroyed too!)
    High-level Disinfection
  20. Measures Hemoglobin Saturation
  21. Inactivation of most bacteria some viruses and fungi without destruction of resistant micro organisms (ex. Mycobacterium tuberculosis or bacterial spores)
    Low-level Disinfection
  22. What are applicable equipment for Dry heat?
    laboratory glassware; metal instruments
  23. What are applicable equipment for ionizing radiation?
    foods; some medical supplies
  24. Removal of all foreign material (soil) from objects
  25. What are advantages and disadvantages of ionizing radiation?
    Advantages: Fast, effective; prewrapping of items

    Disadvantages: Expensive; toxic byproducts may be produced
  26. Uses light to dtect tiny changes occuring in tissue during pulsated blood flow
  27. Common elements of pulse ox (4 things)
    1. All have LEDs

    2. one silicone photodiode

    3. Transmit light through capillary bed

    4. Receives light on other side of capillary bed
  28. Type 3AA cylinders are made of what?
    Heat-Treated High Strength steel
  29. What is normal SpO2?
  30. What isolation precaution for: surgical mask within 3' of patient?
    Droplet precautions
  31. What are applicable equipment for incineration?
    Disposables; grossly contaminated articles
  32. Used during procedures and patient care activites when contact of clothing/exposed skin with blood/body fluids, secretions or excretions is anticipated
  33. What are applicable equipment for boiling?
    Metals; Heat-resistant plastic
  34. Used when touching blood, body fluids, secretions, excretions, contaminated items; touching mucus membranes and nonintact skin
  35. Therapeutic breathing maneuver which patients are coached to inspire from resting inspiratory capacity (IC) with end inspiratory pause
    Sustained Maximal Inspiration (SMI)
  36. What are advantages and disadvantages of boiling?
    Advantages: Inexpensive, Simple

    Disadvantages: Time consuming; altitude dependent; may damage equipment
  37. Liter Flow for Nasal Canula
    0.5-6 L/Min
  38. Large cylinders use size and thread indexed connection system. Shape of nipple, diameter and thread count are specified per gas.
    ASSS (American Standard Safety System)
  39. What are applicable Equipment for Ethylene Oxide?
    Heat Sensitive items
  40. What Safety system is used in Cylinders "A-E"?
    PISS (Pin Index Safety System)
  41. What category and how do you process devices that are introduced into bloodstream or other parts of the body?
    Example: surgical Devices, Intravascular catheters, implants, heart-lung bypass components, dialysis components, bronchoscope forceps/brushes
    Category: Critical

    Processing: Sterilization
  42. What isolation precautions for: Gown and gloves for contact with patient or environment of care (medical equipment)
    Contact precautions
  43. What catergory and processing of devices that directly or indirectly contact mucus membranes like endoscopes/bronchoscopes, oral nasal and tracheal airways, ventilator circuits/humidifiers, PFT mouth pieces and tubing, nebulizers and resevoirs
    Category: Semicritical

    Processing: High-level Disinfection
  44. 3A, 3AA, 3AL are to be tested every ___ years.
    If cylinder has stamped "*" what does it mean?

    10 years
  45. Cylinders with "+" stamped into them mean what?
    Capable of holding 10% more than the max filling pressure
  46. Type 3A cylinder is made of what?
    High carbon-steel (non-heat treated)
  47. FiO2 Range of Non-Rebreather Mask
  48. Minute Ventilation Formula

    Inspiratory flow rate Formula
    Tidal Vol (Vt) X Resp Rate (CXR) = Min Vol.

    Min Vol. X 4 = Inspiratory Flow Rate
  49. Liter Flow for Partial Rebreather Mask
    6-10 L/Min
  50. FiO2 Range of Partial Rebreather Mask
  51. Liter Flow for Non-rebreather Mask
    6-10 L/Min
  52. Cylinder Duration Formula
    • Tank Factor X PSI
    • _________________
    • L/Min

    Tank Factor: E Cylinder = 0.28, H Cylinder = 3.14
  53. Large volume nebulizer flow rate
    10-15 L/Min
  54. Small volume nebulizer flow rate
    6-8 L/Min
  55. Used as primary source of O2 and other gas in small hospitals without bulk liquid systems and reserve tanks with hospitals with liquid systems. What kind of cylinders?
    "G" and "H"
  56. Frequently used as source of O2 in emergency situations and transporting patients needing O2 therapy. Used in anesthesia and for portable diagnostic equipment. What kind of cylinder?
    "E" cylinder
  57. Type 3AL cylinders are made of what?
    Seamless Aluminum
  58. IBW formula Male/Female
    • Male: 106 + [6 X (height in inches - 60)]
    • Females: 105 + [5 X (height in inches - 60)]
    • Then divide by 2.2 = Kg
  59. 6 L/Min Nasal Canula
  60. 1 L/Min Nasal Canula
  61. FiO2 Range of Nasal Canula
  62. Air Entrainment Formula
    • 100-FiO2
    • ________
    • FiO2-21

    • X
    • _
    • Y

    X+Y = Z

    Z X L/Min
  63. IPPB goals for: Min/Med/Hyperinflate
    • Kg X 10-15 (Min and Meds)
    • Kg X 50 X .75 (Hyperinflate)
  64. Pressure Range IPV
    20-40 PSI
  65. Frequency Range IPV
    • 100-300 bpm
    • 100 is harder, and 300 is easier
  66. Equipment most likely to spread pathogens
    • 1.Large reservoir jet nebulizer
    • 2.Ventilator circuits
    • 3.Bag-valve-mask devices (manual resuscitators)
    • 4.Oxygen therapy apparatus
    • 5.Pulmonary function devices
    • 6.Suction equipment

    Within 24 hours an organism can colonize enough to cause an infection in the patient.
  67. A Pulse oximeter combines the principles of spectrophotometry with photoplethysmography
    • �Uses spectrophotometry to measure hemoglobin saturation
    • �Plethysmography uses light to detect the tiny changes that occur in living tissue during pulsatile blood flow
    • �Uses two wavelengths of light, one red and one infrared, measuring only the functional hemoglobin
    • �Uses two light emitting diodes (LED) to transmit light through a capillary bed to a silicone photodiode detector
    • Reference picture in PowerPoint handout
  68. Basic Components of IPPB
    • Ambient chamber
    • Pressure Chamber
    • Center body
    • Venturi / Venturi gate assembly
    • Ceramic switch / Clutch plate assembly
    • Permanent magnet
  69. Centerbody components of IPPB
    • �Contains many of the controls:
    • �Venturi / venturi gate assembly
    • �Ceramic switch / clutch plate
    • �Timing cartridge
    • �Hand timing rod and clutch plate magnet relationship
  70. Various controls on an IPPB
    • Expiratory timer
    • Flow rate control
    • Sensitivity control
    • Pressure control
    • Air mix control- know flow and Fio2s when on and off and position for on and off
    • Exhalation valve
  71. Bird mark 7A contains what controls?
    • on/off switch
    • inspiratory flow rate
    • air mix control difference (always in employment on 7A)
    • pressure/time trigger control
    • apneustic flowtime
  72. To obtain minimal accepted IPPB tidal volume: (for medication delivery)
    10-15 mL/Kg of ideal body weight

    • Ex. 5�3�� woman
    • IBW in Kg = 54.5 or 55

    • 55 X 10 = 550
    • 55 X 15 = 825
    • Or

    • 30% of predicted Inspiratory Capacity
    • *Multiplying the IBW in Kg by 50 will give the predicted Inspiratory Capacity, you are looking for 30% of that volume.

    55 X 50 X .30 = 825
  73. To obtain the Target Volume or Goal: (for hyperinflation)
    75% of the predicted Inspiratory Capacity

    • Ex. 5�3�� woman
    • IBW in Kg = 54.5 or 55

    *Multiplying the IBW in Kg by 50 will give the predicted Inspiratory Capacity, you are looking for 75% of that volume.

    55 X 50 X .75 = 2063
  74. What characteristics are contained in a Flow-oriented Incentive Spirometry (IS or SMI) device?
    • -The patient�s inspiratory flow rate causes a float to rise in a canister
    • -The patient should maintain an inspiratory flow that slowly elevates the ball
    • -Rapid inspiration will cause the float to rise too quickly but will not maintain it in a suspended position
    • -Slow inspirations do not generate sufficient flow to raise the float
  75. What characteristics are contained in a Volume-oriented Incentive Spirometry (IS or SMI) device?
    • -The patient inspires until a preset volume of gas is inhaled
    • -Indicators are used to motivate patients and indicate when desired volume is achieved
    • -Most systems are designed to require a sustained inspiration before the achieved volume indicator is activated.
  76. Image Upload 2
    - What kind of cylinder
    - What filling PSI
    - What is Cylinder Size
    - Who is owner
    - What is original safety test date?
    - What is elastic expansion "EE"?
    • 3AA
    • 2015
    • N
    • ARCO
    • 1/80 (month and year)
    • 20.1
  77. Calculate initial Goal for IS
    • Calculate IBW/2.2 to get IBW in Kg
    • Multiply by 12-15 ml/kg
  78. What are the Factors to consider when processing reuseable equipment?
    Image Upload 4
  79. Equipment processing definitions (all tables can be found in Chapter 4 of Egan)
    Image Upload 6
  80. Comparison of sterilization methods
    Image Upload 8
  81. A patient is HIV positive and test positive for acid-fast bacillus from a sputum sample. What type of transmission based precautions are indicated for this patient?
    airborne precaution in addition to standard
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Crafton Hills College Resp 131 Midterm review questions