Problems Notes For Test 2

  1. Single Payer
    • Medas Infrastructure
    • Tax payer pays taxes
    • Government hire doctors
    • Government set pay for doctor and staff
    • Rest of money pays for health care of everyone
  2. Third Party Pay USA
    • Med as commodity to sell
    • On the market
    • Fee for service
    • solo practice
    • Don�t criticize a fellow doctor
  3. 50% of surgery (protocalls) not necessary (single payer system)
  4. HMO's
    • People pay dues
    • CEO sets the salary of Doctors
    • Profit is taken
    • Rest of money pays for healthcare of members
    • Same as single except not owned by government but promote business profit
  5. Health Insurance
    • Make money
    • Maximize profit
    • Insure the healthy (exclude the sick)
    • Pre existing condition (when apply make sure your not sick, used to exclude you)
  6. Driving cost of medicine
    • Older populatic
    • Shift acute to cronic illness
    • Increase cost of tec
    • Increase cost of med
  7. Health Insurance Companies + Free for service
    • 1) Corporations - Profits First - old days - doc expected to put the health of patients first - profit second
    • 2) Free from anti trust laws
  8. Price Fixing
    • 1) Competition good - assures lowest prices
    • 2) Eliminates competition
  9. Structural functional
    • 1) Functional - sick people can't do their work well - can't perform role obligation
    • Sick role - Doc's control the sick role
    • 1) You are ill - biological
    • 2) It is not your fault
    • 3) If you try to get well
    • 4) You are excused from your role obligations
    • Latent dysfunctions
  10. Conflict
    • 1) Old days - doc expected to put the health of patient before profits
    • Today - big corporations - profit first
    • 2) a lot of health related decisions based on profit
    • 1) Drugs for under developed countries
    • 3) Health care corporations use money to shape government health policy
  11. Symbolic Interaction
    • 1) Medicalization - expansion of the medical model to clued normal stress and problems
    • Medical model
    • 1) You have illness
    • 2) It is not your fault
    • 3) Cured by drugs, therapy or support
    • 2) Labeling
  12. Deindustrialization
    • Mental hospitals
    • Main stream the mental ill
    • A) Supervised living
    • B) Vocational rehab
    • C) Community health centers
  13. Blue collar crime
    • Or "street crime"
    • Index crimes - FBI
    • Because recorded
    • High risk low profit associated with poverty
  14. White collar crime
    • Crimes done while doing one's work
    • Low risk
    • High profit
    • Price fixing stock manipulation tax fraud double billing
    • Selling unsafe products
    • Environment crimes
  15. Types of crimes
    • 1) Status offenses - delinquency
    • 2) White collar crime - blue collar crime
    • a. Corporate crime
    • b. For/against
    • 3) Situational
    • a. No premeditation
    • b. Perp. Not think of self as criminal
    • 4) Professional
    • a. Premeditative
    • b. Perp. Thinks of self as criminal
    • 5) Organized crimes
    • a. Crimes without victims
    • b. Consensual crimes (perp. And victim the same person)
    • c. Drugs, hoe�s, gambling, (at one time) booze - abortion - homosexuality
    • d. Prohibition
  16. Prohibition
    • One large group of people telling another large group of people they can't do something they normally would.
    • Characteristics
    • 1) Creating a black market
    • 2) Increase in violence
    • 3) Lose all control (could regulate who sell to and when but then gang sell anyone - black market)
    • 4) Never worked
  17. Who profits from large prison population and war on drugs
    • 1) Drug dealers
    • When you design a social control agency to solve the problem - don't want to solve, want to keep going for jobs
    • 2) Police/DEA
    • 3) Corporations
    • a. Contract labor
    • b. For profit prisons
    • c. Rent a snitch
    • d. Lawyers
    • e. Drug testesten drug test beaters
    • f. Small towns
    • g. Prison guards
    • Dysfunctional
    • 1) Cost
    • 2) Legitimacy
    • Drugs - change the internal chemistry
    • Addiction - withdrawal
    • Alerted state of consciousness
    • Marijuana
  18. Drugs
    • Hard vs. soft
    • No good or bad drugs - just bad use
    • Drug laws are designed to be a political tool used against certain people.
    • GI generation Boomers
    • Born poverty affluence
    • Depression
    • Status insecure status secure
    • War good bad
    • Raise family time of economic prosperity time of economic decline
  19. Medical Use of Marijuana
  20. Medical Model Criminal Justice
    • User is sick User is criminal
    • Rehabilitation Prison first
    • Detox
    • Supervised Living
    • Vocational Rehab
    • Prison Last Resort Treatment secondary
  21. Functionalism
    • Durkhiem
    • A) Normal Crime
    • B) Function-Reduce Anomie
  22. Merton: Strain Theory
    • Universal Goals Legitimate Means
    • Yes yes conformists
    • Yes no innovator
    • No yes ritualist
    • No no retreatism
    • No/yes no/yes rebellion
    • Can't explain elite crime though
  23. Symbolic Interaction Differencial Association
    • 1) Crime is learned
    • 2) When you learn how to do a crime, you learn an ideology that says its ok to do the crime
    • 3) There are people in your social network who favor doing crimes - others not
    • 4) If most of the people in your network favor crime you will do crime.
  24. Labeling Theory
    • A) Relation between status (position) and role (behavior)
    • B) Primary Deviance
    • a. Normal law breaking
    • b. Not yet caught
    • C) Dave-Junior-MSM-Pot
    • a. Not think of self as criminal or substance abuser
    • b. Busted - labeling
    • c. Dave starts to think of self as substance abuse
    • D) Secondary deviance - stigma
  25. Conflict
    • 1) Crime and drug use is associated with the unequal distribution of money and power
    • a. Old marxist - poverty cause crime and drug use (money)
    • b. New Marxist - say crime and drug use is found in upper classes focus on powerful define the laws (power)
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Problems Notes For Test 2
Problems Notes For Test 2