- Artist: Jaques Louis David
- Title: The Oath of Horatii
- Date: 1784
- Style/Movement: Neo-Classical
- -Roman soldiers swear to die for their country while wives and sister mourn.
- -Comissioned by King of France, made in Rome
- -luxury of the aristocracy and pro-patriotism
- -writings of J.J. Winckelmann and discovery of Pompeii makes Greek/Roman classical (450) bce the ideal.
- -proportion and geometric ordering (Polyklitus)
- Artist: David
- Title: Belasarius Begging for Alms
- Date: 1781
- Style/Movement: Neo-Classical
- - During French Revolution, social political content
- -Young soldeir is shocked at the image of the older fallen soldier begging for money, could be him
- -Shows glory of youth, mercy
- -Belisarius was a Byzantine general defeated Vandals in N. Africa, later blinded by emperor and reduced to begging
- Artist: David
- Title: Death of Socrates
- Date: 1787
- Style: Neo-Classical
- -recto-linear composition
- -references Raphael's school of Athens (pointing up) and sistine chapel David (hand out)
- -Idealized figure, moral content focusing on revolutionary theme of Republic and self-sacrifice, moving away from Rococco portrayal of aristocracy.
- -intimate rococco setting changes to hard lines, and geomertry, roman/greek idealization
- Artist: David
- Title: Death of Marat
- Date: 1793
- Style/Movement: Neo-classical
- - Murdered by Charlotte Corday, blaming him for the death of her father at the September Massacres
- -soaked in tub because of skin condition, go-to person during revolutuion
- -philosopher and political theorist, martyred in composition, gesture similar to pieta, cloth like a halo
- - dark cool colors, rectilinear
- Artist: David
- Title: Napoleon Crossing the Alps
- Date: 1800
- Stlyle: Neo-Classical
- -David becomes court painter for Napoleon's Imperialistic rule
- -Heroic image: monumentalized above other
- figures, gesture shows that he is leading the charge, a cool red that draws the eye directly.
- -wind movement pushes figures foreward, diagonals, contrast b/w horse and stoic Napoleon
- -Charlemagne, Hannibal, Bonaparte on stonehttp://www.paintinghere.com/UploadPic/Jacques-Louis%20David/big/Napoleon%20crossing%20the%20Alps.jpg
- Artist: Canova
- Title: Pauline Borghese (Bonaparte)as Venus/ Venus Vitrix
- Date: 1805
- Stlyle: Neo-Classical Sculpture
- Artist: Houdon
- Title: Seated Voltaire
- Date: 1780
- Style: Neo-classical
- Artist: Antoine Houdon
- Title: Bust Portrait of Diderot
- Date: 1771
- Style: Neo-Classical
- -One of the most important writers of the
- Enlightenment, responsible for creating art criticism, first to write and publish critiques of works in early salons
- -Salons at the time was controlled by the state
- and government regulation, started public discussion of the works that were put in salons
- Artist: Antoine Houdon
- Title: George Washington
- Date: 1796
- Style: Neo-Classical
- -contrapastto, idealized form, heroic
- Artist: Warpole
- Title: Strawberry Hill, (interior/ exterior)
- Date: 1776
- Style:Gothic/Neo-Classical
- Artist: Benjamin West
- Title: Death of General Wolfe
- Date: 1770
- Style: Neo-Classical
- -
- Artist: John Singleton Copely
- Title: Watson and the Shark
- Date: 1778
- Style: Romantic
- -First well known American artist
- -Depicts the rescue of Brook Watson from a shark attack in Havanna, Cuba
- Artist:Henry Fuseli
- TItle:Titania and Bottom
- Date: 1790
- Style: Romantic
- - scene from A Midsummer Nights Dream when Oberon casts a spell on his wife Titania to make her fall in love with Bottom
- Artist: Black
- Title: Red Dragon
- Date: 1800
- Style: English Romantic
-part of a series of paintings of The Book of Revelation
- Artist: Antoine Gros
- Title: Napoleon at the Pest/Plague house at Jaffa
- Date: 1804
- Style: Neo-classical
- -Gros was a student of David, succeeded him as the court painter of Napoleon
- -atmosphere, surrounding area and people suggest they're soldiers in a foriegn land, Islamic arches and minaret
- -light directed on Napoleon, heroic contrapasto, centralized
- -opened the space since the sketch, gaurd is disgusted, contrast between Napoleon and officer, Napolean as fearless, chirst-like
- -refers to Michaelangelo's last judgement, still rectilinear, idealized proportions even for the dying
- Artist: Antoine Gros
- Title: Battle of Nazarith
- Date: 1801
- Style: Neoclassical (transitional into romantic)
- - Battle scene with emotion, direction, and color.
- Artist: Anne-louis Girodet
- Title: Sleep of Endymion
- Date: 1791
- Style: Neo-classical
- -Homo-erotic themes exposing the throat (most erotic part of body), idealized the male nude as part of the classical traiditon
- -Serena the moon goodess of classical myth casts a spell to make him sleep so she can gaze at him.
- Artist: Anne-Louis Girodet
- Title: Portrait of Jean Baptiste-Belley
- Date: 1797
- Style: Neo-classical
- - New libertarian ideal formed assembly. The French of theperiod promised to outlaw slavery which
- never happened as freedom came with too many conditions over time
- - Shows Neoclassical cool tones, leaning against a Roman portraid portrait bust,rectilinear composition with hard edge, sensual posture leaning with one hip
- thrust out, costumed, intentional erotic image emphasizing the crotch and the
- thrust of the hip.
- Artist: Fransisco Goya
- Title: Family of Carlos IV
- Date: 1800
- Style: Spanish Romanticism
- - Ghostly figure of the artist, facing a canvas,
- referencing Las Meninas
- -. Velasquez put himself on a higher influence in
- his painting with the court and king and queen, Goya is doing the same.
- -The court at Goya’s time were very corrupt and
- ineffective, the queen seems very sure of herself, and was having an affair with the king unaware.
- -. Blue figure will take the throne from his
- parents himself, Napoleon takes over later and promises the king and queen. power but gives the rule to his brother.
- Artist: Fransisco de Goya
- Title: Third of May 1808
- Date: 1814
- Style: Spanish Romantic
- -The peasants of the village were individually
- killed by French troops. Killed for a rebellion, painting was considered revenge against the French.
- -Goya’s most cinematic painting, emotional
- momentum
- Artist: Fransisco de Goya
- Title: Caprichos
- Date: 1799
- Style: Spanish Romanticism
- -80 etchings, First 40 are subject of human
- nature, the rest are of a fantasy gothic element of devils etc.
- -“The Sleep of Dreams(Reason) Produces Monsters”
- -Posture is seated, pose is slouched over, legs
- are crossed and torso is twisted,
- leaning forward with his arms bent.
- Artist: Fransisco de Goya
- Title: Disasters of War
- Date:1799
- Style: Spanish Romantic
- - a second series of etchings
- Artist:: Fransisco de Goya
- Title: Saturn Devouring one of his children
- Date: 1823
- Style: SPanish Romantic
- -existentialist, saturn represents time, we are all eventually consumed by time