
  1. Who was the first person to identify cells and when?
    robert hooke, 1665
  2. What did Robert Hooke examine?
    A thin peice of cork
  3. What ws Anton van Leewenhoek's contrabution to the discovery of the cell?
    Drew first images of the cell
  4. What is the size of a molecule
  5. what is the size of a cell membrane
  6. what is the size of a viruse?
  7. what is the size of a bactiria?
  8. what is the size of a orgonell?
    up to 10um
  9. what is the size of a eukaryotic cell?
  10. What are the three parts to the cell theory?
    • 1) all living things are composed of cells
    • 2)Cells are the basic unit of structure and functions in living things
    • 3)New cells are produced from preexisting cells
  11. What was Mathias Schleden's contrubution to the cell theory? and when?
    Concluded all plants have cells in 1838
  12. what was Theodor Schwann's contrubutin to the cell theory? and when?
    concluded all animals have cells
  13. What was Rudolph Vichow's contrubution to the cell theory? and when?
    concluded all cells come from preexsisting cells in 1855
  14. Provide 3 reasons why prokaryotic cells have to be so small
    • 1) Nutriants cant get to the center fast enoph
    • 2)wastes cant get out fast enoph
    • 3)To much demand of DNA
  15. Describe a cell membrane
    thin flexable barrier around the cell
  16. Discribe genetic info.
    DNA- ccontrols cell structure and function
  17. Discribe Cytoplasm
    matireal inside membrane excluding genetic info.
  18. list 5 main features of prokaryotes
    • 1)generally small
    • 2)Do not contain a newclus
    • 3) DNA usually in circular loop
    • 4)Earliest known cell
    • 5)all bakteria is considered prokaryotic
  19. what are 3 shapes of Prokaryotes
    • sphericals
    • rods
    • sphiricals
  20. what does a fagellum do
    controls movement
  21. what does a rhibasome do
    protien synthesis
  22. what do pilli do
    DNA transfer
  23. what do nucleiod do
    Region containing closed loop DNA
  24. What does the plasma membrane do
    controls exit and entry of substances
  25. what are the 3 main features on a eukaryotic cell
    • 1)contain a nucleus
    • 2)Contain orgonell
    • 3)mabey unicellular or multicellular
  26. Define orgonell
    preform spisific functions
  27. what does a cell wall do
    supports the cell and is around the membrane
  28. what is the Cytoskeleton
    helps the cell maintain its shape and helps with movement
  29. what does a rhibasome do
    were proteins are asembeled
  30. what does the rough ER do
    were lipid components are assembled
  31. what does the golgi apparatis do
    modifies,sorts, and packages protiens from the ER
  32. what does lysosome do
    breaks down lipids,carbs, and finishes off cells
  33. what does a vacule do
  34. what is chloropast
    captures sunlight and converts into food
  35. what does mitocondria do
    converts food into other material
  36. what orgonells are only found in plant cell
    cell wall and chloroplast
  37. what orgonells are only found in animal cells
    lysosomes, centrials, and cilla
  38. what are 3 examples of passive transport
    • 1)diffusion
    • 2)osmosis
    • 3)pacilicated diffusion
  39. why have biologist identified levels of orgonisation
    to make it easier to classify and discribe the cells within the orgonism
  40. difine diffusion
    molocules move from high consintration to low
  41. difine osmosis
    diffusion of water across the cell membrane
  42. hypertonic
    Where is the solute consentration the highest?
    Direction of the water?
    What happens to the size of the cell?
    • outside the cell
    • moves out
    • shrinks
  43. Hypotonic
    Where is the solute consentration the highest?
    Direction of the water?
    What happens to the size of the cell?
    • inside
    • moves in
    • expands
  44. Isotonic
    Where is the solute consentration the highest?
    Direction of the water?
    What happens to the size of the cell?
    • =
    • in and out
    • nothing
  45. difine facilitated diffusion
    larger molocules move from high conentration to low consentration
  46. what is tugor pressure?
    force exerted by the cell wall pushing water
  47. what is plasmolysis?
    water leaves the cell?
  48. Define active transport
    movemnt of cells across the cell membrane from low to high consentration
  49. what does active transport require?
  50. what is Sodium potassium pump?
    transports ions against the consentration
  51. Why must the animal cell maintain a higher conentration of Na outside the cell and K inside the cell
    to function normally
  52. define endocytosis?
    cell dijest ver large particals
  53. define exocytosis and what it is used for
    revers on endocytosis and dilivers proteins
Card Set
cell test