relatively permanent change in behavior
ABC's of behavior
- we learn by association
- Antecedents->behavior->consequences
Associative Learning in classical conditioning
learning to associate one stimulus with another
- Two related events: Result after repetition
- Lighting we see lighting
- thunder we anticipate thunder
associative learning in operant conditioning
learn to associate a response with a consequence
- Response: Pushing a vending machine button
- Consequence: receiving a candy bar (behavior strengthen)
Ivan Pavlov
elucidated classical conditioning (Russian physiologist )
Provided a basis for later behaviorist like John Watson
Classical (respondent) Conditioning
• Respondents:
- Involuntary responses.
- –Conditioning involves pairing 2 stimuli.
- –Control by antecedents. Behavior is elicited.
Unconditioned Stimulus(UCS)
Produces a response without previous learning.
Unconditioned Response (UCR)
unlearned response
Conditioned Stimulus (CS)
- Previously neutral stimulus
- that elicits a response after being paired with the Unconditioned stimulus (UCS)
Conditioned Response (CR)
learned response to CS after pairing of UCS-CS. Similar to UCR.
Pavlov’s Classic Experiment
Before conditioning,
food (Unconditioned Stimulus, US) produces salivation (Unconditioned Response, UR). However, the tone (neutral stimulus) does not.
Pavlov’s Classic Experiment
During conditioning
the neutral stimulus (tone) and the US (food) are paired, resulting in salivation (UR). After conditioning, the neutral stimulus (now Conditioned Stimulus, CS) elicits salivation (now Conditioned Response, CR)
The initial learning stage in classical conditioning in which an association between NS & UCS takes place
Effect of Temporal Relationship Between CS and UCS on Acquisition
Delayed Conditioning
CS precedes the USC (tone presented and remains on while food is presented)
Most effective
Effect of Temporal Relationship Between CS and UCS on Acquisition
Trace Conditioning
CS presented first but ends before the UCs occurs
ring bell, then food, will work but takes longer
Effect of Temporal Relationship Between CS and UCS on Acquisition
Simultaneous Conditioning
CS and UCS presented at same instant
same time / just focused on food
Effect of Temporal Relationship Between CS and UCS on Acquisition
Backward Conditioning
- CS follows the UCs (tone after food)
- food, ring bell
In most cases, for conditioning to occur, NS needs to come before UCS by about .5 sec
When the US (food) does not follow the CS (tone), CR (salivation) begins to decrease and eventually ceases
spontaneous Recovery
After a rest period, an extinguished CR (salivation) spontaneously recovers when CS presented, but if the CS persists alone, the CR becomes extinct again
- Go back to conditional (what they first learned)
- adaptive, safety, protective mechanism
Stimulus Generalization
is the tendency to respond to stimuli similar to the CS.
Stimulus Discrimination
is the learned ability to distinguish between a conditioned stimulus and other stimuli that do not signal an unconditioned stimulus.
Reconditioning Savings
- Reconditioning a previously extinguished stimulus to become a CS once again is usually faster the
- second time around.
Higher-order Conditioning
- A well learned CS can become a UCS to another CS
- Can have second-order conditioning , third-order conditioning, etc.
- Example
- Bell (CS1) ->Salivation (CR)
- If repeat: Clap (NS) + Bell (CS1) ->Salivation (CR) Eventually Clap (CS2) -> Saluivation (CR)
Can emotional responses be conditioned
Watson & Raynor (1920) used classical conditioning procedures to condition little Albert’s fear response.
Little Albert
- US- loud noise
- UR-cry/fear
- CS- white rat
- CR- cry fear
- generalized - everything white and fluffy made him cry
Applications of Classical Conditioning
Former crack cocaine users should avoid cues (people, places) associated with previous drug use.
Hearing the sound of a toilet flush-> hot water-> flinch
Operant Conditioning
Based on Thorndike’s Law of effect
Behaviors followed by positive outcomes strengthen, while those followed by negative outcomes weaken.
- Conditioning of operants (deliberate actions) involves response contingent consequences.
- Behavior is emitted then controlled by consequences.
Operant vs. Classical Conditioning
1.Classical conditioning forms associations between stimuli (CS and US). Operant conditioning forms an association between behaviors and their resulting consequences.
2.Classical conditioning involves respondents Operant conditioning involves operants
Skinner's Experiments
Using Thorndike's law of effect as a starting point, Skinner developed the Operant chamber, or the Skinner box, to study operant conditioning.
The Skinner Box
The operant conditioning chamber/skinner box comes with a bar that an animal manipulates to obtain food or water and has a grid on the ground through which electrical current can pass.
Skinner's work
Skinner concluded that 2 types of Consequences control behavior, each has two forms.
An event that increases the frequency of behaviors that preceded it.
Strengthening a behavior you want strengthened
Pos Reinforcement
desirable event follows behavior
Negative Reinforcement
an unpleasant even ends when behavior occurs
subtracts something away that increases desirable behavior
- An event that decreases the
- frequency of behaviors that preceded it.
positive punishment
something aversive occurs
negative punishment
something desirable is taken away
Ways to increase behavior
Positive reinforcement
add a desirable stimulus
getting a hug, receiving a pay check
Ways to increase behavior
Negative reinforcement
remove an aversive stimulus
fastening a seatbelt to turn of beeping
Ways to decrease behavior
Positive punishment
Administer an aversive stimulus
spanking parking ticket
Ways to decrease behavior
Negative Punishment
withdraw a desirable stimulus
- time out from privileges (such as time with friends)
- revoked driver's license
Negative side effects of punishment
- 1.Escape/avoidance behaviors negatively reinforced lying, cheating, blaming, anyway to avoid
- 2.Use of punishment negatively reinforced short term and quick results, and must become more severe as time goes on
- 3.User established as a conditioned punisher the kid will want to avoid you
- 4.Conveys no information to the organism. never learned why it was bad
- 5.Unwanted behaviors reappear in its absence.when you leave they will do the behavior again
- 6.Ethical issues: justifies aggression on weaker other & models use of punishment if you have power over someone doesn't mean you should use it
Primary Reinforcer
An innately reinforcing stimulus like food or drink. No learning needed. Inherently valuable.
warmth, approval
Conditioned/secondary reinforcer
A learned reinforcer that gets its reinforcing power through association with the primary reinforcer.
what matters is the other persons view (aversive)
immediate reinforcer
a reinforcer that occurs instantly after a behavior (right at the beginning of a behavior )
most effective
Delayed reinforcer
A reinforcer that is delayed in time for a certain behavior
immediate signal
Continuous Reinforcement
Reinforces the desired response each time it occurs.
Partial/intermittent Reinforcement
Reinforces a response only part of the time. Though this results in slower acquisition in the beginning, it shows greater resistance to extinction later on.
Ratio schedules
depend on rate of responding
interval schedules
depend on time
Reinforces a response only after a specified number of responses.
Variable-ratio schedule
Reinforces a response after an unpredictable number of responses.
most resistant to extinction
Fixed-interval schedule
Reinforces a response only after a specified time has elapsed.
Variable-interval schedule
Reinforces a response at unpredictable time intervals
produces a steady response
Extinction of Operant Conditioning
Gradual decrease in behaviors that are no longer reinforced
- Procedure in which reinforcers guide behavior towards the desired target behavior through successive approximations
- • Used if behavior never occurs and instructions/modeling not applicable /effective
- • Reinforce behaviors that are increasingly similar to the desired behavior & stop reinforcing previous approximations
- • Sometimesusedaccidentallytodevelopproblem behaviors
Token Economy
- Involves systematic use of conditioned reinforcers (tokens) to increase desirable behaviors
- – Present tokens immediately after desirable behavior & pair token delivery with descriptive praise
- – Tokens exchanged for back-up reinforcers. – Begin with a continuous schedule of reinforcement
- & a generous exchange rate
- – Fade tokens gradually & let natural reinforcers maintain target behavior.
Cognitive Aspects of Learning
- Behavioral learning involves cognitive aspects & inner processes that traditional behaviorists ignored. Skinner
- criticized for dehumanizing people by neglecting their free will.
Latent Learning
Even with out reinforcement,rats learned to run a maze. Performance, but not learning, improved with reinforcement.
Such cognitive maps are based on latent learning, which becomes apparent only when an incentive is given (Tolman & Honzik, 1930).
Observational Learning
Bandura’s bobo doll study (1961) on modeling & vicarious conditioning
Learning by observation
Learning by observation begins early in life. This 14-month-old child imitates the adult on TV in pulling a toy apart.
Gentile et al., (2004) shows that children exposed to violent television, videos, and video games express increased aggression.
Mirror Neurons
Neuroscientists discovered mirror neurons in the brains of animals and humans that are active during observational learning.
Application of Operant Conditioning
Reinforcers affect productivity. Many companies now allow employees to share profits and participate in company ownership.