
  1. how does technology change the role of managers?
    • >marketing
    • >decision-making
    • >production
    • >redundancies
    • >ee retention and motivation
  2. impact of technology on personnel
    • >changing nature of job
    • >new types of jobs
    • >redundancies
    • >teleworking
  3. impact of technology on business costs
    • >increased costs
    • -buy new technology.. maintain hardware
    • -train ee to operate new technology

    • >reduced costs
    • -less refunds and repairs
    • -reduced wage bill
  4. impact of technology on business opportunities
    • >design
    • >increased sales
    • >direct marketing
    • >new products
  5. why would there be resistance to change?
    • >fear of losing jobs
    • >fear of losing power
    • >fear of failure
    • >laziness
  6. strategies for managing change
    • >managers lead by example
    • >managers must communicate with ees
    • >manager must train ees
    • >manager must allow ees to participate in the change
  7. define TQM
    total quality management... management strategy designed to ensure 100% perfection and 100% customer satisfaction because every person in the business is responsible for delivering quality to the customer
  8. what are the main principles of TQM?
    • >focus on the customer
    • >ee empowerment
    • >teamwork
    • >continuous improvement
  9. benefits of TQM
    • >increase in sales and profits
    • >lower costs
    • >ees more motivated and committed
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chapter 10