
  1. RBC
    • Erythrocytes
    • 4,200,000 - 6,100,000mm
  2. Erythropoietin
    Cytokine made by the kidneys that stimulates the proliferation of RBC's
  3. Erythropoiesis
    formation of RBC's
  4. WBC
    • leukocytes
    • 5,000 - 10,000
  5. Neutrophils
    • infection
    • stress
    • inflammation
  6. Eosinophils
    • allergies
    • parasites
  7. Basophils
    • allergies
    • inflammation
    • tissue injury
  8. Lymphocytes
    • viral infection
    • auto immune diseases
  9. Monocytes
    • tissue damage (2nd)
    • inflammation
    • infection
  10. Platelets
    • 150,000 - 400,000
    • clotting function
    • life span 1-2wks
    • 20% stored in spleen
  11. Hemoglobin- Female
    12-16 g/dl
  12. Hemoglobin- Males
    14-18 g/dl
  13. Hematocrit (cell/soln)- Female
  14. Hematocrit (cell/soln) - Male
  15. PT
    11-12.5 sec
  16. PTT
  17. INR
  18. Bleeding time
    1-9 minutes
  19. Anemia
    deficiency of RBC
  20. Anemia S/S
    • pallor
    • cool to touch
    • cold intolerance
  21. Anemia S/S
    • Tachycardia
    • orthostatic hypotension
    • murmurs & gallops when severe
  22. Anemia S/S
    • Dyspnea on exertion
    • Decreased O2 Sat levels
  23. Anemia S/S
    • Inc somnolence & fatigue
    • headache
  24. Iron Deficiency Anemia
    • anemia resulting from a greater demand on stored iron than can be supplied
    • b/c of diet malabsorption, blood loss, hemolysis
  25. Iron Deficiency Anemia S/S
    • headache
    • inflammation of tongue
    • inflammation of lips (cheilitis)
  26. Cobalamin Deficiency
    • Vitamin B12 deficiency
    • lack of intrinsic factor
    • pernicious anemia
  27. Cobalamin Deficiency S/S
    • sore tongue
    • N/V
    • weakness
    • paresthesia of feet and hands
    • ataxia
    • confusion
    • pallor
  28. Aplastic Anemia
    deficiency of RBC
  29. Aplastic Anemia S/S
    • confusion
    • infection
    • bleeding
    • easy bruising
    • fatigue
    • weakness
    • nosebleeds
    • rapid HR
    • SOB
  30. Polycythemia
    increased production of RBC's causing impaired circulation due to increased blood viscosity
  31. Polycythemia S/S
    • hepatomegaly
    • spleenomegaly
    • intermittent claudication
    • pain
  32. Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura
    • autoimmune disease that causes abnormal platelet destruction
    • pt. bleeds
  33. Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura
    • formation of micro-thrombi/platelets that deposit in arterioles and capillaries resulting in few platelets in circulation
    • pt. clots
  34. Thrombocytopenia S/S
    • petechiae
    • ecchymoses
    • prolonged bleeding after routine procedures
    • hemorrhage
  35. Neutropenia collaborative care
    • alert for minor complaints (sore throat, diarrhea, fever)
    • antibiotics
    • strict handwashing
    • private room
    • avoid fresh fruit and vegetables, flowers
Card Set
disorders, values