
  1. Alcohol contains how many cal/g? Standard drink provides how many grams of alcohol?
    7 cal/g

    15 g
  2. Production of alcoholic beverages. What two processes are used in alcohol production? Briefly describe what they do.
    Fermentation: Yeast consumes carbs and converts them to alcohol & CO2.

    Separating the alcohol out of the product.
  3. Alcohol absorption & metabolism. How is alcohol absorbed through the GI tract? Where is it mostly metabolized?
    GI tract by simple diffusion.

    Metabolized in liver.

    Ethanol---(ADH, MEOS)-->Acetaldahyde-->Aldehyde (ALDH)--Acetyl-CoA.
  4. Alcohol absorption & metabolism. MEOS increase/decrease as you drink? Stomach & liver metabolize what percentage of alcohol?
    MEO increases (tolerance)

    Metabolizes about 90% of alcohol.
  5. Factors affecting alcohol metabolism?

    What is the rate of alcohol metabolism?
    Ethnicity, gender & age, tolerance, ADH & ALDH enzymes.

    Rate: about 1 drink/hour. More than that causes BAC levels to rise.

    Can reach intoxication and poisoning.
  6. What percentage of adults consume alcohol?

    What percent is dependent on alcohol?

    5%, 9% of young adults (18-29)
  7. Effects of alcohol abuse on nutritional status. What four areas?
    Protein-energy malnutrition: Getting calories but little protein from alcohol.

    Water soluable vitamin deficiencies: Thiamin, niacin, B-12, and folate.

    Fat soluble vitamin deficiencies: A, D, E, K. Due to impairment of the liver & pancreas.

    Mineral deficiencies: Ca, Mg, Zn, Fe.
  8. Alcohol consumption during pregnancy & breastfeeding. What percent is born w/ alcohol complications?

    Most severe damage occurs in the first how many weeks of pregnancy?

    What does alcohol consumption cause in babies?

    Does alcohol pass through breastmilk?
    3% of babies

    12-16 weeks of pregnancy.

    Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS), Fetal alcohol effects.

    Yes, it passes through breastmilk.
  9. Alcoholism. What are the risk factors and there percentages?
    Genetics (50% dependant)


    Age of onset drinking (starting early increase risks)

    Mental Health (depression & anxiety increase risks)
  10. Diagnosis & treatment of alcoholism. What percentage of people do not seek treatment?

    What kind of therapy is used to decrease alcohol cravings?
    75% do not seek treatment.

    Behavioral therapy and medications.

    Alcohols Anonymous.
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