Healthy People Goals?
- Goal 1: Increase quality and years of healthy life
- Goal 2: Eliminate health disparities
Measurable Objectives
- Time frame
- Direction of change
- Magnitude of change
- Definition of the way change will be measured
SMART - specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, time bound
Process Objective
- -Concerned with what you hope to do along the path to your outcome objective
- -Speficies the means or how to attain outcome
- -Includes how well we are implementing our methods
Say how
Outcome Objective
-Concerned with what your are seeking to change
Expected Outcomes: knowledge, skills, attitudes, performance
-Measures the success of a program
Specify the client change
Implementation (proper definition)
The strategic plan for putting a program into action
Criteria for Selection of Health Methods
- acceptability
- literacy
- customary ways of gaining info
- cost
- convenience
- feasibility
Creating New Materials or Adapting Existing Materials
- clarity
- consistency
- main points
- tone and appeal
- credibility
- reading level
- language
- public need
Pre-Testing Characterisitics
- attraction
- comprehension
- acceptability
- personal involvement
- persuasion
Concerns Associated with Implementation
- legal concerns
- program safety
- program registration and fee collection
- procedures for record keeping
- program logisitics
- moral and ethical concerns
5 Phases of Program Implementation
- 1. adoption of the program
- 2. identify and prioritize tasks that need to be completed
- 3. establish a system of management
- 4. putting plan into action
- 5. ending or sustaining a program
Gantt Chart
timeline with tasks that can be connected to each other and focusses on the sequence of tasks
program evaluation and review technique
- -another way to evaluate
- -flow chart
determining what a program achieved and comparing that with what was expected; comparing with standards
- Arbitrary
- Scientific
- Historical
- Normative
- Compromise
Purposes of Evaluation
- Accuracy of results; or a difference made
- Generalized to real world
- Degree of achievement
- Document program strengths and weaknesses
- Contribute to science base
- Improve staff, skills
- Fulfill grant or contract reqs
6 Steps in Evaluation
- Engaging stakeholders
- Describe the program
- Focus the evaluation design
- Gather credible evidence
- Justify conclusions
- Ensure use and share lessons learned
4 Standards for Good Evaluation
- Utility
- Fesibility
- Propriety
- Accuracy
- Has to do with program development and implementation
- Immediate or short impact of an intervention
Generally associated with program impacts and outcomes
- Tracking how and how well your program is working
- Monitoring the quality and quantity of procedures
- Intermediate Outcome Evaluation
- Can be carried ot immediately after an intervention to look at the intermediate outcomes
- Final Outcome Evaluation
- Concerned with assessing the long term effect on the health of the target audience
Cost Benefit Analysis
Cost (intervention) and outcome (health outcome rate) measured in $$
Cost Effectiveness Analysis
Outcomes measured in physical units
example: life years gained or symptom free days
- Soft (narrative) data
- Asks why
- Subjective
- Insight to behavior, trends, etc..
- Focus groups
- Hard data (numeric)
- Asks how many or how often
- Objective
- Explores relationships between variables
Non-Experimental: The One Shot Case Study Design
E x post test
experimental group gets the intervention then post test to see results
Non-Experimental: One Group Pretest and Posttest
E pretest x posttest
experimental group gets pretest then intervention then a posttest
- useful in formative stages
- pilot test
Non-Experimental: One Group Time Series Design
E 01 02 03 (pre) x 01 02 03 (post)
experimental group gets observed a certain amount of times then gets intervention then gets observed again a few times
good to examine trends and patterns
Experimental Design: Post Test Only Control Group
two groups each randomly assigned, experimental group gets intervention and then both groups are given post test
Experimental Design: Randomized Control Group Pretest Posttest Design (randomized pretest and posttest with an e and c group)
- R E pre x post
- R C pre post
two groups each randomly assigned, both groups get pretest but the e group gets intervention then both get posttest
Quasi-Experimental Design: Nonequivalent Comparison
Both groups pre tested only e gets intervention and then both posttested
Quasi-Experimental Design: Multiple Time Series
- E 01 02 03 (pre) x 01 02 03 (post)
- C 01 02 03 (pre) 01 02 03 (post)
both groups get observed a few times, group e gets intervention then both get posttested
Reliability vs Validity
- Reliability - consistency
- Validity - accurate
Internal Validity
The extent to which an observed effect can be attributed to a planned intervention
External Validity
The extent to which an observed impact can be generalized to other setting and populations with similar characteristics
process of assigning numbers or labels to objects, persons, states, or events
can be measured nominal, ordinal, interval, ratio
- no order
- more label like
- example: gender, yes/no, race, categories
- Order matters but no equal distance apart
- example, small medium large, ratings 10 - 1
- Ordered
- Difference in two values matters
- Temperature
- 0 doesnt mean 0
Example: height, weight, time, age
equal intervals
depiction of a program showing what the program will do and what is to accomplish
a series of if then relationships, tat, if implemented as intended, lead to the desired outcomes
input > output > outcomes