Baroque Architecture 3

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    Jesuit College,1630 by Bartolomeo Bianco - Genoa

    • -on the strata nova
    • -the Balbi Jesuit commission
    • -Jesuits educated both young adolescents and teenagers
    • -vestibule over street on lowest level
    • -painterly quality to Baroque architecture
    • -‘scenography’ aka architecture of the theatre
    • -full of signs, trinity
    • -columns used to create depth and recession
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    Jesuit College staircase,1630 by Bartolomeo Bianco - Genoa

    • -monumental staircase:
    • -imperial, influential
    • -bottom = "beginning of the journey"
    • -view looking up onto the drama that unfolds through the use of columns
    • -eye is directed to where sunlight falls on the first set of stairs in the courtyard
    • -through the upper bay windows eye is directed towards other staircases
    • -staircase then divides into two, originally no treads
    • -perhaps humor or perhaps no money
    • -one of the 2 most important staircases in Genoa
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    Palazzo Doria-Tursi, 1564 by Rocco Lurago - Genoa

    • -on the Via Garibaldi
    • -facade is characterized by alternating materials of different color:
    • -pink stone of Finale
    • -gray-black slate
    • -prized white marble from Carrara
    • -heavy cornice supported by solid corbels
    • -majestic marble portal crowned with emblem of the city of Genoa
    • -flanked by small gardens
    • -one of the 2 most important staircases in Genoa
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    Monumental Staircase at S. Maggiore Monastery, 1643 by Baldassare Longhena - Venice

    • -added a section on top of the roof and the courtyard
    • -contains a spectacular ceremonial staircase
    • -proud of the fact that he was a native of where he worked and signed stairs
    • -elements relate to each other
    • -stairs have traces of courtyard
    • -walls have traces of the steps of the staircase
    • -Venice offers very little room for staircases and open staircases tended to prevail
    • -screw that...he created a lavish, imperial style staircase with multiple landings
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    Monumental Staircase at S. Maggiore Monastery, 1643 by Baldassare Longhena - Venice
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    Palazzo Rezzonico, 1662 by Baldassare Longhena - Venice

    • -very powerful family recently risen to prominence
    • -wanted an impressive palace with land and water entrance
    • -some features of classical palazzo:
    • -important rooms on upper floors
    • -windows filled with glass
    • -piano nobile left space for a watergate
    • -decoration of each story gets more and more elaborate
    • -baluster-style staircase similar to others we've seen
    • -wave motif in the decorative moulding
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    Palazzo Pesaro, 1652 by Baldassare Longhena and Antonio Gaspari - Venice
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    • S. Maria della Salute, 1631 by Baldassare Longhena - Venice
    • -key monument, his most important work
    • -prominent location at the top of the Canal
    • -In 1606 large plague that killed a number of citizens in Venice
    • -they vowed to build a church to the Virgin if the city was saved
    • -Venice plagued because it was a merchant city
    • -large amounts of money for the church came from fearful patrons
    • -competition for commission
    • -several qualifications:
    • -high altar visible from door of the church
    • -side chapels hidden from entrance (odd)
    • -may have related to CR and wanted people to enter church
    • -inside giant pillars block view of chapels
    • -substantial pillars bear the weight of dome above
    • -centrally planned
    • -in his design he used a term that not only means large round church, but also describes a round float used in regattas
    • -poem suggests ther were going to be two Venetian saints on top of the center archway
    • -instead there are traditional angels
    • -perhaps because Venice had problesm with Turks and needed Papal support
    • -Virgin on a crescent moon on top of the dome, aka Virgin of Immaculate Conception aka saint of heath
    • -clear iconography on high altar, personification of Venice is chasing a hag (the plague) out of the city with the help of the Virgin
    • -shape of the church resembles crown of the Virgin
    • -dome is raised especially high
    • -secondary dome on top of the interior dome
    • -this is to make it visible on procession from St. Marks, where the Dogial procession of the Feast of the Virgin begins
    • -second dome above the altar
    • -Baldassare = Venetian great, huge influence on all subsequent Venetian architects

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    S. Nicolo da Tolentino, 1706 by Andrea Tirali - Venice

    • -theatine church, CR order
    • -built almost in full by other architect in brick
    • -Tirali added facade
    • -huge contrast from Maria della Salute
    • -lacks exuberance of Baroque
    • -classicizing and severe
    • -indicative of style after Baldassare's death
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    SS. Simone e Giuda, 1718 by Giovanni Antonio Scalfarotto - Venice
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    The Pieta, 1736 by Giorgio Massari - Venice
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    Palazzo Grassi, 1748 by Giorgio Massari - Venice
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    Villa Pisani, 1735 by Francesco Maria Preti - Stra
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    La Madonna di San Luca, 1723 by Carlo Francesco Dotti - Bologna
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    S. Marcello al Corso, 1685 by Fontana - Rome
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    S. Michele Prison, 1701 by Fontana - Rome
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    S. Giovanni in Laterno, 1733 by Alessandro Galilei - Rome
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    Sta. Maria Maggiore, 1740 by Ferdinando Fuga - Rome
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    Sta. Croce in Gerusalemme, 1743 by Domenico Gregoriani - Rome
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    Piazza S. Ignazio, 1727 by Filippo Raguzzini - Rome
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    Spanish Steps, 1723 by Franceso de Sanctis - Rome
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    Noto Cathedral facade, 1710 by Gagliardi - Sicily
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    S. Domenico, Noto, 1737 by Gagliardi - Sicily

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    S. Giorgio at Ragusa-Ibla, 1744 by Gagliardi - Sicily
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    S. Giorgio at Modica, 1738 by Gagliardi - Sicily
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    Villa Palagonia, 1705 by Tommaso Napoli - Bagheria

    -“The villa of the prince who loved monsters”

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Baroque Architecture 3
Baroque Architecture 3