Chapter 6- Comm 114

  1. Student-Teacher Relationship
    • impact how students feel about content
    • impact motivation
    • impact teacher enthusiasm

    relationships evolve/change over time ( they get broader and deeper)

    Positive: caring, friendly, dependable, taking time, helping with schoolwork, and valuing individuality
  2. relational dialectics
    • constant push/pull
    • desire to be close/desire for distance
    • friendly/professional distance
    • dependence/independence
  3. Teacher Immediacy
    • primarily relational
    • verbal/non-verbal signs of approachability
    • promotes affective learning
    • impacts feelings about instructor
    • impacts feelings about course content
  4. more comfortable...
    more likely to seek

    • 1. help
    • 2. listen
  5. connected to. ..
    • 1. referential skill (explaning content)
    • 2. ego support ( how teachers meet student need)
  6. teachers impacted by student immediacy
    more likely to engage with them
  7. initiating
    • teachers form impression of students
    • students develop expectations
    • first impressions are important
  8. experimenting
    • looking for common ground
    • identifying points of difference
    • testing limits
  9. intensifying
    • communicating authentic caring
    • become more informal
  10. differentiating
    • may not care for one another
    • conflicts
    • distance themselves
    • learning compromised
  11. deterioration and dissolution
    formal relationship severed/redefined
  12. affinity seeking
    • strategies teachers use to generate liking (impacts motivation/learning)
    • equality
    • dynamism
    • facilitates enjoyment
    • comfortable with self
    • concede control
    • conversation rule-keeping
    • elicit other's disclosure
    • non-verbal immediacy
    • optimism
  13. schools should systematically attend to students' social and emotional skill.
    will result in
    • increase in achievement
    • decrease in problem behaviors
    • improved quality of relationships for each child
    • students mroe productive, responsible, contributing
  14. social/emotional competence
    • self awareness
    • understand communication processes
    • work cooperatively
    • self-management
    • problem-solve
    • make decisions

    need to develope classroom communities to meet academic, social and emotional needs of students
  15. community defined
    • feeling of belonging/personal relatedness
    • influence, group matters to its members
    • reinforcement; needs are met by membership
    • emotional connection; share common history, experiences

    students feel cared about/care about each other

    • students' need for belonging
    • - results in liking school more
    • -more engaged in learning
    • -like teachers more

    victims of bullying: high anxiety/low self-esteem

    • girls more likely to experience sense of belongingness
    • boys experience more negative relationships
    • girls usually have more friends
  16. pedagogical elements that increase sense of community

    caring teacher..
    • helpful
    • empathizing
    • enthusiastic
    • optimistic
    • clear boundaries, be consistent
    • valuing individuality
    • modeling
    • validating
    • providing opportunities to show competence
    • high expectations
    • respect and affection
    • dependable
  17. peer mediated learning
    • critical to harness peer support
    • peers can be powerful in moderating behavior
  18. observational learning
    • observe and learn from one another
    • must pick respected student as a model
  19. group dicussion/ group work
    have interdependent goals (team sports)
  20. peer tutoring
    • beneficial to all
    • must be dependable
  21. peer mediation
    • teach students ways to handle conflict
    • reduces violence
    • increases cooperation
  22. classroom meetings
    builds sense of community
  23. service learning and use of literature
    • service learning: helping other
    • - 10 elements connected to curriculum/reflection

    • use of literature:
    • 1. promote interpersonal understanding
    • 2. promotes prosocial values
  24. student behavior more positive when
    • students feel like they belong
    • instruction is engaging and connects to students lives
  25. biophysical model
    medical model
  26. psycho educational
    help gain control over own behavior
  27. behavioral
    • learned and unlearned
    • punishment paradigm
    • social learning theory- training, direct instruction, modeling, reherasal)
  28. cognitive behavioral modification
    • how people think and feel impacts actions
    • uses self-management strategies
  29. ecological
    looks at behavior in relationship to context, environment
  30. needs based problems occur when child's needs are not met
    • physiological needs
    • safety needs
    • love needs
    • esteem needs
    • self-actualization needs
  31. african americans
    • lower expectations
    • criticized more
    • more punitive punishment
    • more suspensions

    • teacher strategies:
    • 1. more active learning
    • 2. more collaborative work
    • 3. more physical movement
  32. asian americans
    • viewed as cooperative
    • viewd as gifted

    • teacher strategies:
    • cautioned not to shame
    • allow for silence
  33. native americans
    • lack of eye contact
    • do not always appreciate competition
    • late with assignments

    • teacher strategies:
    • cooperative learning
    • use visual learning
    • allow quiet time for reflection
  34. hispanic americans
    • language issues
    • general pessimism
    • behavioral issues

    • teacher strategies:
    • cooperative learning
    • include opportunities with family
  35. proactive behavioral supports
    • classroom organization
    • clear rules and procedures
    • student engagement
    • positive reinforcement
    • responding to minor disruptions- process important
  36. lecture
    • add up-to-date info
    • expand
    • provide insight
    • be passionate
    • be dramatic.entertaining
    • use technology to enhance
  37. effective lectures
    • arouse interest
    • don't cover too much
    • est. a learning set
    • 1. pose significant problem/tell story/ activity
    • 2. present an organizing frame
    • use strategies to reinforce important points
    • actively engage listeners
    • 1. spaced lecture./students think/write

    advantage: easy to transport/ few materials
  38. small group discussion
    • cooperative learning
    • positive interdependence
    • individual/group accountability
    • interpersonal skills
    • social skills- meets needs for inclusion, affection, control
    • group processing
    • good modality for some students
    • can draw on own experiences
    • creativity
    • Types
    • 1. brainstorming
    • 2.tutorial
    • 3.task
  39. questioning (inquiry) AVID
    affective domain (connect and resonate)

    • Bloom's Taxonomy
    • 1. knowledge (facts)
    • 2. comprehension (understanding)
    • 3. application ( connecting to concrete situations)
    • 4. analysis (drawing inferences)
    • 5. synthesis (construct a new or original idea)
  40. questioning (inquiry) AVID
    affective domain (connect and resonate)

    • Bloom's Taxonomy
    • 1. knowledge (facts)
    • 2. comprehension (understanding)
    • 3. application ( connecting to concrete situations)
    • 4. analysis (drawing inferences)
    • 5. synthesis (construct a new or original idea)
    • 6. evaluation ( reflect, compare, contrast, judge)

    experiential : learning by doing
Card Set
Chapter 6- Comm 114
Building Relationship