Calculations for Informatics

  1. 1 g =
    gr xv
  2. 1 t =
    5 mL
  3. 1 T =
    3 t = 15 mL = 1/2 fl oz
  4. 1 fl oz =
    30 mL = 6 t
  5. 1 L =
    1 qt = 32 fl oz = 2 pt = 4 cups
  6. 1 pt =
    500 mL = 16 fl oz = 2 cups
  7. 1 cup =
    250 mL = 8 fl oz
  8. 1 kg =
    2.2 lb
  9. 1 in =
    2.5 cm
  10. IM
  11. IV
  12. IVPB
    intravenous piggyback
  13. subcut
  14. SL
    sublingual, under the tongue
  15. ID
  16. GT
    gastrostomy tube
  17. NG
    nasogastric tube
  18. NJ
    nasojejunal tube
  19. p.o.
    by mouth, orally
  20. p.r.
    per rectum, rectally
  21. a.c.
    before meals
  22. p.c.
    after meals
  23. ad. lib.
    as desired, freely
  24. p.r.n.
    when necessary
  25. stat
    immediately, at once
  26. b.i.d..
    twice a day
  27. t.i.d.
    three times a day
  28. q.i.d.
    four times a day
  29. min
  30. h
  31. q.h
    every hour
  32. q.2h
    every two hours
  33. q.3h
    every 3 hours
  34. q.4h
    every four hours
  35. a with a line above it
  36. p with a line above it
  37. c with a line above it
  38. s with a line above it
  39. q
  40. qs
    quantity sufficient
  41. aq
  42. NPO
    nothing by mouth
  43. gtt
  44. tab
  45. cap
  46. et
  47. noct
  48. What does a drug order consist of?
    • name of patient
    • name of the drug to be administered
    • dosage of the drug
    • route by which the drug is to be administered
    • frequency, time, and special instructions related to adminsitration
    • date and time when the order was written
    • signature and licensure of the person writing the order
  49. What are the six rights of safe and accurate medication administration?
    The right patient must receive the right drug in the right amount by the right route at the right time, followed by the right documentation
  50. What are the maximum dosages allowed to be administered per intramuscular injection site for Adults, Children 6 - 12, and Children birth - 5?
    • Adults average 150 lb = 3 mL (maximum deltoid site is 2 mL)
    • Children 6-12 = 2 mL
    • Children birth - 5 = 1 mL
  51. What is the calculation of an oral dosage?
    • D (desired)
    • H(have)
    • x Q(quantity) = X (amount)
  52. What is the calculation used for an parenteral dosage?
    • D (desired)
    • H(have)
    • x Q(quantity) = X (amount)
  53. What do you do if the amount is greater than 1 mL?
    round the amount to be given to the tenths and measure it in a 3 mL syringe
  54. What do you do if the amount is less than 1 mL?
    round the amount to be given to the nearest 100ths and all amounts less than 0.5 mL in a 1 mL syringe
  55. What do you do if the amount is between 0.5 mL and 1 mL?
    calculate to the nearest 10ths and can be measured in a 1 mL or 3 mL syringe
  56. What is the calculation to figure if the dosage is safe?
    mg/kg/dose x kg = mg/dose
  57. What other calculation is used to figure if the dosage is safe?
    • D (desired)
    • H(have)
    • x Q(quantity) = X (amount)
  58. D
  59. W
  60. S
  61. NS
    normal saline (0.9% NaCl)
  62. NaCl
    sodium chloride
  63. RL
    ringer's lactate
  64. LR
    lactated ringer's
  65. What calculation is used to solve IV flow for manually regulated IVs ordered in mL/h or for a prescribed number of minutes?
    • Volume (mL)
    • Time (min)
    • x Calibration or drop factor (gtt/mL) = Rate (gtt/min)

    • V
    • T
    • x C = R
  66. What calculation is used to solve IV flow for manually regulated IVs ordered in total volume and total hours?
    • Total (mL)
    • Total hours
    • = mL/h (round results to 10ths)
    • then
    • V
    • T
    • x C = R (round result to a whole number)
  67. What are the drop factor constants for
    10 gtt/mL
    15 gtt/mL
    20 gtt/mL
    60 gtt/mL
    • 10 = 6
    • 15 = 4
    • 20 = 3
    • 60 = 1
  68. What is the shortcut method to calculate IV flow rate?
    • mL/h
    • drop factor constant
    • = gtt/min
  69. What is the calculation to figure BSA?
    • ht (cm) x wt (kg)
    • 3,600
    • all squared

    • Household:
    • ht (in) x wt (lb)
    • 3131
    • all squared
  70. How do you calculate the safe dosage based on BSA?
    mg/m2 x m2 = X mg
  71. What are the amounts used to calculate the daily rate of pediatric maintenance IV fluids
    • 100 mL/kg/day for first 10 kg of body weight
    • 50 mL/kg/day for next 10 kg of body weight
    • 20 mL/kg/day for each kg above 20 kg of body weight
  72. How do you calculate flow rate of an IV medication to be given over a specified time period?
    • D
    • H
    • x Q = R (mL/h)
Card Set
Calculations for Informatics
different equations and other items for quiz in informatics