Foramen of the Skull

  1. pterygoid canal
    • sphenoid b.
    • v, a, n of the pterygoid canal (vidian n.)
  2. pterygomaxillary suture
    • sphenoid b.
    • maxillary b.
    • maxillary a. and vv.
  3. pterygopalatine fossa
    • sphenoid b.
    • palatine b.
    • V2, facial n., maxillary a.
  4. stylomastoid foramen
    • temporal b.
    • facial n.
  5. supraorbital foramen
    • frontal b.
    • supraorbital v, a, n.
  6. zygomaticofacial foramen
    • zygomatic b.
    • zygomaticofacial n.
  7. zygomaticotemporal foramen
    • zygomatic b.
    • zygomaticotemporal n.
  8. sphenopalatine foramen
    • sphenoid b.
    • palantine b.
    • sphenopalatine a, v. and nasopalatine n.
  9. incisive foramen
    • maxilla b.
    • greater palatine a.
    • nasopalatine n.
  10. internal acoustic meatus
    • posterior cranial fossa
    • temporal b.
    • CN 7, 8, internal auditory a, v.
  11. external acoustic/ auditiory meatus
    • temporal b.
    • auditory (Eustachian) tube, tensor tympani m.
  12. carotid canal
    • temporal b.
    • internal carotid a., postganglionic sympathetic ganglion
  13. alveolar foramen
    • maxilla b.
    • posterior superior alveolar v, a, n
  14. cribriform plate
    • ethmoid b.
    • olfactory n. (CN 1)
    • anterior cranial fossa
  15. foramen caecum
    • frontal b. and ethmoid b.
    • emissary v.
  16. mental foramen
    • mandible b.
    • mental v, a, n.
  17. inferior orbital fissure
    • sphenoid, palatine, maxilla, and zygomatic b.
    • zygomatic n.
    • infraorbital v, a, n.
    • inferior ophthalmic v.
  18. superior orbital fissure
    • middle cranial fossa
    • sphenoid b.
    • superior ophthalmic vv.
    • CN 3, 4, V1, 6
  19. mandibular foramen
    • mandible b.
    • inferior alveolar v, a, n.
  20. anterior ethmoid foramen
    • ethmoid and frontal b.
    • anterior ethmoidal v, a, n
  21. posterior ethmoid foramen
    • ethmoid and frontal b.
    • posterior ethmoidal v, a, n.
  22. foramen magnum
    • occipital b.
    • posterior cranial fossa
    • contains: spinal cord, spinal root of spinal accessory nerve (CN XI), vertebral a, v., posterior and anterior spinal aa, vv.
  23. hypoglossal canal (anterior condylar canal)
    • posterior cranial fossa
    • occipital b.
    • hypoglossal n. (CN XII)
  24. Jugular Foramen
    • posterior cranial fossa
    • occipital and temporal b.
    • contains: IJV, CN 9, 10, 11, inferior petrosal sinus
  25. optic foramen
    • middle cranial fossa
    • sphenoid b.
    • optic n. (CN 2), ophthalmic a.
  26. foramen rotundum
    • middle cranial fossa
    • sphenoid b.
    • V2 (maxillary branch of trigeminal n. )
  27. foramen ovale
    • middle cranial fossa
    • sphenoid b.
    • V3, accessory meningeal a., lesser petrosal n.
  28. foramen spinosum
    • middle cranial fossa
    • sphenoid b.
    • middle meningeal a, v.
  29. greater palatine foramen
    • palatine b. and maxilla b.
    • greater palatine v, a, n
  30. lesser palatine foramen
    • palatine b.
    • lesser palatine v, a, n.
  31. infraorbital foramen
    • maxilla b.
    • infraorbital v, a, n.
Card Set
Foramen of the Skull
foramen and innervation