ISDS Computers and You

  1. A computer
    is a device that performs the information-processing cycle.
  2. The information-processing cycle
    consists of four basic operations: input, processing, output, and storage.
  3. A computer system is
    a group of associated components that work together.
  4. Computer system components are categorized into two main groups:

  5. Hardware is
    made up of the physical parts of the computer and includes such components as the system unit, monitor, keyboard, and printer.
  6. Software is
    made up of all the programs that instruct the computer.
  7. System software
    includes the programs that assist with the proper functioning of the computer.
  8. Application software
    includes the programs used to perform tasks.
  9. Input is..
    the first operation of the information-processing cycle, enables the computer to accept data.
  10. Data refers to
    facts that are raw and unorganized
  11. Data is entered into the computer for processing through the use of ____ ____ such as a keyboard or mouse.
    input devices
  12. Processing,
    the second operation of the information-processing cycle, converts data into information.
  13. Information refers to
    consolidated, organized, processed data.
  14. The central processing unit (CPU)
    processes data into information.
  15. Random access memory (RAM)
    temporarily stores programs and data needed by the CPU.
  16. Output,
    the third operation of the information-processing cycle
  17. Output requires ____ ____ such as monitors and printers to display results for people to see or hear.
    output devices
  18. Storage,
    the fourth operation of the information-processing cycle, holds programs, software, and data that the computer system uses.
  19. Storage devices
    include hard drives, CD and DVD drives, and media card readers that are used with USB drives and flash memory cards.
  20. Communications is
    the high-speed movement of data or information.
  21. A communication device is
    a hardware component that moves data into and out of a computer
  22. A network connects two or more computers to share input/output devices and other resources through the use of a ____ ____ ______.
    network interface card
  23. Computers can be separated into two main types:
    Computers for individuals are normally designed for one user at a time.

    Computers for organizations are designed to be used by many people at the same time
  24. Personal computers (PCs)
    are generally either Mac (Apple’s Macintosh) systems or IBM-compatible systems.
  25. Desktop computers,
    designed for home or office desk use, now include all-in-one computers that combine the system unit and the monitor.
  26. all-in-one computers
    combine the system unit and the monitor.
  27. Notebook computers
    are small enough for easy computer mobility.
  28. Subnotebooks
    run full desktop operating systems but have fewer components than notebooks, weigh less, and are smaller.
  29. Tablet PCs
    can be used to input data with a keyboard or mouse, and the user can write on the monitor with a special pen or stylus.
  30. Netbooks are
    small, inexpensive notebooks designed primarily for wireless Web browsing and e-mail.
  31. Smartphones
    combine the capabilities of handheld computers, such as PDAs, and mobile phones.
  32. Professional workstations
    are intended for technical applications that need powerful processing and output.
  33. Servers
    • enable users connected to a computer network to have access to the network’s programs, hardware, and data.
    • this is a type of computer for organizations
  34. Clients
    include the user computers connected to the network. Organizationz computer
  35. A client/server network includes
    the use of client computers with centralized servers.
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ISDS Computers and You
Cards for ISDS Midterm pt 1