6 Month SOP'S

  1. 1-18 Use of District Vehicles
    • -Used only for district business
    • -Contact office secretary for request
    • -B shift st 8 Lt is responsible for car pool prgram
  2. 1-19 Personal Cars for District Business
    • -For reimbursement fill out
    • -Advanced Travel Expense Form 1-40a
    • - or Per Diem Travel Reconciliation Form 1-40b.
    • -IRS determines mileage rate
  3. 1-27 Public Belongings Lost in/on District Property
    • -Patients belongings will be tagged with name and date and handed to ER staff and documented in MIR
    • -Lost and found is at HQ
    • -Kept for 3 months
  4. 1-36 Employees with Life Threatening Illnesses
    -Employee may work as long as they are capable and not a threat to themselves or others
  5. 1-37 Acquired Immune Deficiency
    -Employees with HIV will not be discriminated against
  6. 1-40 Training and Job Related Expenses
    • -Use of personal vehicle policy
    • -Meal expenses B-20% L-30% D-50%
    • -Education requests must be in 10 days prior to class
  7. 2-07 Family and Medical Leave
    • -12 weeks of leave allowed per year
    • -Will not lose benefits or position
    • -Form Request Family Leave of Absence
  8. 5-13 Infectious Disease Control
    • -Medical officer is the Infection control officer
    • -Employee may refuse vaccinations
    • -Minimum BSI
    • -Exposure procedures
  9. 6-01 Emergency Incident Management
    • -Use NIMS
    • -Officer roles
    • -Risk management
    • -Rehab
    • -Overhaul
  10. 6-04 Station Duties/Shift Assignments
    • - Daily Duties
    • -Shift specific duties
    • A- Fire Apparatus, Automotive Supplies
    • B- Medical Apparatus, Medical Supplies, and other Vehicles
    • C- Facilities; Interior, Admin Wing, Bays, Hose Tower, Command Vehicle
  11. 06-29 Responding to a DOA
    • -Must remain on scene until released to Coroner (by phone or on scene), Sheriff, or funeral home
    • -Follow protocols
  12. ES-01 Eminent Danger & Evacuation
    • -Evacuation Signal
    • -15 sec hi-low siren and announce eminent danger over call frequency X2
    • -Roll Call
  13. 4-01 Dispute Resolution
    -Employees may express concerns without fear of retaliation
  14. 4-02 Grievance
    • Grievance procedure
    • -May be handled informally at the lowest level
    • -or formally within 5 days of occurrence
    • -For SOP violation
    • -Must be handled at lowest level from individual up to Commissioners
  15. 4-04 Employee Assistance Plan
    • -Deals with human problems
    • -Drugs, financial, legal, and others
  16. 4-05 Disciplinary Action
    • -Lists unacceptable behaviors
    • -Stages
    • >Verbal Warning
    • >Written Warning
    • >Suspension
    • >Discharge
  17. 04-06 Performance Evaluation
    • -Once a year
    • -Proby's, once a month
    • -Rated on certain traits and characteristics
    • -10 performance levels
  18. 6-14 Notification of significant incident
    • -Notification of Significant/Unusual Incident Report (Form 6-14) or Significant Incident e-mail through appropriate channels
    • -Significant incidents are unusual incidents or special incidents from fires to deaths
  19. 6-30 Homeland Security
    - 5 Levels of threats and our roles with each position
  20. 6-33 Dispatch Inquiries
    • -Procedure for dispatch questions or errors
    • -Dispatch inquiry form
    • -Forward to LT Smith
  21. 1-42 Pregnancy and Risks Associated with Firefighting
    • -Pregnant persons can request light duty
    • -Department cannot force employee to light duty for being pregnant
    • -Dangerous environment examples
  22. 1-43 Government Administrative Leave
    • -Allows volunteer members to respond to emergencies while employed at PSNS
    • -Must submit "Certification of attendance at Alarms" form
  23. 2-03 Equal Employment Opportunity
    • -Equal Employment
    • -Non-Discrimination Policy
    • -Harrassment SOP
  24. 2-05 Eliminating Discrimination, Harassment
    • Types of Harassment
    • -Sexual
    • -Malicious
    • -Hostile Environment
    • Ways to report
    • -Informal
    • -Contact with offending party
    • -Letter
    • -Third Party
    • Formal written complaints get formally investigated
  25. 2-06 Improper Governmental Action (Whistleblower)
    • -Definition of Improper Governmental Action
    • -Write a written report to immediate supervisor
    • -Supervisor will investigate
    • -Protection from retaliation
    • -List of agencies that enforce law
  26. 3-01 Absenteeism and Tardiness
    • Absence- Arriving more than 30 mins after scheduled start time
    • Tardiness- Late
    • -Employee shall fill out an "Absenteeism and Tardiness Report."
  27. 3-03 Employee Conduct
    Employees must abide by the Districts policies, practices, and priorities
  28. 3-04 Employment Off-Duty
    Personnel working elsewhere while off duty must report it to Admin in writing
  29. 3-05 Gifts and Gratuities
    No form of gratuity, gifts, rewards or compensation shall be accepted
  30. 3-06 Political Activity and Solicitation
    • -Employees shall not campaign on District property
    • -May not hold office if it interferes with regular duty
  31. 5-10 Facilities Requireements
    • -Building requirement specifications
    • -No smoking indoors or within the limits of non smoking personnel
    • -Must provide hearing protection
    • -Must have first aid kit
    • -Monthly station inspections
    • -Maintainance schedules
  32. ES-03 Staffing at Emergencies
    • -1 Person- Size up
    • -2 person- Limited operations
    • -3 Person- Combatting small fires, no interior firefighting unless known rescue
    • -4 person- may combat fire interior
    • -RIT team when IDLH
  33. ES-04 Power Lines Down
    • -No operations until power is secure by PSE
    • -Isolate
  34. FG-01 Structural Fires
    • Size-Up
    • Life Safety
    • Incident Stabilization
    • Property Conservation

    • Strategic Mode
    • Fire Stream Management
    • Support Activities
    • Ventilation
    • Forcible Entry
    • Apparatus Placement
Card Set
6 Month SOP'S
6 Month SOPS