Grammar Verbs

  1. Where does future tense come from?
    the infinitive
  2. where does the present tense come from?
    the infinitive
  3. Where does the past tense come from?
    the past
  4. Where does the past perfect tense come from?
    the past
  5. Where does the presetn perfect tense come from?
    the past
  6. Where does the future perfect tense come from?
    the past
  7. present tense
    expresses action happening now in the present
  8. past tense
    expresses action that happend in the past
  9. future tense
    expresses action that will happen in the future
  10. simple tenses
    express only one action
  11. perfect tenses
    exress two actions in one verb phrase
  12. present perfect tense
    expresses action that began inthe pst and continues into the present
  13. past perfect tense
    expresses action that began in the past and ended before some other past action or event
  14. future perfect tense
    expresses action that will begin in the future before some other future action or event
  15. What is the present perfect tense formed with?
    have of had plus the past participle
  16. What is the past perfect tense formed with?
    had plus the past participle
  17. What is the future perfect tense formed with?
    will have plus the past participle
  18. What are the 6 tenses?
    • present tense
    • past tense
    • future tense
    • present perfect tense
    • past perfect tense
    • future perfect tense
  19. How many voices do transitive verbs have? what are they?
    • 2
    • passive
    • active
  20. How many moods do verbs have? what are they?
    • indicative mood (all questions and statements)
    • imperative mood (commands)
    • subjunctive mood (situations contrary to fact)
  21. Principle Parts of Verbs
    • infinitive
    • present participle (is)
    • past
    • past participle (have)
  22. regular verb
    one that forms its past and padt participle by adding "d" or "ed" to its infinitive
  23. irregular verb
    one that forms its past and past pasticiple on someother form
  24. the purpose of a principal part
    to show the 4 possible ways that verb in that language
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Grammar Verbs