Chapter 4: American Political Culture

  1. Political Culture
    A coherent way of thinking about how politics and government ought to be carried out.
  2. Civic Duty
    A belief that one has an obligation to participate in civc and political affairs.
  3. Work Ethic
    a dedication to work, or belief in the moral value of hard work.
  4. Political Efficacy
    A belief that you can take part in politics or that the govenrment will respond to the citizenry.
  5. External Efficacy
    The willingness of the state to respond to the citizenry
  6. Internal Efficacy
    The ability to understand and take part in politics
  7. Liberty
    the freedom to think or act without being constrained by necessity or force
  8. Equality
    rights, treatment, quantity, or value equal to all others in a specific group.
  9. Individualism
    the belief that society exists for the benefit of individual people, who must not be constrained by government interventions or made subordinate to collective interests
  10. Political Ideology
    as that type of political thinkingwhich does not recognize the problemsarising from the security or power dilemma or takes notice ofthem in a perfunctory manner, not concentrating its interest upon national conditionsor rational solutions.
  11. Civic Competence
    A belief that on can affect government policies
  12. Class Consciousness
    A belief that you are a member of an economic group who interests are opposed to people in other such groups.
  13. Watergate
    a political scandal stemming from a break-in by Republican operatives at the 1972 U.S. Democratic National Committee headquarters, which were in the Watergate complex in Washington, D.C.
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Chapter 4: American Political Culture
American Government Tenth Edition James Q. Wilson