Baroque Architecture

  1. The Gesu, 1568 by Jacopo Barozzi da Vignola - Rome

    • -Mother Church of the Jesuit Order
    • -first Baroque facade = model
    • -most aggressive counter-reformists = Jesuit Order
    • -founded by head of Jesuit Order, soldier turned Roman Catholic Priest
    • -funded by Cardinal Farnese
    • -Vignola laid off, taken over by Della Porta
    • The Gesu (Plan), 1568 by Jacopo Barozzi da Vignola - Rome
    • -Baroque model
    • -propagandist agenda reflected in architecture
    • -no narthex, drawn to celebratory high altar
    • -six interconnecting chapels
    • -dome over crossing
    • -original ceiling unpainted, wicked acoustics
    • -coretti for watching mass
  2. Acqua Felice , 1587 by Domenico Fontana - Rome

    • -civic improvement under Pope Sixtus V
    • -Felic = Sixtus, brought unlocked water
    • -"symbolism is as clear as spring water"
    • -sign on top is like billboard
  3. Obelisk, Piazza of St. Peter’s by Domenico Fontana - Rome

    • -civic improvement under Pope Sixtus V
    • -Egyptian Obelisk on 16th C base
    • -series of signs or signals that showed pilgrims where to go
    • -climax at St. Peter's
    • Vatican Palace, 1587 by Domenico Fontana - Rome

    • -wing of Sixtus V
    • -barnlike
    • -location of Pope's apartment where he can be seen
    • St. Peter’s Dome,1593 by Giacomo Della Porta - Rome

    • -pontificate of Clement VII
    • -taller, emphasis on the vertical, stouter top tier
    • -less pointed in Michelangelo's original drawing
  4. Villa Aldobrandini, 1601 by Giacomo Della Porta - Frascati
    • -Pope Clement VII for nephew to commemorate military victory (and political victory for Aldobrandini family)
    • -papal money spent on private family property
    • -large and imposing
    • -flat front facade with small windows
    • -back facade has bigger windows that look out on waterfall created by Della Porta
  5. Cappella Paolina at S. Maria Maggiore, 1605-11 by Flaminio Ponzio - Rome

    • -Pope Paul V Borghese
    • -great builder pope, link between him and his predecessor Pope Sixtus
    • -composite to Sixtus' Sistine Chapel
    • Acqua Paola, 1610-14 by Flaminio Ponzio - Rome

    • -most magnificent fountain built by Pope Paul V Borghese
    • -enormous billboard sign which states the glory of the pope
    • -painfully obvious that the popes were celebrating themselves
  6. S. Sebastiano facade, 1609 by Flaminio Ponzio and Giovanni Vasanzio - Rome

    • -needed redoing
    • -Pope Paul V Borghese commissioned his architects
    • -decorate ceiling indicative of Borghese patronage
    • San Sebastiano ceiling, 1609 by Flaminio Ponzio and Giovanni Vasanzio - Rome
  7. Villa Borghese, 1613 by Giovanni Vasanzio - Rome

    • -patron was Cardinal nephew of Pope Paul V Borghese
    • -feature most extensive gardens built in Rome since antiquity
    • -emblematic of everything that represents the early high baroque in Rome
  8. S. Susanna, 1597 by Carlos Maderno - Rome

    • -Maderno was Fontana's cousin
    • -led to St. Peter's commission
    • -built to commemorate the year 1600 by Cardinal
    • -1600 signifies the beginning of the Baroque painting in Rome
    • -Farnese Villa featuring paintings by the Carracci = Hercules series unveiled
    • -patron's name above door
    • -Maderno’s ability was recognized by Borghese from this work
  9. St. Peter’s facade, 1607-1625 by Carlos Maderno - Rome

    • -due to work on S. Susanna
    • -elongated the church westward
    • -massive facade covers Michelangelo's dome as your get closer
    • -bar relief showing Christ giving the keys to St. Peter under Pope's window
    • St. Peter’s nave, 1609-1626 by Carlos Maderno - Rome
    • S. Giuseppe, 1607 by Francesco Maria Ricchino - Milan

    • -Milanis key source of marble and strategic location to the North (where
    • Protestant movement came from)
    • -key role in Counter Reformation
    • -takes from Gesu
    • -stacking: the way baroque architects are pushing one thing inside another
    • inside another, making them smaller as they go to create movement
    • -composition has an elasticity
    • -dynamic interior
    • -light is also designed to come from the back and draw the viewer towards it
    • Collegio Elvetico, designed 1627 by Francesco Maria Ricchino - Milan

    • -built for the Swiss Catholics as a college to teach them Catholic values they could bring back to the North (aka to combat Protestantism)
    • -key location of Milan
    • -curves create gestures of welcome
    • -contrast of concave and convex shapes
    • -weighty and structural, typical Ricchino
  10. Palazzo di Brera, 1651-1773 by Francesco Maria Ricchino - Milan
    • Palazzo Barberini, 1628 by Maderno, Bernini, Borromini, Cortona - Rome
  11. Santa Bibiana, 1624 by Gian Lorenzo Bernini - Rome

    -paintings by Cortona
  12. Santa Maria dell’Assunzione, 1662 by Bernini - Arricia

    • -Ariccia (Rome's Hamptons)
    • -Gesakunstwerk: all together works of art
    • -Chigi family
    • -opposite the door of their family palace
    • -inspired by Pantheon in Rome
    • -consists of two wings
    • -new building was subtly nestled into the pre-existing plan of the community
    • -all arts are being integrated in 3 dimensions
    • -wants the viewer to participate in the miracle of the assumption of the virgin
  13. Cathedra Petri at St. Peter's, 1657-66 by Bernini - Rome
  14. St. Peter's Piazza Colonnades, 1656 by Bernini - Rome

    • -long hallway divided by an oval on the horizontal axis
    • -all-weather walkway
    • -better viewing of papal balcony
    • -intended third arm, but Pope Alexander VII died
    • -isolates Vatican from messy streets
    • -Bernini's use of 'arm' is symbolic, embracing arms to the pilgrims
    • -principal area of access where processions occur
    • -top of staircase mimics the window above the papal throne in the Scala Regia
    • S. Gregorio Magno, 1629-33 by G. B. Soria - Rome
  15. Villa del Pigneto, 1630 by Pietro Berrettini da Cortona - Rome
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Baroque Architecture
Baroque Architecture