30 years war&peace of Wesphalia
1618-1648; 1648
who: four-phase religious war, ending in acceptance of new religions
- whats:
- Catholic League defeated Protestant Union (Bohemia- civil war- 1618-1625)
- Christian IV (Danish) witnessed Catholic victories---> Edict of Restitution (1625-1629)
- Gustavus Adolpjus won battles (Lutheranism-Sweden- 1630-1635)
- richelieu declared war on Spain (France: 1635-1648)
- 1648- established peace= power with princes (calvinism/lutheranism=acceptable)
- whys:agriculture/land destroyed, people dead
- new lengths on religion/establishments
- peace of Augsburg re-established
Cardinals Richelieu and Mazarin
(1585-1642; 1628); (1602-1661)
who: minsters working on centralizing government of France
- whats:1628- Richelieu= first minister of French crown (power in borders)
- extended use of intendants--> increased power of centralized state
- worked to expel Prot. (territories outside)
- 1648-16530 Mazarin led to Frondre (indiv. opposed to policies of gov.)
- caused riots, civil order gone completley
- whys:centralized gov raised
- power to gov. over church
Louis XIV
r. 1643-1715
who: king of France w/ absolute authority; "Appointed by God"
- whats:insisted on making decisions for council of states
- chose council members- middle class
nobleslacked a first minister (inordinate power) - insisted on religious unity in france (Protestants- Huguenots)
- 1685- revoked Edict of Nantes; destruction of H. schools/conversion
- whys:absolute power- noshare
- religious controversy
Palace of Versailles
- 1682
- who: center of political, social, & cultural life in France
- whats:required nobles to spend time each yr there (favoritism wanted)
- established etiquette rituals (for everything.. nobles=honor)
- allowed for growth of patronage (women &marriages/alliances/agreements)
- patronized arts- "classic" like Ren.
- whys:further Louis XIV's absolutism
- womens power increase
- prestige of France spread
Jean- Baptiste Colbert & Mercantilism
1619-1683; 1665
who: controller general worked towards increasing wealth/self= sufficiency
- whats:established Mercantilism- gov policies regulate economic activities (gold/silver)
- decided france should export more than import.. $$
- insisted France should make what they need- old industries increase/ new; foreign craftsmen
- colonized Quebec..agriculture
- whys:france= independent?
- allowed for Louis XIV not to worry about taxations for money
- building of nation state
Francois le Teiller, Marquis de Louvois
ca. 1667
who: secretary of state for war- army
- whats:created pro. army= state hires, not indiv. nobles
- extended French borders- spanish Netherlands and Franche- comte (1667-1678)
- seized Strasbourg and Lorraine (limit MET)
- needed $ to finance.. raise taxes; crop failure--> death
- whys:army controlled by centralized gov
- expanding of nation-state
War of Spanish Succession & Peace of Utrecht
(1701-1713) ;(1713-1715)
who: war against France ended in set limits of expansion
- whats:triggered when Louis XIV broke treaty with Spain
- formed Grand Alliance against Louis =(English, Dutch, Austrians/ Prussians)
- 1713- ended war/ French expansion
- forced France to surrender territories
- whys:
set limits on power- end of french expansion- bankrupt/exhausted
- conflict on nation states shown
Frederick I of Prussia
r. 1713-1740
who: the "soldiers' king". turned Prussia into a military state
- whats:held fourth largest army (12th largest POP) by 1740
- 1713- forced conscription= lifelong
- 1733- ordered ALL men train/ serve as reservists
- enlisted junkers to lead armies
- whys:built on serfdom
- militaristic country- junkers tyranny/harsh on peasants
- rigid/disciplined society
- building of nation- state and army
Peter the Great
r. 1682- 1725
who: always fighting, wanting to gain control of Baltic Sea
- whats:
- entered secret alliance with Denmark and poland against Sweden
- defeated by Sweden....building army!
- required all nobles to serve for life and schooling (peasant armies too)
- 1709- defeated Swedent at poltia...Baltic
- built St. Petersburg (modern- peasants- new center
- whys:united with rest of europe
- serfdom increase
- women's rights decrease (unigenture? )
The Stuart Dynasty
1603-1625; 1629-1640
who: father and son attempting to be sole source of power in England
- whats:dictated he had a divine right to authority and responsible only to GOd (James I)
- said people/commoners have no privileges compared to king
- 1603-1640- conflicted with House of Commons
- Charles I- attempted to govern w/out Parliament and finance with emergency taxes
- gathers own troops from nobility to fight Scotland/Ireland
- whys:rise of absolutism
- oppression of POP
- led to country in crisis
Oliver Cromwell and Protectorate
- who: military dictatorship- power in Cromwell only
- whats:
1653-issued Instruments of Gov.- exec power in him and council of stated- dismissed Parliament (1655)..generals of 12 districts
- reconquered Ireland, outlawing Catholicism (massacre)
- 1651- Navigation Act- required all goods on English ships
- whys:absolutism
- religious prejudice
- boost to English marine force
Thomas Hobbes and Leviathan
who: philosopher with pessimistic view of how to reform gov
- whats:dictated humans would compete violently for power/$
- placed humans under absolute ruler (maintain peace/order)
- imagined society- human body; ruler= head. indiv=body parts
- reasoned both need each other to live--> peace?
- whys:people live in harmony
- need someone in charge
Glorious Revolution and Bill of Rights
who: peaceful appointment of new king &shared power laws
- whats:destroyed divine-right monarchy-->power shared w/ Pariliament
- 1688-established soveirgnity= Parliament and king (rule with consent of people)
- 1689- published Bill of Rights- parliament= top power
- oppressed Catholics and their religion
- whys:led to an aristocratic gov.
- Catholics still opressed
- no bloodshed!!
John Locke and second Treatise of Civil Gov.
1632-1704; 1690
who:political philosopher defending the representative gov made in Glorious Revolution
- whats:
maintained gov's more than protecting: natural rights liberty and poverty---> tyranny - dictated natural= basic(all men can reason)
- approved natural right to rebellion under tyranny
- suggested limiting voting to prop. owners
- whys:ability to reason..sounds like Plato!
- justified actions of people (natural rights)
Baroque Arts/ Music
after 1600
who: "odd-shaped" style of art, amplifying emotions of Catholicism
- whats:patrons wanted artists to touch every day church goers (not just wealthy)
- developed in (mostly) Catholic countries FrancePeter Paul Rubers (1577-1640) developed style with animated figures, contrast &size (--> Catholic)
- Bach (1685-1750)- combined spirt= invention, tension, emotion--> infinite
- whys:equality
- brought people together
- reflected Catholicism