Unit 9 Taylor Chpt22

  1. changes in attitudes, values, and feelings
    Affective learning
  2. the study of teaching adults
  3. storing and recalling of new knowledge in the brain
    Cognitive learning
  4. pact made between two persons or parties for the achievement of mutually set goals
    Contractual agreement
  5. giving guidance, assisting with problem solving
  6. predictable patterns of behavior and change occurring throughout the life span
    Developmental crisis
  7. planned teaching based on learner objectives
    Formal teaching
  8. ability to read, understand, and act on health information
    Health literacy
  9. unplanned teaching session dealing with the patient’s immediate learning needs and concerns
    Informal Teaching
  10. increasing one’s knowledge; having one’s behavior
    changed in a measureable way as a result of an experience
  11. patient’s willingness to engage in the teaching-learning process (emotional readiness) and experiential readiness to begin the challenge of learning
    Learning Readiness
  12. ability to read and write
  13. an ineffective teaching strategy that uses criticism or punishment
    Negative reinforcement
  14. process of influencing the patient’s behavior to effect changes in knowledge, attitudes, and skills needed to
    maintain and improve health
    Patient education
  15. science of teaching that generally refers to teaching of children and adolescents
  16. affirmation of the efforts of patients
    Positive Reinforcement
  17. acquisition of physical skills
    Psychomotor Learning
  18. stage that result when a person faces an event or situation that causes a disruption in his or her life
    Situational Crisis
  19. process of patient teaching that encompasses critical step necessary to provide teaching and to measure
    learning; the teaching-learning process models the nursing process
    Teaching-learning Process
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Unit 9 Taylor Chpt22
Unit 9 Taylor Chapter 22