Cell with irregular, long, asymmetrical projections; s
Variation in size of RBC's
Basophilic stippling
Small aggregates of RNA are seen as small blue dots in the RBC
Elongated, elliptical cell; non-specific when occasionally seen; rare disorder of hereditary elliptocytosis
Heinz body
Precipitated Hgb seen as a perimembranous blue dot only after supravital staining
Howell-Jolly body
Small, round deeply basophilic nuclear remnant; seen when spleen is absent
Pappenheimer body
Multiple, tiny iron containing granular blue dots; seen when spleen is absent and with iron overload
Variation in shape of RBC's
Small, round dense cell without central pallor; suggests extravascular (splenic) hemolysis in previously normal persons; with hereditary spherocytosis there is increased osmotic fragility
Fragmented, irregularly shaped seen with intravascular hemolysis such as microangiopathic hemolytic anemias (DIC, TTP). A variant called a "helmet cell" appears cut in half
Sickle cell
Curved, banana-shaped cell with pointed ends found in sickle cell disease from aggregation of Hgb S
Target cell codocyte
Cell with central and peripheral staining with intervening pallor due to increased redundancy of RBC membrane; seen with liver disease, in some thalassemias, and with Hgb C
Tear drop cell dacryocyte
Cell pinched at one end, prominent in myelofibrosis and myelophthisic conditions
in response to bacterial infection or inflammatory disease
in response to allergic disorders, inflammation of the skin, and parasitic infections
increase in cases of leukemia, chronic inflammation, the presence of a hypersensitivity
increase in cases of viral infection, leukemia, cancer of the bone marrow,
in response to infection of all kinds
(10-12 um diameter)
larger than PMNs 12-17 um diameter
0.5% of the WBCs are difficult to find. They are 10-12 um diameter
the largest WBC 14-20 um diameter
small (2-5 um) fragments of cytoplasm detached from Megakaryocytes in the bone marrow.
both small (slightly larger than an Rbc 7-8 um) and medium to large (up to 12 um
The process responsible for the replacement of circulating cells, governed by multiple cytokines
When two cells derived from the same precursor take a separate route of development
Circulating cells are
Mature ,Incapable of mitosis
Granulocytes, erythroid cells, monocytes, megakaryocytes
Granulocytes, monocytes
Pluripotential hematopoietic stem cell
self renewal
Earliest differentiation daughter cells give rise to
Common lymphoid progenitor cell (CLP), Common myeloid progenitor cell (CMP)
CLP gives rise to
T and B cells, natural killer cells, lymphoid dendritic cells
CMP gives rise to
Neutrophils, monocytes, eosinophils, basophils, erythrocytes, megakaryocytes
Growth factor cytokines
Most are produced by stromal cells in the hematopoietic microenvironment
Later acting growth factors to maturation
- Granulocyte stimulating factor (G-CSF)
- Monocyte stimulating factor (M-CSF)
- Erythropoietin (EPO) – erythrocytes
Erythropoiesis –Progenitor cells give rise to
BFU-E, Regulated by IL-3, GM-CSF
Erythropoiesis –Progenitor cells give rise to
CFU-E- Depends primarily on EPO
Gives rise to the first recognizable erythrocyte precursor-Pronomoblast
Extracellular Matrix (ECM)
Composed of-Collagen,Glycoproteins,Glycosaminoglycans
hematopoietic microenvironment
PCs can interact with only some types of ECM components
Leukocytes diapedese
pass through the vessel walls.
The greatest difference between reference intervals occur between
Newborns and adults
clinical pathways refer to plans
developed by physicians
critical pathways refer to care and service
provided by interdisciplinary health care team
follow-up testing based on screening test is
reflex testing
Plasma makes of __ blood volume
Erythrocytes __ blood volume
fee for service
chose there own health care
capitated payment plans
for defined population per member fee
Prospective payement system
fixed amount for services
MPP gives rise to
CFU-EMk gives rise to
BFU-E and BFU-Mk
BFU give rise to
CFU E and Mk
Neutrophils and monocytes derived from the common committed bipotential progenitor cell
the growth of hematopoietic precursor cells requires the continous presence of
growth factors
the first effects of GF is to promote
cell survival
BFU form large colonies after
14 days
CFU grow to maximum size in
7 to 8 days and depends on EPO
all hematopoietic cells are derived from the CFU-GEMM except
the following cell is most sensitive to EPO
Pleiotrophy refers to
act on one or more cell type
delivery of O2 from lungs to the tissues and transfer of CO2 from tissues to lungs
RBC is a
7-8 µm,80-100 fl
Average adult RBC
2.2 L of rbcs 100-120 days
1st progenitor committed to RBC line
high concentration of EPO receptors
5-7 days maturing in BM
Matures in 2-3 days, first 1-2 days spent in BM, remainder in circulation
Pronormoblast also known as
20-25 µm, fine chromatin (“lacy” appearance, 1-3 faint nucleoli
Pronormoblast produces
8-32 mature RBCs
Pronormoblast cytoplasm stains
deeply blue (basophilic)
Basophilic normoblast is also known as
Basophilic normoblast
16-18 µm
Basophilic normoblast
chromatin is coarser than the Pronormoblast
Prorubricyte/basophilic normoblast are nucleoli apparent?
nucleoli are usually not apparent
Basophilic normoblast nucleus is
wheel-spoke appearance
Polychromatophillic normoblast is also known as
Polychromatophillic normoblast size is
12-15 µm
Polychromatophillic normoblast/rubricyte cytoplasm is
gray-blue cytoplasm
Rubricyte chromatin is
chromatin irregular and coarsely clumped, shrinking nucleus
What stage does hemoglobin start to synthesize?
Orthrochromic normoblast is also know as
Orthrochromic normoblast/metarubricyte size is
10-15 µm
Orthrochromic normoblast nucleus occupies
1/4 of the cell, chromatin heavily condensed
Orthrochromic normoblast/metarubricyte cytoplasm is
pink or salmon color with hint of blue
Reticulocytes size is
7-10 µm
remaining 20% of hemoglobin,
–2-3 days (in marrow and circulation)
Responsible for net negative charge of rbc
Zeta potential
hemoglobin concentration Female =
12.0 – 16.0 g/dL
normal hemoglobin concentration male =
14.0 – 17.4 g/dL
normal hemoglobin concentration newborn
13.5 – 20.0 g/dL
Each heme contains___ ferrous (Fe++) iron in its center
one Fe++ iron molecule binds to____ molecule of O2
1 Hb molecule can carry __ O2 molecules
Embryonic hemoglobin types
- Gower I (ζ2ε2), Gower II (α2ε2),
- Portland (ζ2y2)
Hg type 1 year- adulthood
HbA (α2β2) 97%, HbA2 (α2δ2) 2.5%
oxygen transport–Curve shifts to right
p50 increased O2 affinity has decreased
oxygen transport–Curve shifts to left
p50 is decreased, O2 affinity has increased
Hb has the ferric Fe3+
Conditions that stimulate erythropoiesis
anemia, cardiac or pulmonary disorders, abnormal hemoglobins,high altitude
Destruction of senescent rbcs
90% extravascularly 10% intravascularly
extravascular destruction
Occurs in the macrophages of *spleen, liver, BM
Innate immune response
nonspecific defense mechanism, neutrophil, monocyte, macrophage
Acquired (adaptive) immune response
antigen-specific response initiated in lymphoid tissue à contact with lymphocytes
EPO is a thermostable ______ hormone
renal glycoprotein
higher altitudes affect what is the range
Assemble amino acids into protein Free and Fixed
Golgi apparatus
Packages proteins, forms lysosomes
unwound and loosely twsisted Transcriptionally active
Transcriptionally inactive
The chromatin structure of a cell's nucleus is light staining, loosely coiled in appearance is
An immature cell transcriptionally active
Nuclear condensation and blebbing occurs during necrosis or apoptosis
Do necrotic cells initiate the inflammatory response?
Is necrosis energy dependent
Programmed cell death (suicide) is
Removal of excess neutrophils and b lymphocytes after an event is regulated by
Rough ER important in
synthezing and assembly of proteins.
Assemble amino acids into proteins
Lipids are synthesized by
smooth ER
More test are ordered based on screening test is
reflex testing
Caused by external injurious agent, passive event, effects large number of cells
energy dependent, Caused by the cell itself, single cell
Microscope condenser directs
light beam on to sample
Hemoglobin curve on spectrophotometer is a
R represents the restriction point in cell cycle that
after which the cell no longer depends on extracellular signals
Period of nuclear division
DNA synthesis (duplicated) is what phase
Period after DNA is duplicated
time between the completion of S and the onset of mitosis G2
Period of cell growth before DNA is duplicated
The time between the end of mitosis and the next round of DNA replication G1
Factor V
Factor VII
proconvertin stable factor
Factor VIII
Antihemolytic factor
Factor IX
Plasma thromboplastin component, christmas factor
Factor Xi
Plasma thromboplastin antecedent
Factor XII
Hageman factor
Fibrin stabilizing factor
Which factors have not activated form
TF (III) and Calcium
Intrinsic pathway factors?
Extrinsic pathway
TF (III) not normally found in blood, VII
Common pathway factors
X, V, II, I
Prothrombin group
Vitamin K dependent
Prothrombin, Proconvertin, plasma thromboplastin (christmas), Stuart
Prothrombin group
proteins C, S and Z
Prothrombin group
All synthesized by liver, all factors but prothrombin found in serum.
Fibrinogen group
- Thrombin sensitive clotting factors(activated by thrombin)
- Not found in serum consumed during clotting
Contact group
Contact group is activated by
negatively charged surfaces, found in serum, also involved in fibrinolysis
TF, V, VIII, HK, protein S
- serine XIIa, XIa, Xa, IXa, VIIa, IIa
- transgluta.. XIIIa
Deficiency of VIII
Hemophilia A, gene on X chromosome
VIII circulates in plasma in a complex with___ in secondary hemostasis
VWF is synthesizd by
endothelial cells and megakaryocytes
VWF role in primary hemostasis
mediates adhesion of platelets to vessel wall
Fibrinogen is synthesized by
3 stages of coverting fibrinogen to fibrin
thrombin cleavage of fibrinogen into a fibrin monomer, polymeraization of monors to polymers, stabilization of fibrin polymers XIIIa
stem cells have 3 possible fates
Self renewal, commitment CLP,CMP, apoptosis
Cell membrane has bilayer of phopholipid
hydrophobic tails, hydrophilic heads
Blood coagulation is the
- formation of hemostatic plug
- convert fibrinogen to insoluble fibrin
Hemostasis is a complex between
Blood vessels, platelets, soluble plasma proteins
Fibrin forming
Fibrin lysing
Primary hemostasis
formation of platelet plug
Secondary hemostasis
Reinforcement of platelet plug
hemostasis occurs in
Venules and arterioles
Injured endothelial lining
promotes platelet adhesion, activatges coagulation factors initiatng both intrinsic and extrinsic pathways, inhibits fibrinolysis
Megakaryocytes 4 stages
Megakaryoblast, promegakaryocyte, granular megakaryocyte, mature magakaryocyte
Endomitosis is
Double DNA content without division nuclear division or cell division
Platelets are released in ___ and 1 megakaryocyte can produce
BM and 1000-3000 platelets
Regulation of platelet production
Thrombopoietin, cytokines
Platelet life span
9-12 days, removed by spleen and liver
Platelets released in BM 2/3 circulate or stay in spleen
Circulate, 1/3 stays in spleen.
Platelets not activated are in the ____ state and shaped
resting, discoid
Upon activation platelets shape changes to
Round and sticky.
Upon activation platelets requires _____to adhere to the collagen in the subendothelial vessel wall.
Agonist are
the granules to activate platelets from resting state
Myeloblast cytoplasm is
promyelocyte nucleoli
still visible and primary granules in cytoplasm
Myelocyte nucleoli are ___ present and cytoplasm contains
not visible and secondary granules dawn of neutrophilia, last stage of mitosis
metamyelocyte nucleus is
kidneyben shaped,
In the neutrophil is an X chromatin body
Barr body
Total leukocyte count for adult
4.5-11.0 x 109/L
Monocyte maturation
Monoblast, promonocyte, monocyte, macrophage
differentiatng myelocytes from promyelocytes is
secondary granules
primary granules appear in
The first heavy Ig chain produced in b lymphocyte
Neutrophils regulated by 3 cytokines
Interleukin-3 (IL-3), GM-CSF and G-CSF
- Mitotic pool – 3-6 days, 4-5 cell division
- Myeloblasts, promyelocytes, myelocytes
Neutrophils in the post mitotic pool life span
5-7 days, Metamyelocytes, bands, segs, 3 times the size of mitotic pool
Neutrophils spend how many hours before moving into tissues
Neutrophil normal range
1.8 - 7 x 10(9)/L
Life span of eosinophil PB and then tissues
18 hours, several weeks
Eosinophils function
allergic disease, parasitic infection or chronic inflammation
Charcot-Leyden cyrstals are the breakdown of
basophils are associated with _____ and spend only ____ in PB
Asthma and only hours
monocytes lifespan
54 hours in BM, 8 hours in PB
80% of lymphs are
long lived
absolute counts
whole WBC + diff % would be 0.54