- Street LightBalla
- 1909
- Futurism
- pure urbanism
- technology = subject - - moon vs streetlight as source of light
- complimentary colors make up chevrons which gives the sensation of radiation of light
- optical illusion of vibrating light rays
- paints more than you can see/than exists
- circular pattern creates halo
- light is fighting back ring of darkness
- Dynamism of a Dog on a LeashBalla
- 1912
- Futurism
- achieves motion by repeating shapes
- multiple views - transition
- space is flattened - location is unclear
- diagonal lines along floor suggest movement
- representation of energy - kinetic/potential held in the dog/walker
- Unique Forms of Continuity in Space
- Boccioni
- 1913
- Futurism
- everything moves around you as you move
- influenced by cubism - planes are broken up/down
- contours are not smooth
- no beginning or end
- meant to be viewed 360 degrees
- wide stride, flame-like extensions of calves
- superhuman of the future
- NOT about the beauty of the human form
- ABOUT possibility - what the body could do/is capable of doing
- no arms because it is about forward motion and they do not help with that
- 2 bases not connected because the feet are in 2 different times
- faceless - embracing technology
- Armored Train in Action
- Gino Severini
- 1915
- Futurism
- war is a motor for art - - celebrated war because artists thought it could generate a new Italian identity
- high-tech armored train pointing guns at unseen target
- 5 faceless figures
- smoke from gun/canon fire eclipse nature
- omits death/destruction/consequences of war
- Collage Arranged According to the Laws of Chance
- Jean Arp
- 1916-1917
- Dada
- embrace chance as an approach/subject
- haphazardly drops torn up paper on canvas and glued them down
- He and other Dada artists embraced the notion of chance as a way of relinquishing control—a kind of depersonalization of the creative process
- Fountain
- Duchamp
- 1917
- Dada
- Readymades
- creates new thought for object
- merges high/low art (like cubism)
- urinal becomes art because it is presented as so - thought behind object is more important than object itself
- L.H.O.O.Q.
- Duchamp
- 1917 Dada
- Word play: "look" or "She has a hot ass"
- imagery - bad reproduction
- brings up the question, "Why are some works of art important?" as well as value, originality
- recontextualizes painting
- plays with gender - a self-portrait perhaps?
- movement began in 1908 in the literature medium
- sociopolitical agenda - unhappy with political and cultural decline in Italy
- dynamic sensation
- declare break from tradition - advent of new awareness
- spatial conceptions of past were destroyed
- called for radical innovation in art
- *speed, dynamics, and modern technology*
- reject traditional perspective/color palettes
- FORMAL ELEMENTS: multiple viewpoints, breaking things down geometrically, flattening space TO SHOW MOTION
- forms are in transition
- extreme in rhetoric
- address wider issues such as political systems
- gives a means of expressing, publicizing and recording ideas of the artist or art group
- The first art manifesto of the 20th century was introduced with the Futurists in Italy in 1909, and readily taken up by the Vorticists, Dadaists and the Surrealists after them: the period up to World War II created what are still the best known manifestos.
- international movement
- began in Cabaret Voltaire
- multiple art forms/mediums - performance, song, writing, art
- world has descending into the absurd/meaningless
- reject rational/reasonable because that was the root of WWI
- "Era of Irrationality"
- What to do when logic betrays you? EMBRACE ILLOGICAL/RADICAL
- name has multiple interpretations (like art)
- art against art
Cabaret Voltaire
- formed by Hugo Ball
- theatre/ club to draw artists together - especially the Dada movement
- not a formal style but instead a mindset/idea related to nihilism (pointlessness)
- nothing can be known the way you really intend it to be
- made by Duchamp (Dada)
- art should appeal to mind, not senses
- take ordinary, found (mass produced) objects and put them in new context - becomes a piece of art because artist selects them and incorporates them into art world
- conceptual art - idea itself is more important than art because it makes you think