Socio Ch 5-8

  1. Causation
    correlation between 2 variables, where a change of one variable is the cause of a change in another variable. (domino affect)
  2. Valid sociological topic?
    • any human behavior. even bad behavior.
    • Example: spouse abuse.
  3. research is based on?
    • sociologists' interest
    • access to subject
    • appropriate methods
    • ethical considerations
  4. basic steps of scientific reserach?
    • 1. select topic
    • 2. identify problem
    • 3. review literature
    • 4. form hypothesis
    • 5. pick research method
    • 6. collect data
    • 7. analyze results
    • 8. share results with the community of sociologists
  5. research methods:
    "how sociologists gather data"
    • 1. survey
    • 2. participant observation
    • 3. secondary analysis
    • 4. documents.
    • 5. experiments
    • 6. unobtrusive measures.
  6. how sociologists choose research methods
    • based on questions to be answered
    • their access to potential subjects
    • resources available
    • their training (personal education)
    • ethical consideration
  7. why sociological research is often contraversial
    • people get upset because sociologists...
    • 1. do research on bad/illegal activities
    • 2. research on personal/intimate areas
    • 3. biases or goes against interests
  8. relationship between gender and research
    • there are 2 aspects:
    • 1. based on samples of men don't necessarily apply to women and vice versa.
    • 2. some researches, such as studying abused spouses, rape victims, and rapists, the GENDER OF THE RESEARCHER could affect the results.
  9. relationship between theory and research:
    • They depend on each other.
    • theory is used to interpret the data they gather.
    • theory makes questions that need to be answered by research.
    • research helps make theory.
Card Set
Socio Ch 5-8
Sociology 1 Chapter 5