bio ch 3

  1. what is energy
    ability to perform work or to produce change
  2. kinetic energy
    energy of motion
  3. potential energy
    energy available to do work
  4. energetics
    • how organisms take in, process, and expend energy
    • how organisms use energy to maintain order and life
  5. heat
    random movements of atoms and molecules
  6. entropy
    disorder and randomness in a system
  7. reactants
    the starting substances
  8. products
    the newly formed substances
  9. energy-releasing reaction
    give off energy, source-breaking/changing of chemical bonds
  10. energy-absorbing reactions
    take in energy and store it in new chemical bonds, most cellular reactions that maintain order
  11. the power for a cell's energy-absorbing reaction comes from the ____________
    cell's energy-releasing reactions
  12. ATP
    • Adenosine Tri Phosphate
    • cellular energy carrying molecule
  13. cells use ATP as _______
    packaged amounts of energy
  14. for all chemical reactions reactants are separated from products by an ____
    energy barrier
  15. activation energy
    the energy required to overcome the barrier
  16. enzymes
    proteins that work to speed up reactions by lowering the energy barrier (catalyst)
Card Set
bio ch 3
bio ch 3