ch 10.1 respiratory system

  1. alveolar ducts
    connecting passages between brochioles and alveolar sac
  2. alveolus, alveoli
    air cell of lungs (plural)
  3. arytenoid cartilege
    one of paired laryngeal cartilages that provides attachment for muscles that adduct and abduct the vocal cord
  4. bronchus, bronchi
    branch of trachea going to each lobe of lung (plural)
  5. bronchial tree
    trachea, bronchi and bronchioles
  6. bronchiole, bronchioli
    small branch of secondary bronchus (plural)
  7. carbon dioxide (CO2)
    odorless, colorless gas formed in tissues as waste product and expelled by lungs
  8. cilium, cilia
    tiny, hairlike process on epithelial tissue that filters out foreign matter
  9. complemental air
    inspiratory reserve volume
  10. cricoid cartilege
    cartilage of larynx
  11. diaphragm
    musculomembranous partition that separates thoracic cavity from abdominal cavity
  12. ductus arteriosus
    fetal blood channel from pulmonary artery to aorta
  13. epiglottis
    leaf-shaped, lidlike cartilaginous strucure covers entrance to larynx
  14. ethmoid sinus
    air spaces in ethmoid bone that open into nasal cavity
  15. expiration, exhalation
    breathing out; expelling air from lungs
  16. expiratory reserve volume, supplemental air
    amount of air that can be forcibly expelled beyond that exhaled during ordinary respiration
  17. frontal sinuses
    air spaces in frontal bone communicating with nasal cavity
  18. glottis
    space between true vocal cords, helping to produce vocal sound
  19. hilus of lung
    depression on mediastinal surface of each lung for entry of bronchi, blood vessels and nerves
  20. inspiration, inhalation
    breathing of air into lungs
  21. inspiratory reserve volume, complemental air
    amount of air that can be forcibly inhaled beyond that inhaled during ordinary respiration
  22. laryngopharynx
    the part of pharynx below upper edge of epiglottis, opening into larynx and esophagus (hypopharynx)
  23. larynx
    musculocartilaginous structure at top of trachea and below root of tongue and hyoid bone, housing vocal chords (voice box)
  24. maxillary sinuses
    two air spaces in maxilla, communicating with middle opening of nasal cavity on each side
  25. mediastinum
    space in thorax between two pleural sacs, containing such structures as heart and blood vessels
  26. minimal volume
    air remaining in alveoli of collapsed lung
  27. mucous membrane
    epithelial lining of respiratory tract
  28. naris, nares
    nostril (s)
  29. nasal septum
    membranous, skeletal partition between nasal cavities
  30. nasopharynx
    the part of pharynx above soft palate of mouth, opening into nose
  31. obligate nasal breather
    able to breathe only through nasal passages (e.g., horses)
  32. oropharynx
    the part of pharynx between soft palate and upper edge of epiglottis
  33. oxygen (O2)
    element in air necessary for life, used by all cells of body
  34. parietal pleura
    lining of thoracic cavity
  35. pharynx
    airway between nasal chambers, mouth, and larynx; also passageway for food
  36. phrenic nerve
    nerve of diaphragm
  37. pleura
    serous membrane encasing lungs, lining thoracic cavity, and enclosing pleural cavity (potential space)
  38. pleural cavity
    potential space between parietal and visceral layers of pleura
  39. residual volume
    air remaining in lungs after forced expiration
  40. respiration
    process involving inspiration and expiration, distribution of oxygen to cells of body, and removal of carbon dioxide from these cells
  41. retropharynx
    back part of pharynx
  42. sphenoid sinuses
    spaces in sphenoid bone, opening to nasal cavity
  43. supplemental air
    expiratory reserve volume
  44. tidal volume
    air inhaled in ordinary respiration
  45. trachea
    cartilaginous, muscular tube, extending from larynx to bronchi (windpipe)
  46. tracheal rings
    horseshoe-shaped rings of cartilage embedded in muscle tissue of trachea
  47. turbinates
    papery, scroll-like bones that support mucous membranes of nose
  48. vagus nerve
    nerve extending from brain to pharynx, larynx, and thoracic and abominal viscera (vagus means wandering)
  49. vestibule
    front part of nostrils and nasal cavity
  50. visceral pleura
    serous sac covering lungs
  51. vital capacity
    largest amount of air that can be moved in and out of lungs; sum total of inspiratory and tidal air
  52. vocal cords
    two pairs of membranous bands in larynx
  53. windpipe
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ch 10.1 respiratory system
ch 10.1 respiratory system