Exam #1 review Chapter 1

  1. What are the groups of microorganisms that make up microbiology?
    Bacteria, viruses, protozoa, fungi, algae and helminths.
  2. Bacteriology is...
    the study of bacteria
  3. Mycology is...
    the study of fungi
  4. Protozoology is..
    the study of protozoa
  5. Virology is...
    the study of viruses
  6. Parasitology is...
    the study of parasites
  7. Phycology is...
    the study of algae
  8. Morphology is...
    the study of organisms structure
  9. Physiology is...
    the study of organisms metabolism
  10. Taxonomy is...
    the naming and classification of organisms
  11. Genetics is...
    the study of one organism passing genes to another organsim.
  12. Ecology is..
    the study of interaction of organisms
  13. Immunology is...
    the study of the immune system.
  14. Epideminology is...
    the study of occurance, distribution, and prevention of disease.
  15. What are the
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Exam #1 review Chapter 1
Chapter 1