Palatine Hill
- founded by Romulus, the hut of Romulus is on top of it, where Augustus built his house
- - temple of apollo, god of wisdom
Capitoline Hill
location of the temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus, (the protector of Rome) final destination for the military parade, where the final sacrifice was made
Forum (Republic)
located inbetween the Palatine and Capitoline hill, original Republic square, meeting place of Romans
- - old dwelling of the Kings
- - house of pontifex maximus
house of vestals
where the vestal virgins lived
- square in front of the senate house
curia and comitium
- - a temple, aligned with the compass
- - need to ask permission of the Gods before making Senate descisions - need to perform this in a temple
platform for the speakers
- - two main courthouses on either side of the Forum
- - mainly used for trials
- - large hall for people to meet
Temple of Saturn
connected to the Senate house
Temple of Castor
closer to regia
Campus Martius/Field of Mars
- - plain outside of the city
- - dedicated to the God of war (Mars)
- - army is organized in the field of Mars
- - triumphful parade begins here
- - southern field = military activities
- - northern field = funeral
res pubblica
common thing, common wealth, the state was the most important thing
father of the family, master of the household, everyone and everything under him, absolute power
"powers" of the paterfamilias
- - only one that has citizenship
- - can kill any member of his familia
- - promote welfare of the familia
- - still has control over his children
patres conscripti
official name of Senators, fathers enlisted in Senate, rich people
god father, used by the clientes, term referred to the business-like paterfamilias
- - a group of families, a clan
- - tied together for economic reasons
- - each one had their own religious ceremonies due to a common ancestor
- - each voted under a single block
- - patronage
- - poorer people linked to wealthy men
- - ask for jobs and protection
- - become apart of the familia
- - worship ancestor of p.f., vote for what the p.f. says
Mos Maiorum
- - custom of our fathers, morality
- - respect for tradition
- - its a bad insult if you are not following the traditions of your family
class system
- - 2 classes
- - patrician v. plebeian
- - nobility v. everyone else
pontifex maximus
chief priest, paterfamilias of all the Romans, he must keep the Pax Deorum for all of the city
Pax Deorum
peace of the Gods
- - spirits, energy
- - the force within things
- - maintain good relationships with the spirits, keep them happy, perform rituals
- - romans were very supersitious
- - priestesess
- - serve the pontifex maximus
- - goddess of Vesta
- - the only Roman women to enjoy political rights
Temple of Vesta
- - located in the Forum
- - only circular temple
- - dedicated to the goddess of Vesta
- - contained an eternal flame
- - symbolizes the home of all Romans
Roman house, typical rich house
large entrance room, contained the impluvium
a tank/pool to collect rain water in the middle of the atrium
bedrooms located on both sides of the atrium
wings on both sides of the atrium
office of the paterfamilias
dining room, beyond the atrium, tri for three couches
- - extra garden, could display art there, for the rich
- - Greek/hellenistic influence
Roman Republic (509 bc)
- - elective oligarchy of wealthy landowners
- - small team of officials with different duties
- - no written constitution, freedom for change
- - familia is the basis of the early state
- - fake democray, power to the aristocrats
- - the power to command the chief magistrates of the Roman state inherited from the Kings
- - 3 magistrates have imperium: consul, praetor, dictator
- - power to consult with Gods, middleman between humans and Gods
victorious general for ONE DAY, the one who gets the triumphful military parade
- - symbol of imperium
- - bundle of rods tied around an axe
- - shows imperium holder has the power to punish
- - the name of the religious ceremony of asking permission of the Gods
- - must perform the ceremony before making decisions
religious boundary, city walls, magic line
peoples assemblies (legislative)
- the 1st and 2nd classes had 80% of the voting units, they always outnumbered the poor people
- "fake democracy"
Magistrates (executive)
- - any official in the Roman republic
- - the consul and preator have power over the army
- - dictator is only in power in an emergency, only 6 months
- - assembly of past magistrates
- - a senator for life
- - does not have any legal power
- - just give advice, they do not decide laws
- - two magistrates that take the census
- - they have the power to remove "bad" Senators for whatever reason
264-241 BC
- 1st punic war
- annexation of Sicily, Sardinia & Corsica
218-202 BC
- 2nd Punic war
- annexation of Spain
149 - 146 BC
- 3rd Punic war
- annexation of Africa
Hellenistic culture
new Greek culture, a mix of Egyptian, Persian and Indian
753 - 509 BC
Roman monarchy
509 - 27 BC
Roman Republic
107 BC
- - Marius' first consulship
- - allows proletarii to be in the military
104 - 100 BC
- - Marius is consul for 5 times
- - transformation of the Roman army
- - professional warriors in army, paid positions
103 BC
land was given to Marius' veterans
88-82 BC
86 BC
- - Civil war between Marius and Sulla
- - Marius dies in 86 BC
82 - 79 BC
- - Pompey defeats Marians in Sicily and Africa
- - Sulla dicatorship
- - traditional Senatorial consistution is established
- - proscriptions in Rome - accuse and kill your political opponents
67 - 62 BC
- - Pompey's military campaign in the East
- - defeats king Mithridates
- - clears pirates in the Med
61 BC
- - Pompey's acta opposed by Senate, his triumph
- - acta asks Senate for land to pay his soldiers
60 BC
- - First Triumvirate is formed
- - the political amicitia between Caesar, Crassus and Pompey
- - a secret alliance
59 BC
- - Caesar becomes consul
- - any opposition to his legislation is combatted with force
- - Pompey marries Julia
59 - 54 BC
Caesar has governorship of Southern Gaul
55 BC
- - second consulship of Pompey and Crassus
- - first stone theatre is built in campus martius