Utility Team Skills

  1. Describe the function of measuring instruments and demonstrate the correct use of each.
    Micrometer, Caliper (1/1000), measuring tape are the most commomly used. Calipers are commonly used to measure the inside/outside diameters of stock. Feeler Guage (spark plugs), Bore Guage (measure the bore distance and see how true the "bore" is. Fluke meter, voltohmeter, displacers,
  2. Briefly describe flow path of the RO unit and associated equipment.
    Water is first sent to the R/O unit via the Utility Seawater pumps 100psi, the Media (backwash) filters are where particulates and a large amount of salt are removed. Three sets of these filters will be online while the fourth set is being backwashed. The water is then routed through the bag filter and into the 2 stages of the cartridge filters. It is then sent to the Reverse Osmosis Pumps and discharge at pressures between 800-1000psi in order to push through the membranes. The unit is a series of spiral membranes that prohibit the passage of anything other than water. One skid has 2 membranes and the other has 3 for potable water. Some potable water then goes to the ultra-pure menbrane that is used for drinking water(coffee pots, icemakers, soda machine). The potable water is then injected with chlorine and zinc before it is routed to the Potable Water Tanks.
  3. Operate manual and motorized fire monitors to conduct inspections.
    Check for for pressure and position… also Check for leaks and corrosion.
  4. Identify and describe the function of the gauges and lights required to synchronize the generator.
    Start the generator. Turn on the synchroscope. Adjust the speed of turbine, K/W and Volts within 10 of each other (load balancing). While balancing the load make sure the synchroscop is only going in a clockwise direction very slowly (fast). At this point, trip the breaker (attaches to bus) to put the generator online. Turn the synch key off and monitor for awhile. Or you can simply push the Automatic Synchronize Initiate button.
  5. Select and install O-Rings
    Action (O-rings should fit snug but should not have to be stretched). They typically come in a rebuild kit, verify that you have the right kit. The O-rings used in a hydrocarbon (oil/water) and gas service are different materials. Typicall the O-ring used in a hydrocarbon apllication are softer and made out of buno (black color), while gas are harder and made out of uiton (dirty brownish/gray color).
  6. Identify and describe the function of specified parts in a hull elevator.
    Contains: Spare Part Box (flashlight), Light, Escape Hatch, Ladder, GaiTronics, Centrigifigal brake handle, and control Panel (Light switch, Emergency Stop, Alarm, and levels 1, 2, 3). If power is lost brake can be released manually and allow the elevator to descend. Brake keeps a preset speed. Brake generates heat and needs to be stopped for 1 minute for every 165ft of descent. Do not allow the elevator to descend past the landing or you will not be able to open the door and will have to proceed with the manual crank option, which is located on top of the elevator.
  7. Inspect the air compressor's automatic drain valve for obstructions and clear or replace the valve if necessary.
    Daily CLAIR…trip manually, be sure air comes out and resets after manual trip is released.
  8. Identify and evaluate an air compressor malfunction and perform an emergency shutdown when necessary.
    There are two places at the air compressor skid to perform an emergency shut down. You can either pull the esd or hit the emergency stop button.
  9. Replace a sheave (belt pulley)
    Locate proper replacement sheave, remove guard, remove remaining belts, remove cotter-pin, lock ring or nut fstener from shaft, remove sheave, ensure key is in place, install new sheave, replace nut, replace cotter-pin or lock ring on shaft, replace belts, replace guard.
  10. Change the fuel filter elements in the diesel fuel system
    Close Isolation valves to the filter pot you are going to work on. Drain the fliter pot that you isolated. Remove the lid and the filter. Place the filter on the weathering rack, let it drain. Put new filter into fiter pot. Secure the lid, close the drain, and put the filter pot back in service by opening the isolation valves.
  11. Identify pipes and their maximum working pressures in specified systems.
    P&ID's are the best source of information for this. You can also inspect the piping for a schedule rating, but it is probably a better idea to see what the flange is rated for. Beware of any spec breaks in the system. ANSI rating x 2.5
  12. Identify the causes of deterioration when you combine dissimilar metals in a fitting application
    When two electrochemically, dissimilar metals are placed in contact with each other they will begin to corrode. One metal is more positively charged and attempts to pass off its positive charge to the other metal. This causes the weaker of the two metals to corrode and very commonly fail when under pressure. This is the same theory when dealing with anode. Sacrificial anodes are made of a weaker material than whatever they are connected to, thus they will break down before the host material.
  13. Check and adjust the air vent on the Omnipure sewage system tanks.
    The air vent adjustment is located on the local control panel for the omnipure skid for the z-purge. The tanks air vent system can be adjusted by a regulator coming off the top of the tanks. You need to set this pressure to roughly -1 psi. Verify the tanks are the same pressure by utilizing the manometer located in front of the Tuff Gut.
  14. Inspect and clean the seawater strainer in the sewage system.
    Clean every 30 days. There are two y-strainers, one on the inlet of the utility seawater to the Omnipure skid located downstream of the FCV, and another one located above the book cell - also downstream of a FCV. The strainer helps remove any solids from the ocean such as shells, or debris.
  15. Identify the causes of malfunctions in the sewage system.
    To troubleshoot the Omnipure the data can be found in the vendor data book 62 section 7-1. Macerator can get plugged, when cleaning grids inspect the white plastic screws,; if the heads are missing this indicates the grids are shorting out and overheating, etc...
  16. Backflush the sewage system.
    The backflush procedure is located on the sewage system skid. Follow the procedure given for this. Ensure the sewage system is being bypassed by utililizing the line that feeds the chlorine tablets. Than continue with the procedure to backflush the grid and macerator with sea water.
  17. Clean the book cell on the sewage system and inspect the plates.
    You must isolate and de-energize the book cell following the procedure located on the sewage system skid. Rinse off the door to the plates before opening. Rinse off the plates (white scum material)/clean with acid/scrubrush. Replace cover. Put it back in service. *ensure no acid should enter Effulent tank v2, this will release chlorine gas. Also rinse all of the acid off the plates or this will release chlorine gas. *when cleaning grids inspect the white plastic screws,; if the heads are missing this indicates the grids are shorting out and overheating. Also look for cracks in grids.
  18. Adjust the air purge on the sewage system instrumentation box.
    This is referred to as the Z-purge on the omnipurge, Air supply is regulated by a 67fr which feeds into the instru box. There is a PSI adjustment with a bubble indicator, should be kept a 4psi. This will keep chlorine or hydrogen gases from accum in inst box and causing explosive atmosphere.
  19. Obtain a generator report.
    Daily report: Bearing oil pressure, Lube Oil DP, Lube oil temp, Oil pressure, PCD and Fuel pressure are taken from gauges in the room with the turbine. Sight glasses must be checked for adequate oil levels. “Spit sizzle” test must be preformed to ensure that the recycle/bypass valve is not stuck open. Spray the elbow with Windex. If it immediately boils away this tells you that it is open and should be checked by a mechanic. The other values are taken down on a clipboard in the main MCC at the ZAN 701-3 displays. You have to scroll through screens F1 – F8 to get the remaining values (pressures and temps). *Before entering enclosures check for Green light to ensure the FM-200 has not been discharged.
  20. Inspect and adjust valve stem packings.
    Two bolts on top of valve around stem…
  21. Replace the worn parts in an automatic drain valve on an air compressor.
    Follow valve Rebuild procedures in vendor data book. Kit #39225412
  22. Inspect the ground wire on equipment for proper grounding and repair the wire and connections if necessary.
    Ensure continuity; refer to question 2.16.8. If resistance reads high you may try cleaning and tightening the clamps on the ends of the wire. Replace wire if necessary.
  23. Operate a volt-ohmmeter to test the continuity of a ground wire and measure battery output.
    For ground refer to question 2.16.8 To check the voltage of a battery (DC voltage) place the meter on the V with a dashed line over it. Not the V with the sine wave; this is used for measuring AC. Touch the leads to the two terminals on the battery. If it is a digital meter, polarity does not matter, the meter will just read a negative voltage if you have them reversed.
  24. Recharge the accommodations' sprinkler system piping with fresh water following a test or leakdown.
    To recharge go to storage room next to womens restroom quarter level 1, switch it to freshwater, then go to each floor to the appropriate drain valves (one on each side of the quarter) and allow that floors system to flush. While flushing go to the South side of the platform where the sprinkling system is draining and verify that all of the rust colored water is flushed out to complete a good purge. After purge is complete put back in service with saltwater. LOP is hanging up in the storage.
  25. Perform the annual inspection of the hull column dehumidifiers.
    Check the air filters and check the oil on the motor.
  26. Inspect the turbine engine oil coolers and perform the necessary cleaning or maintenance.
    This question is referring to the ZAN 701,702, and 703 lube oil coolers. Nothing is really done on the FGC's and VRU lube oil coolers. In order to maintain these coolers you go to the top of the coolers and feel around for spots that are cool. If you feel a cool spot it is best to try a high pressure washer to clean off the piping to ensure maximum heat transfer is taking place. There is a temp guage at the inlet and outlet of the coolers, check these to ensure atleast a 50 degree difference is occuring.
  27. Synchronize generators.
    It is critical to get the generators both running on the same "wavelengths" to ensure the system does no get overloaded. This would fry or short the system.
  28. Operate SAP Blueprint to access and generate specific reports.
    Know how to do Cat2 (time entry), notifications, equip history
  29. Demonstrate knowledge of CO-890 Cold Start Air Compressor functions.
    The CO-890 is automatically started in the event that the electrical bus voltage is lost which is detected via the three breaker status indications in switch-gear-4000 (XS-701, 702, and 703) (loss of power). This compressor will also start automatically if the instrument air pressure drops to 110 PSI and will maintain instrument air pressure. Air Start, Diesel Driven. It has a heated block which enables it to start quickly. This can be started by utilizing the air pressur from the cold start ai receiver.
  30. Demonstrate knowledge of ZAN-705 EMERGENCY GENERATOR functions.
    The E-Gen is a 500 KW 3 phase generator, 480 volts, a Caterpillar Model 3412, 805 HP engine. When normal power stops the Emergency generator will come on if left in AUTO. Most of the loads on the normal bus are stopped by the PLC to prevent overloading the E-Gen on startup. It provides power for Emergency Lights, Compressor Post Lube Oil Pumps, Bilge Pumps, MCC Control Panel CP-1001 and 2002, Hull Elevators, Diesel Fuel Transfer pump PBE-2704, and Quarters Building Air Handler. It should load within 45 seconds. It can be started via battry supply to help bring the platform back online.
Card Set
Utility Team Skills
Utility Team Skills, NOP Assessment Skillout