characterisitcs of high quality info
- accurate
- complete
- relevant
- timely
effects from poor quality
- inability to accurately track customers
- inable to identify selling opps
- difficult tracking revenue to inaccurate voices
- difficult to build strong cuter relationshps
high quality info
change of making decisions
good decisions
directly impact organizations bottom line
data hiearchy
structure and organizatin of data (involves bits, character/bytes, fields, records, files, databases)
binary digit 0 or 1 data format of computer
group of relaed bits,
group of related bytes/characters rep on attitude(characteristic) about entity(subject)
group of related fields
- group of related records
- ex:benefits file, enlarge payroll file
collection of related files containing records on people
generalized category rep prson ,place, thing, ehich we store info
specific characteristics of each entity
relational database
organize data into two-dimensional tables with columns/rows
primary key-uniquely identify a given record in the table
foreign key-"lookup field" field in database allows users to find related info
establishing relationships
entity-relationship diagram
- RD
- 1.one to one
- 2.one to many
- 3. many to many
process streamling complex groups
referential integrity row
used by relational databases to ensure that relationships between couples tables remain consistent
Database Management System
- specific type of software for creating, storing, orgnazing, accessing data from a database
- LV- how end uses view data more than one logical view
- PV-data actually structured and orgnaized one physical view
Operations of Related DBMS
- Select- creates a subet of all records meeting stated criteria
- Join-combines relational tables present more info
- project- subset of consisting of columns into a table
data defintion capabilities
- stores definition of data elements and their characterisitcs
- 1.Name of data item, description , size, format, others
querying and reporting
- data manipulation language-used to add, delete, change, retrieve data from database
- SQL -structured query language
- Microsoft access query-building tools
- QBE- Query by Example-users manipulate a drag to drop GUI
- Report Generation-users can define report formats
- traditional programming- seperates the data from the operations or actions act on them
- object oriended programming and database-together in objects then manipulate the objects to create a program
Tools for analyzing , accessing vast quantites of data
- data warehousing
- multidemsional data analysis
- data mining
- utilizing web interfaces to db
- stores 3-10 years of historical data (logical collection of info-gathered from operational database)
- Data Mart- smaller version of dw
Business Intelligence
tools for consildating , analyzing , providing access to large amounts of data to improve decision making
Online Analytical/ processing OLAP
supports multidimensional data analyze , enabling users to view same data in different ways using multiple dimensions
data mining
- finds hidden patterns and relationships in large db
- to predict future behavior
- associations-ocurrencces linked to single events
- sequences-events linked over time
- classifications-patterns describing group
- clusters-discovery as yet unclassified groupings
- forecasting-users series of values to forecast future values
text mining
unstructured data allows business to extract key elemtns from discover patterns
Web Mining
patterns/info from web content, structure , usage mining
Firms use Web
make info from internal db available to customers /partners
Webs Interfaces
rebuilding /redesigning legacy systems
data- driven website
- retrieves data
- allows users to enter data
- interface to db
- improves access to updates to info
Info Policy
rules for organizing and managing
Data Admin
Data management as a resource
database admin
data design to management group responsible organizing content of db
ensuring data quality
- dq audit-survey accuracy and completeness of data
- data cleansing- detects/corrects
- poor dq-major obstacle to successful relationship management
- dq problems- errors