leg muscles

  1. sartorius
    • inn: femoral nerve
    • o: anterior superior iliac spine
    • ins: medial surface of tibia
    • f:
  2. rectus femoris
    • inn: femoral nerve
    • o: anterior inferior iliac spine
    • ins: patella and via patellar ligament to tibia
    • f: extension at knee, flexion at hip
  3. iliopsoas
    • inn: femoral nerve
    • o: transverse processes of L1-5, iliac fossa and iliac crest
    • ins: lesser trochanter of femur
    • f: flexion at hip
  4. vastus lateralis
    • inn: femoral nerve
    • o: linea aspera of femur, greater trochanter
    • ins: patella and via patellar ligament to tibia
    • f: extension at knee
  5. vastus medialis
    • inn: femoral nerve
    • o: linea aspera of femur
    • ins: patella and via patellar ligament to tibia
    • f: extension at knee
  6. vastus intermedius
    • inn: femoral nerve
    • o: anterior and lateral surface of femur
    • ins: patella and via patellar ligament to tibia
    • f: knee extension
  7. tensor fascia lata
    • inn: superior gluteal nerve
    • o: anterior superior iliac spine and iliac crest
    • ins: iliotibial tract (to lateral condyle of tibia)
    • f: abducts and flexes thigh on hip; can help keep knee extended
  8. iliotibial tract
    inn: femoral nerve
  9. gracilis
    • inn: obturator nerve
    • o: pubis near symphysis
    • ins: medial condyle of tibia
    • f: adducts thigh, flexes and medially rotates leg
  10. adductor longus
    • inn: obturator nerve
    • o: body of pubis
    • ins: linea aspera of femur
    • f: adducts and flexes thigh
  11. adductor brevis
    • inn: obturator nerve
    • o: body and inferior ramus of pubis
    • ins: linea aspera of femur
    • f: adducts and flexes thigh
  12. adductor magnus
    • inn: obturator nerve
    • o: inferior ramus of pubis
    • ins: linea aspera of femur
    • f: adducts and flexes thigh, can extend thigh depending on position
  13. gluteus maximus
    • inn: inferior gluteal nerve
    • o: external surface of ilium, sacrum, coccyx
    • ins: iliotibial tract, gluteal tuberosity of femur
    • f: extends, abducts, laterally rotates hip
  14. gluteus medius
    • inn: superior gluteal nerve
    • o: ilium and gluteal aponeurosis
    • ins: greater trochanter of femur
    • f: abducts and medially rotates femur
  15. gluteus minimus
    • inn: superior gluteal nerve
    • o: ilium below gluteus medius
    • ins: greater trochanter of femur
    • f: abducts and medially rotates femur
  16. tibialis anterior
    • inn: deep peroneal nerve
    • o: body and lateral condyle of tibia
    • ins: ventral foot
    • f: dorsiflexes and inverts foot
  17. extensor digitorum longus
    • inn: deep fibular nerve
    • o: lateral condyle of tibia, anterior surface of fibula
    • ins: superior surfaces of phalanges, toes 2-5
    • f: extension at joints of toes 2-5
  18. extensor hallucis longus
    • inn: deep fibular nerve
    • o: anterior surface of fibula
    • ins: superior surface, distal phalanx of great toe
    • f: extension at joints of great toe
  19. peroneus (fibularis) longus
    • inn: superficial fibular nerve
    • o: lateral condyle of tibia, head and proximal shaft of fibula
    • ins: base of first metatarsal bone and medial cuneiform bone
    • f: eversion of foot and plantar flexion
  20. peroneus (fibularis) brevis
    • inn: superficial fibial nerve
    • o: midlateral margin of fibula
    • ins: base of fifth metatarsal bone
    • f: eversion of foot and plantar flexion
  21. biceps femoris
    • inn: sciatic nerve; tibial portion and common fibular branch
    • o: ischial tuberosity and linea aspera of femur
    • ins: head of fibula, lateral condyle of tibia
    • f: flexion at knee; extension and lateral rotation at hip
  22. semimembranosus
    • inn: sciatic nerve (tibial portion)
    • o: ischial tuberosity
    • ins: medial condyle of tibia
    • f: flexion at knee; extension and medial rotation at hip
  23. semitendinosus
    • inn: sciatic nerve (tibial portion)
    • o: ischial tuberosity
    • ins: medial condyle of tibia
    • f: flexion at knee; extension and medial rotation at hip
  24. gastrocnemius
    • inn: tibial nerve
    • o: femoral condyles
    • ins: calcaneus via calcaneal (Achilles) tendon
    • f: plantar flexion; inversion of foot; flexion at knee
  25. soleus
    • inn: sciatic nerve, tibial branch
    • o: medial border of tibia, posterior surface of fibula
    • ins: calcaneus via calcaneal (Achilles) tendon
    • f: plantar flexion
  26. plantaris
    • inn: tibial nerve
    • o: lateral condyle of femur
    • ins: posterior surface of calcaneus
    • f: plantar flexion; extension at knee
  27. flexor digitorum longus
    • inn: sciatic nerve, tibial branch
    • o: posteromedial surface of tibia
    • ins: inferior surfaces of distal phalanges, toes 2-5
    • f: flexion at joints of toes 2-5
  28. flexor hallucis longus
    • inn: sciatic nerve, tibial branch
    • o: posterior surface of fibula
    • ins: inferior surface, distal phalanx of great toe
    • f: flexion at joints of great toe
Card Set
leg muscles
leg muscles