HWST Unit 3-4

  1. Tongan Society:
    The Gods:
    • A. Original Gods
    • B. Soul Gods
    • C. Mischievous Gods
    • D. Pulotu (Divine Paradise, Craft)
  2. 'Inasi Ceremony
    A. Purpose:
    • Gods continue to look favorably upon the Tongans.
    • Also watch over the sources of food.
  3. 1. The Gods continue to look favorably on the tongans.
    2. Also watch over the sources of food.
  4. 'Inasi Ceremony
    B. Key Food Offered?
    B. Yams (Kahokaho)
  5. 'Inasi Ceremony
    C. The time of year was the month of?
    C. October
  6. 'Inasi Ceremony
    D. Identify the key person and the origin of his position:
    D: Tu'i Tonga, descendent of the highest god in the pantheon of Tongatapu, Hikule'o
  7. Name the other Ceremony.
    The Harvest of Tautau
  8. What time of year was the Tautau?
    Dec. Solstice and March equinox
  9. What was the final rite of the tautau?
    Final Great Battle Royal
  10. What is the Kumulipo?
    A prayer
  11. Who are the original ancestors of the Hawaiian People?
    Deep darkness of the night and coral polyp
  12. The Kumulipo is divided into 2 large sections that contin a total of 16 wa. The first 8 wa exists entirely in Po(night) and the last 8 was are in the time of __ (Hawaiian Daylight)
  13. Descibe the proper relationship between people and creatures of the sea
    As those who live upon the land to guard and care for those who live in the sea.
  14. Who is La'ila'i? Gender? Status?
    Eldest Sister of four, first female born, and has the most mana. Prayed to as a goddes by the female Ali'i Nui.
  15. Our ______ define our identity.
  16. Hale O Ka Maluhia
    House of Peace
  17. Ka Heiau Kaua
    House for War God
  18. Luakini Po'o Kanaka
    Ku, only for the Ali'i Nui. Along the coast, interior of land, mountain sides. Sacrifice.
  19. Hale Ipu O Lono
    Inspire Rain, to make ready for land for Planting.
  20. Waihau Hale O Papa
    • Belonged to Pi'o and Ni'aupi'o.
    • Good of the women and the children born for the benefit of the land.
  21. The Ko'a brought life to the land through an abundance of what?
    • A. Ko'a Ku'ula
    • 1. Fish
    • 2. Birds
  22. What is the significance of the Pohaku O Kane?
    • Commemoration of Kane.
    • Offerings and Sacrifices to obtain forgiveness.
  23. Define Heiau
    Sacred to Gods.
  24. Who was Liholiho?
  25. Who was his father?
    Kamehameha I
  26. Who was his biological mother?
  27. What was his Hawaiian title?
  28. What did Liholiho do that officially ended the 'Aikapu?
    He sat down and ate with the Ali'i Nui.
  29. Defne 'Ainoa
    No eating restrictions.
  30. One politcical opponent was Kekuaokalani. Who was the other?
  31. Liholiho attempted to secure the power of ___ throught the 'Aha ritual but failed.
  32. The author says that Liholiho was torn between his ___ and aloha for his 'ohana.
  33. If Liholiho sided with Ka'ahumanu and her other female Ali'i Nui supporters who wanted 'Ainoa, what did he believe could happen to him?
    He would be killed.
  34. The name of the survey the missionaries circulated at the 11 mission stations in Hawai'i was called?
    Answers to Questions.
  35. The "percuilar argument" in the "survey" made the claim that if Hawaiians owned _______, they would become hardworking, give up their bad habits and the _________ would stop.
    • 'Aina
    • Decline
  36. Lilikala Kame'eleihiwa discusses American missionaries depiction of what is called Hawaiian "indolence". This word means:
  37. The author says that "indolence" is a sign of _________________ resulting from diseases, depopulation, excessive taxes; or _______ engendered by Christian kapu that condemned Hawaiian celebration of life for without the Akua Lono there may have been no reason to work toward a grand purpose as a whole community, for their hard work would no longer bring _______to 'aina.
    • Psychological malaise
    • Cultural Schizophrenia
    • Fertility
  38. The missionary support system called the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions was about to end all financial assistance to the missionaries stationed in Hawai'i as a result what did this cause the missionaries to start thinking about doing?
    Become buisnessman
  39. The one "obviously greedy Ali'i named __________ not only persisted in requesting more 'Aina but turns out that his persistence came to make up the bulk of today's ____________
    • Mataio Kekuanao'a
    • Kamehamea Schools Bishop Estate.
  40. The role of the land Ccommission was to divide up the _____
  41. 'Aina was thought to be divided into equal thirds between: ________ _________ and maka'ainana.
    • Government,
    • Ali'i
  42. An idea was to import white foreigners to teach Natives how to _____________ and develop the __________ resources of the country.
    • Farm
    • Agricultural
  43. Who was for this idea?
    R. C. Wyllie
  44. Who was against it?
    G.P Judd
  45. Why was Judd against it?
    Lose control of Hawaiian kingdom and was afraid it would overwhelm the native population.
  46. Nearly 4 decades later, American and Micronesian negotiators agreed to a complex legal document called ___________ defining economic aid and foreign affairs.
    Free Association.
  47. What was the French policy to nuclear involvement in the Pacific?
    • A. Decision to have an independant nuclear deterrent.
    • B. Decision to remain a middle ranked global military power.
  48. Where was france testing prior to the Pacific?
  49. Why did France stop testing there?
    Algerian Independence
  50. What does "la bombe" represent to France?
    Nationalism, Country's passport to independence.
  51. What are the 5 pacific countries opposed to the South Pacific Nuclear Free Zone Treaty?
    • 1.Vanuatu
    • 2. Nauru
    • 3. Papau New Geuine
    • 4. Tonga
    • 5. Solomon Islands
  52. Why did they oppose the treaty?
    Constitutional processes had to be observed.
  53. Polynesian tatau in New Zealand with a focus on its significance in the __________ community.
  54. The art of tatau is said to have come to Samoa from _________
  55. A samoan expert in tatau is called a
  56. The pe'a refers to the fruit eating bat known as the _______________
    Flying Fox
  57. The motifs and designs reflect elements of the ____________, as well as family history, accomplisment, and responsibilities of the person who wears them.
    natural environment
  58. The pe'a is worn by __________ and is a set of markings made from the ______________ to the ___________.
    Men, waist down, knee.
  59. The malu is worn by _________ and appears on the legs from the _________ to the top of the thigh.
    women, knee
  60. The most popular form of tatau for the present generation is the taulima which is the ___________
    arm band.
  61. The taulima is usually worn on the top half of the ____ around the bicep muscle.
  62. One attraction of the taulima is that it doesnt carry the same ________ in terms of the process involved in receiving the pe'a and malu or the ________ responsibilities or condition of service that these more prestigious forms mediate.
    commitment, cultural
  63. The appropriation of Samoan tatau imagery by ____________ artists is another issue related to the cross-cultural exchange of the tatau.
  64. What is Hula's predicament?
    Commercially profitable and culturally correct.
  65. What is the result of this predicament?
    Hula is now commodity.
  66. What is the purpose of hula?
    Confers distinction upon Ali'i Child
  67. What is the function of hula?
    Carrier of life messages and component of Hawaiian identity
  68. How were practitioners treated in ancient times?
    Honored and trained.
  69. When did suppression of hula begin?
  70. How did American Calvinist missionaries see the hula?
    Works of the devil
  71. Where does hula go?
    cloud of secrecy.
  72. Name the 3 Ali'i nui who became kings that resisted hula's suppression.
    David Kalakau, Kamehameha 4 and 5
  73. What does transmogrify mean in a general sense?
    To change or alter
  74. How is it used in this article?
    The little brown girl became the image of hula and Hawaii.
  75. Name 3 contributing factors to the gradual transmorgification of hula.
    Overthrow, Little Brown gal, Sell Hawaii.
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HWST Unit 3-4
Exam 2