Introduction to Business Practice Chapter 8

  1. HRM - human resources management
    Set of organizational activities directed at attracting, developing, and maintaining an effective workforce
  2. Job analysis
    A detailed study of the specific duties in a particular job and the human qualities required for that job
  3. Job description The objectives, responsibilities, and key task of a job; the conditions under which it will be don; its relationship to other positions; and the skills needed to perform it
  4. Job specification
    The specific skills, education, and experience needed to perform a job
  5. Replacement chart
    An HR technique that list each important managerial position, who occupies it, how long he or she will probably stay in it before moving on, and who (by name) is now qualified or soon will be qualified to move into it.
  6. Employee information system (skills inventories)
    Computerized systems that contain information on each employee's education, skills, work experience, and career aspirations

    • Recruiting
    • The phase in the staffing of a company in which the firm seeks to develop a pools of interested, qualified applicants for a position
  7. Internal recruiting
    Considering present employees as candidates for job openings
  8. External recruiting
    Attracting people outside the organization to apply for jobs
  9. Validation
    The process of determining the predictive value of information
  10. Assessment centre
    A series of exercises in which management candidates perform realistic management tasks while being observed by appraisers
  11. Video assessment
    Involves showing potential hires videos of realistic work situations and asking them to chose a course of action to deal with the situation
  12. On-the-job training
    Those development programs in which employees gain new skills while performing them at work
  13. Job rotation
    A technique in which an employee learn new skills at a location way form the normal work site
  14. Vestibule training
    A work simulation in which the job is performed under conditions closely simulating the actual work environment
  15. Management development programs
    Development programs in which manager's conceptual, analytical, and problem-solving skills and enhanced
  16. Networking
    Informal interactions among managers, both inside and outside the office, for the purpose of discussing mutual problems, solutions, and opportunities
  17. Mentoring
    Having a more experienced manager sponsor and teach a less experienced manager
  18. Performance appraisals
    A formal program for evaluating how well an employee is performing the job; helps managers to determine how effective hey are in recruiting and selecting employees
  19. 360-degress feedback
    Gathering information from a manager's subordinates, peers, and superiors when assessing the manager's performance
  20. Simple ranking method
    A method of performance appraisal that requires a manager to rank-order from top to bottom or from best to worst each member of a particular work group or department
  21. Forced distribution method
    A method of performance appraisal that involves grouping employees into predefined frequencies of performance ratings
  22. Graphic rating scale
    A statement or question about some aspect of an individual 's job performance for which the rater must select the response that fits best
  23. Critical incident method
    A technique of performance appraisal in which raters recall examples of especially good or poor performance by an employee and then describe what the employee did (or did not do) that led to success or failure
  24. Compensation
    What a firm offers its employees in return for their labour
  25. Wages
    Dollars paid based on the number of hours worked
  26. Salary
    Dollars paid at regular intervals in return for doing a job, regardless of the amount of time or output involved
  27. Pay surveys
    A survey of compensation paid to employees by other employers in a particular geographic area, an industry, or an occupational group
  28. Job evaluation
    A method for determining the relative value or worth of a job to the organization so that individuals who perform it can e appropriately compensated
  29. Incentive programs
    Special compensation programs designed to motivate high performance
  30. Piece-rate incentive plan
    A compensation system in which an organization pays an employee a certain amount of money for every unit produced
  31. Bonus
    Individual performance incentive in the form of a special payment made over and above the employee's salary
  32. Pay for performance (variable pay)
    Individual incentive that rewards a manager for especially productive output
  33. Profit-sharing plans
    An incentive program in which employees receive a bonus depending on the firm's profits
  34. Gainsharing plans
    An incentive program in which employees receive a bonus in the firm's costs are reduced because of greater worker efficiency and/or productivity
  35. Pay-for-knowledge plans
    Incentive plan to encourage employees to learn new skills or become proficient at different jobs
  36. Wellness programs
    A program that concentrates on preventing illness in employees rather than simply paying their expenses when they become sick
  37. Cafeteria-style benefit plans
    A flexible approach to providing benefits in which employees are allocated a certain sum to cover benefits and can "spend" this allocation on the specific benefits they prefer
  38. Equal employment opportunity regulation
    Regulations to protect people from unfair or inappropriate discrimination in the workplace
  39. Bona fide occupational requirement
    When an employer may choose one applicant over another based on overriding characteristics of the job
  40. Comparable worth
    A legal idea that aims to pay equal wages for work of equal value
  41. Quid pro quo harassment
    Form of sexual harassment in which sexual favours are requested in return for job-related benefits
  42. Hostile work environment
    Form of sexual harassment deriving form off-colour jokes, lewd comments, and so forth
  43. RSIs -Repetitive strain injuries
    Injuries that occur when workers perform the same functions over and over again
  44. Workforce diversity
    The range of workers' attitudes, values, beliefs, and behaviours that differ by gender, race, age, ethnicity, physical ability, and other relevant characteristics.
  45. Knowledge workers
    Workers who are experts in specific fields like computing technology and engineering, and who add value because of what they know, rather than how long the y have worked of the job they do
  46. Collective bargaining
    The process through which union leaders and management personnel negotiate common terms and conditions of employment for those workers represented by the union
  47. COLA - cost of living adjustment
    A contract clause specifying that wages will increase automatically with the rate of inflation
  48. Wage reopener clause
    A contract clause that allows ware rates to be renegotiated at preset times during the life of the contract
  49. Picketing
    A tactic of labour unions In which members march at the entrance to the company with signs explaining their reasons for striking
  50. Lockout
    A tactic of management in which the firm physically denies employees access to the workplace to pressure workers to agree to the company's latest contract offer
  51. Strikebreaker
    An individual hired by a firm to replace a worker on strike; a tactic of management in disputes with labour unions
  52. Employer's associations
    A group of companies that get together to plan strategies and exchange information about how to manager their relation with unions
  53. Decertification
    The process by which employees terminate their union's right to represent them
  54. Mediation
    A method of settling a contract dispute in which a neutral party is asked to hear arguments fro both the union and management and offer a suggested resolution
  55. Voluntary arbitration
    A method of settling a contract dispute in which the union and management ask a neutral third party to hear their arguments and issue a binding resolution
  56. Compulsory arbitration
    A method of settling a contract dispute in which the union and management are forced to explain their positions to a neutral third party who issues a binding resolution
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Introduction to Business Practice Chapter 8
Introduction to Business Practice Chapter 8