26 flash card test

  1. Fundamental document of the French Revolution; asserted that individual and collective rights of the French people were universal and irrevocable
    Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen
  2. Olympe de Gouge’s 1791 manifesto calling for full political equality for French women
    Declaration of the Rights of Woman and the Female Citizen
  3. The French colony on Hispaniola; became second independent republic in the Western Hemisphere: Haiti (“Land of Mountains”)
  4. An 18th-century European intellectual movement based on rational, scientific, and secular critiques of traditional social, political, and religious institutions
  5. The belief that legitimate political authority resides not in elites but in the people who make up a society
    Popular Sovereignty
  6. Author of Second Treatise of Civil Government (1690): citizens retain personal rights to life, liberty, and property; rulers derive authority from the consent of the governed
    John Locke
  7. French philosophe who staunchly opposed religious intolerance and royal censorship
  8. Author of The Social Contract (1762): anticipating radical ideas of the French Revolution, he associated sovereignty with “the general will”
    Jean-Jacques Rousseau
  9. North American phase of the Seven Years’ War (1756 – 1763), a global conflict between Great Britain and France, resulting in British control of Canada and India
    French and Indian War
  10. Assembly of delegates formed by rebellious American colonists (1774 – 1789); created an army and coordinated revolution against British authority and postwar independence of the United States
    Continental Congress
  11. Diplomatic conclusion to the American Revolution (1783); British recognition of the independent United States
    Peace of paris
  12. French monarch who inherited crippling debt from his predecessor, forcing him to convene the Estates General in an attempt to raise new taxes
    King Louis XVI
  13. Legislature formed by the French third estate (commoners) in 1789; created a constitution to limit royal and ecclesiastical authority
    National Assembly
  14. Royal jail and arsenal in Paris; attacked by revolutionary forces (14 July 1789)
  15. Royal jail and arsenal in Paris; attacked by revolutionary forces (14 July 1789)
    Ancien regime
  16. Radical assembly that directed the French Revolution from 1792 to 1795; it abolished the monarchy and adopted the revolutionary calendar (Year 1 of the Republic = 1792)
  17. Jacobin leader of the Committee of Public Safety; presided over and fell victim to the “reign of terror” (1793 – 1794)
    Maximilien Robespierre
  18. Final phase of French revolutionary government (1795 – 1799); conservative reaction to the “reign of terror”; overthrown by Napoleon
  19. French revolutionary general whose coup d’état (1799) established him as First Consul and, later, Emperor of the French (1804 – 1814)
    Napoleon Bonaparte
  20. First modern codification of French law, presided over by Napoleon (1804 – 1810)
    Civil code
  21. Favoritism or patronage granted to family members, without regard to their merit; Napoleon’s system for appointing rulers over his conquered states
  22. Period between Napoleon’s escape from exile in Elba and his final defeat and abdication (March – June 1815)
    Hundred days
  23. Napoleon’s final defeat in battle; British and Prussian forces routed the outnumbered French army in Belgium (18 June 1815)
  24. Remote British island in South Atlantic Ocean; site of Napoleon’s final exile and death
    St. Helena
  25. The only successful slave revolt in world history (1791 – 1804); created the first republic governed by people of African ancestry
    Haitian revolution
  26. Free “people of color” in Saint-Domingue who initiated revolutionary conflict with the grand blancs,rich white plantation owners
    Gens de Couleur
  27. Voudou priest who organized the slave revolt in Saint-Domingue (1791)
  28. Former slave and brilliant revolutionary general who gained control of Saint-Domingue (1797) and issued a constitution (1801) granting equality for all residents of the French colony
  29. Latin American colonial elites who were born in Portugal or Spain (the Iberian Peninsula)
  30. Individuals born in the American colonies of Portuguese or Spanish ancestry
  31. Mexican priest who rallied indigenous peoples and mestizos against colonial rule (1810); captured and executed by creole elites
    Miguel de hidalgo
  32. Creole general (“EL Libertador”) inspired by George Washington; fought Spanish colonial rulers from 1810 until 1825; liberated Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia
    Simon Bolivar
  33. A coherent vision of human nature and society that proposes a particular form of political and social organization as ideal
  34. The belief that social change, if necessary at all, must be undertaken gradually and with respect for tradition
  35. British political philosopher whose conservatism led him to approve the American and condemn the French revolutions
    Edmund Burke
  36. The belief that change should not be stifled but rather managed in the best interest of society
  37. The belief that change should not be stifled but rather managed in the best interest of society
    John Stuart Mill
  38. English philanthropist and MP who struggled against slavery and whose parliamentary bill in 1807 ended the British slave trade
    William Wilberforce
  39. Author of A Vindication of the Rights of Women (1792) and champion of women’s right to education
    Mary Wollstonecraft
  40. American feminist and advocate of women’s suffrage (1815 – 1902)
    Elizabeth Cady Stanton
  41. “…Seeks to establish a home for the Jewish people in Palestine.” (Herzl, 1897)
  42. British, Austrian, Prussian, and Russian diplomats met (1814 – 1815) to impose a conservative, prerevolutionary order on Europe, based on balance of power
    Congress of Vienna
  43. Austrian foreign minister who orchestrated negotiations at the Congress of Vienna
    Klemens von Metternich
  44. Prussian prime minister whose Realpolitik forged the Second Reich of united Germany (1871)
    Otto von Bismarck
Card Set
26 flash card test
Vocab test