immunology 5

  1. Ataxia telangiectasia
    An autosomal recessive disorder characterized by cerebellar ataxia, "spider web" dilated capillaries, and sinus or lung infections associated with immunodeficiency
  2. Autoimmune deficiency syndrome
    The end stages of infection with either HIV-1 or HIV-2, with its associated symptoms, infections, and high mortality rate
  3. adenosine deaminase
    an enzyme in the pathway of purine (DNA/RNA) salvage, which, if deficient, can cause SCID
  4. Bruton's agammaglobulinemia
    A B cell disorder that results in the lack of mature B cells, and thus, none of the classes of immunoglobulins that they produce.
  5. CD3 deficiency
    Immunodeficiency caused by the inability to express CD3 proteins on the surface of lympocytes
  6. Chediak-Higashi syndrome
    A disease characterized by defective lysosomes in PMNs, resulting in giant granules and lack of effective phagocytic function
  7. Chronic Granulomatous Disease
    Immunodeficiency caused by a mutation in the genes that encode for NADPH oxidase, which is critical for PMN function
  8. Common Variable Immunodeficiency
    The category of immunodeficiencies that result in the decrease in the amount of one or more (but not all) immunoglobulin classes
  9. DiGeorge syndrome
    A deletion on chromosome 22 which results in developmental problems with the thymus, heart, and parathyroid
  10. gp120
    One of the protein antigens expressed on the surface of an HIV-1 virus
  11. gp160
    One of the protein antigens expressed on the surface of an HIV-1 virus
  12. gp41
    One of the protein antigens expressed on the surface of an HIV-1 virus
  13. Highly active anti-retroviral therapy
    The combination chemotherapy, consisting of RT inhibitors and viral protease inhibitors
  14. Human Immunodeficiency Virus II
    HIV that is predominantly found in the developing world, but can also lead to AIDS, and must be tested for separately if suspected
  15. Human immunodeficiency virus I
    The most prevelant HIV virus in the US, and one of the causes of AIDS
  16. Leukocyte Adhesion Deficiency
    A genetic defect that results in lack of expression of the CD18 marker, and the inability to adhere to other cells, as well as recurrent infections
  17. Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria
    An abnormal condition in which RBC are sensitized (and lysed) by activation of the complement pathway, which tends to occur at night (lower oxygen tension). It is an inherited deficiency in the complement system (DAF).
  18. p24
    One of the protein antigens expressed on the surface of an HIV-1 virus
  19. primary immunodeficiency
    immunodeficiency caused by intrinsic defects in the cells of the immune system, often the result of inherited genetic defects
  20. reticular dysgenesis
    A form of SCID which results from a defect in stem cells, and results in very low levels of both lymphocytes and granulocytes
  21. reverse transcriptase
    An enzyme found in retroviruses (and not in cells) that will synthesize complementary DNA (cDNA) from an RNA template
  22. secondary immunodeficiency
    immune deficiencies that result from environmental factors, such as HIV infection, radiation, burns or chemotheapy
  23. severe combined immunodeficiency
    A group of genetic disorders of the immune system that affect both B and T cells
  24. signal transduction (second messenger)
    The process that occurs when a hormone binds to a receptor on the surface of a cell, and thereby sends a signal to the nucleus of that cell, without the hormone entering the cell
  25. Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome
    A rare X-linked recessive immunodeficiency associated with decreased platelets and recurrent infections similar to those in other immunodeficiencies (primary and secondary)
  26. X-inactivation
    The inactivation of one (of two) sets of X chromosome genes in females, which explains their ability to recognize signals of the IL2-R receptor (which males who have defects in this receptor cannot do)
  27. X-linked hyper-IgM
    A defect in class switching (failure to switch to IgG or others) that results in compensatory increases in IgM, but low IgG, IgA and IgE levels in the blood
  28. X-linked mutation
    A mutation in a gene on the X-chromosome, which affects primarily males (since females have two X chromosomes)
Card Set
immunology 5
Immunology Disorders