CogPsy Ch 6 Vocabulary

  1. accessibility
    the degree to which we can gain access to the available information
  2. autobiographical memory
    refers to memory of an individual''s history
  3. availability
    the presence of information stored in long-term memory
  4. consolidation
    the process of integrating new information into stored information
  5. constructive
    prior experience affects how we recall things and what we actually recall from memory
  6. decay
    occurs when simply the passage of time causes an individual to forget
  7. decay theory
    asserts that information is forgotten because of the gradual disappearance, rather than displacement, of the memory trace
  8. distributed practice
    learning in which various sessions are spaced over time
  9. encoding
    refers to how you transform a physical, sensory input into a kind of representation that can be placed into memory
  10. encoding specificity
    what is recalled depends on what is encoded
  11. flashbulb memory
    a memory of an event so powerful that the person remembers the event as vividly as if it were indelibly preserved on film
  12. interference
    occurs when competing information causes an individual to forget something
  13. interference theory
    refers to the view that forgetting occurs because recall of certain words interferes with recall of other words
  14. massed practice
    learning in which sessions are crammed together in a very short space of time
  15. metacognition
    our understanding and control of our cognition; our ability to think about and control our own processes of thought and ways of enhancing our thinking
  16. metamemory
    strategies involve reflecting on our own memory processes with a view to improving our memory
  17. mnemonic devices
    specific techniques to help you memorize lists of words
  18. primacy effect
    refers to superior recall of words at and near the beginning of a list
  19. proactive interference
    occurs when the interfering material occurs before, rather than after, learning of the to-be-remembered material
  20. recency effect
    refers to superior recall of words at and near the end of a list
  21. reconstructive
    involving the use of various strategies (e.g., searching for cues, drawing inferences) for retrieving the original memory traces of our experiences and then rebuilding the original experiences as a basis for retrieval
  22. rehearsal
    the repeated recitation of an item
  23. retrieval (memory)
    refers to how you gain access to information stored in memory
  24. retroactive interference
    caused by activity occurring after we learn something but before we are asked to recall that thing; also called retroactive inhibition
  25. storage (memory)
    refers to how you retain encoded information in memory
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CogPsy Ch 6 Vocabulary
Memory Processes