RDG midterm

  1. What are the three purposes of writing?
    • 1. children learn how to write
    • 2. children learn about written language- purpose, audience and form
    • 3. children learn through writing- writing gives you an opportunity to think about your thinking
  2. stages of the writing process?
    • 1. prewriting- choose a topic, consider purpose, audience and genre, generate and organize ideas for writing
    • 2. drafting- write a rough draft and write leads
    • 3. revising- reread the rough draft, share rough draft with writing group, revise on basis of feedback received from writing group
    • 4. editing- get distance from composition, proofread to locate errors, correct errors
  3. What are the 6 writing genres?
    • 1. narrative
    • 2. expository/informational
    • 3. poetry
    • 4. persuasive
    • 5. journals and letters
    • 6. descriptive
  4. What happens during conferencing in a writing group?
    • * writer reads
    • * listeners offer compliments
    • * writer asks questions
    • *listeners offer suggestions
    • * repeat the process
    • *writer plans for revision
  5. Modeled Writing
    teacher writes in front of students, creating the text, doing the writing and thinking aloud about writing strategies and skills
  6. Shared writing
    Teacher and students create the text together, then the the teacher does the actual writing. Children may assist by spelling words.
  7. Interactive writing
    teacher and student create the text together and share the pen to do the writing, teacher and children talk about writing conventions
  8. Guided writing
    Teacher presents a structured lesson and supervises as children write. Teacher also teaches a writing procedure, strategy or skill
  9. Independent writing
    Student use the writing process to write stories, informational books and other compositions. teacher monitors children's progress.
  10. Components of writer's workshop
    • Writing- sufficient time for independent writing
    • Sharing- students conference with peers and teacher to receive feedback
    • minilessons- teachers provide short lessons on the craft of writing
    • reading aloud- quality literature is chosen to model good writing
    • maxilesson- can be taught large or small group and longer lessons about writing are discussed
    • status of the class
    • conferencing
    • checklists
  11. The six traits
    • 1. ideas
    • 2. organization
    • 3. voice
    • 4. word choice
    • 5. sentence fluency
    • 6. conventions
  12. Types of journals
    • -personal journals
    • -dialogue journals
    • -reading logs
    • -learning logs
    • -double entry journals
    • -simulated journals
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RDG midterm
Studying for the RDG midterm!