central nervous system

  1. Q. The medulla oblongata, pons
    and midbrain are all components of the:
    A. Brainstem
  2. Q. Which area of the brain
    is responsible for involuntary respiratory regulation?
    A. Medulla oblongata
  3. Q. Pathological changes in the hypothalamus would not directly
    A. Motor coordination
  4. Q. The area of the brain involved in motor coordination is the:
    A. Cerebellum
  5. Q. A characteristic of a drug that could enable it to pass easily
    through the blood–brain barrier would be:
    A. High lipid solubility
  6. Q. With regards to the action potential:
    A. During depolarisation sodium flows into the cell viavoltage-gated channels
  7. Q. Systems for removal of a transmitter from the synapse do not
    A. Absorption into the receptor
  8. Q. Which type of neurotransmitter is involved in cognition, memory
    consciousness and motor control?
    A. Acetylcholine
  9. Q. Which of the following statements is correct in relation to
    theories of neurotransmitter imbalances and disease states?
    A. In schizophrenia there is an excess of DA
  10. Q. The symptoms of dementia could potentially be alleviated by
    drugs that:
    A. Increase levels of Ach
  11. Q. A characteristic of stage 3 anaesthesia is:
    A. Paralysis of intercostal muscles and loss of reflexes
  12. Q. Which is the current best theory of the mechanism of action of
    general anaesthetics?
    A. Modulation of activity of transmitter-gated ion channels
  13. Q. An optimal anaesthetic agent will have:
    A. Low blood and tissue solubility
  14. Q. What occurs in a situation of ‘balanced anaesthesia’?
    A. The anaesthesia is undertaken using a combination of drugs
  15. Q. The interaction between general anaesthetics and drugs such as
    opioids and alcohol could lead to:
    A. Potentiation of CNS depression
  16. Q. An example of an inhalational anaesthetic is:
    A. Sevoflurane
  17. Q. The mechanism of action of local anaesthetics is to:
    A. Block voltage-gated sodium ion channels
  18. Q. An adverse effect of administration of a local anaesthetic
    containing adrenaline is:
    A. Necrosis.
  19. Q. The uncharged amine form of local anaesthetics is:
    A. Lipid soluble and can enter cells
  20. Q. Which technique for local anaesthesia used in obstetric procedures
    and foot and hand surgery involves injecting the anaesthetic near the nerve
    trunk to the affected area?
    A. Nerve block
Card Set
central nervous system
CNS & anasthetics