der Mann (der: masculine)
the man
die Frau (die: feminine)
the woman
das Kind (das: neuter)
the child
der Erfinder
the inventor
Masculine: nouns which end in -er which have been formed from verbs
Feminine: nouns ending in -ei, -ie, -heit, -keit, -ik, -schaft, -tat, -tion, -ung
nouns which end in -in
many (but not all) nouns which end in -3
die Freundlichkeit
die Freundschaft
- (i) nouns which end in -chen or -lein
- (ii) nouns which have been formed directly from vertbs
- (iii) nouns which end in -ium, -tum, -ment, and -sel
das Fraulein
the little woman
das Hauschen
the little house
das Bruderlein
the littler brother
das Christentum
das Abonnement
Abend (evening) + Land (country)
Abendland (occident)
Morgen (morning) + Land (country)
Morgenland (orient)
Eier (eggs) + Auflauf (riot, running amuck)
Eierauflauf (souffle)
sauer (sour) + Stoff (material)
Sauerstoff (oxygen)
Gender of compound name will be determined by its final component
Plurals of German nouns are indicated by the use of definite article die (the) plus on of the following ending
- (a) -e
- (b) -er
- (c) -(e)n
- (d) a few nouns of "foreign" origin form their plurals by adding an -s ending
- (e) there are some nouns which have no plural ending
der Student
der Studenten
Nouns ending in -chen are always neuter
Nouns ending in either -er or -en are generally either neuter or masculine
A noun ending in -l, -e, -r or -n could be either singular or plural
A noun ending with any other letter (except occasionally, -s) will always be singular
ich (I)--is never capitalized
du (you)--informal
er (he), es (it)
sie (she)
- wir (wie)
- ihr (you) --informal
- sie (they)
- Sie (you)--only german pronoun capitalized regularly
sie (she), sie (they), and Sie (you)
when Sie is capitalized in mid-sentence it will always be translated as "you"
one german verb form expresses all three forms of english present--
present (I sing), the progressive (I am singing), the emphatic (I do sing)
Three most crucial verbs
- sein (to be)
- haben (to have)
- werden (to become, to grow)
ich bin
du bist
er, es ist
wir sind
ihr seid
ich habe
du hast
er, es hat
- wir haben
- ihr habt
- sie haben
- Sie haben
ich werde
du wirst
er, es wird
- wir werden
- ihr wedet
- sie werden
- Sie werden
ich weiB
du weiBt
sie weiB
- wir wissen
- ihr wiBt
- sie wissen
- Sie wissen
when not used as a verb, weiB means white