Fluid & elecrtolytes(prt 150+)

  1. If a patient has low albumans then you should assess for what?
    If a patient has low _____ then you should assess for edema?
  2. The average adult needs how much fluid a day?
    The average adult needs 2600 ml of _____ a day.
  3. 1 leter of fluid weighs how much?
    _____ leter of fluid weighs 2.2 lbs.
  4. What type of solution is the most irritating to the veins?
    Hypertonic solutions are the most irritating to the veins?
  5. Discribe the tonicity of D5W.
    ______ is isotonic in the bag, but changes to hypotonic in the body.
  6. What effect will excess D5W have on a pateint?
    Excess _____ will cause water intoxification because it turns hypotonic in the body.
  7. What are some signs of water intoxification brought on by too much D5W?
    A change in LOC, headache. If severe patient will be confused.

    These are signs of what in a patient?
  8. ADH causes the body to do what with water?
    _____ causes the body to hold on to water?
  9. What is SIADH?
    It's syndrome of inapproptiate antidiuretic hormone. It happens with pituitary glad & cancer. Too much ADH is secreted.
  10. What can SIADH cause?
    It causes a patient to hold on to water which decreases the osmolality of body fluids. This can cause hyponatrimia.
  11. What can be given to patients with hyperkalemia ( too much potassium) to help get rid of it.
    Kexelate ( think K+ + exlax) it gets rid of potassium through the GI tract.
  12. This can be used to force K+ from the ECF to the ICF to treat Hyperkalemia.
    Insulin can be given, but glucose should also be given to prevent hypoglycemia.

    This is a treatment for what electrolyte imbalance?
  13. What should you remember when it comes to giving KCL to patients with hypokalemia?
    Never give IV push. The rate of infusion should never exceed 10-20 mEq/hr to prevent hyperkalemia and cardiac arrest.
  14. Which IV fluids are isotonic?
    D5W, Normal Saline(NS), and Lactated Ringer's are all what kind of IV fluid?
  15. Name some hypertonic IV solutions
    D5 1/2 NS, and D10W are what kind of IV solutions?
  16. What do plasma expanders do?
    They pull fluid into intravascular from interstitium.
  17. Name some colloid plasms expanders. (3)
    Packed RBC's, Albumin, and Plasma are all what?
Card Set
Fluid & elecrtolytes(prt 150+)
Fluid % electrolytes for nursing II